Newton Scooter Project Due Febuary 27 (In class work day, Feb. 26)


To design and construct a vehicle that is powered ONLY through Newton’s third law of motion. You have learned how Newton’s three laws of motion govern the relationship of forces and motion. You will use Newton’s Third law to build a scooter.

Requirements and limitations: 100 points for design and construction

1.  Your vehicle must use Newton’s third law of motion to move forward; it must move forward by pushing backward on the floor, the air, or some other object.

2.  You must build your vehicle from scrap materials. Don’t use a ready-made vehicle.

3.  Your vehicle must travel forward 2 meters and completely cross the finish line. The path of your vehicle should stay within a width of 1 meter.

4.  You are not allowed to interfere with the movement of your vehicle. You cannot give your vehicle a push as you launch it, and you cannot help it in any way as it travels from the starting line to the finish line.

5.  You cannot use any form of electricity or the pull of gravity to move your vehicle. This means that you cannot use a downhill ramp to get your vehicle started.

6.  You may use a “track” such as a toy car track or a string running from the starting line to the finish line to guide your vehicle. Not only will this help reduce friction, but it may also help you to keep your vehicle within the boundaries.

7.  Your vehicle does not have to move along the ground. If your vehicle moves through the air, you could use a string stretched between two chairs as a“track” to guide your vehicle.

Write up requirements 100 points

1.  Must be typed and is due the day of your presentation

2.  Title ( must apply to your project)

3.  Hypothesis should correspond with the purpose of the project

4.  Materials list everything that you used to build your scooter.

5.  Procedure Write out the steps of your procedure carefully. Someone else should be able to follow your procedures and recreate your scooter.

6.  Detailed diagram of your scooter with labels and arrows showing the direction of all of the forces.

7.  Questions Include answers to the following questions in your write up. Re type the question and answer the question thoroughly in complete sentences

a.  Did your vehicle move forward by pushing back on something? Explain your answer.

b.  Was your vehicle powered by Newton’s third law of motion and not by gravity or electricity? Explain your answer.

c.  Does you vehicle travel at least 2 meters? Why or Why not? (I should see words like mass, acceleration, inertia, and force in this explanation.)

8.  Conclusion This should connect with your hypothesis. Your conclusion should explain how your hypothesis was or was not correct.


The day following the presentations we will have a race to see whose scooter is the fastest? We will have a bracket for each class. The winners for each class will then compete against the winners from the other classes. Winners from each class will receive a 20 point bonus. The winner for all classes combined will receive a 50 point bonus. Good luck, be creative and have fun!

Newton Scooter Project Name______period______

Design and Construction

1.  Used Newton’s 3rd law ____/20

2.  Built from scrap materials ____/20

3.  Traveled forward at least 2 meters ____/20

4.  Did not require a push, did not use electricity ____/20

5.  Overall Design ____/20

Speed ______

Total ______/100


1.  Typed ____/10

2.  Title ____/10

3.  Hypothesis ____/10

4.  Materials ____/15

5.  Procedure ____/15

6.  Detailed diagram ____/15

7.  Answered the 3 questions ____/15

8.  Conclusion ____/10

Total ______/100

Total Grade ______/200