5 Pillars of Islam
In the story of Mohammed and the birth of Islam, you read that the people of Medina converted to Islam not only because they were inspired by Mohammed’s words, but because of the religion’s simplicity and practicality. The Koran has over 100 chapters, but there are 5 major guidelines to follow to be a good Muslim, these are known as the 5 Pillars of Islam.
Directions: For each of the 5 Pillars of Islam you will read the English translation of the Pillar (from Arabic). Then you will get additional information on the Pillar. When you have completely read the entire article, answer the questions.
1.) Shahadah
There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet
Even though this Pillar may seem simple, there is a reason it is the first one. It is the most basic and important belief in Islam. The word Islam literally means “Giving yourself to God”, and the Shahadah is proclaiming that you have. It is also clear to point out a clear difference between God and Mohammed- Mohammed is just a man that God spoke through- God is one and has no partners.
2.) Salat
Pray 5 times a day facing the city of Mecca
Mohammed asked his followers about Salat, “If you were to bathe in a clean stream 5 times a day, would you be clean?” The answer is of course, yes. Salat applies that idea to the soul as well. It allows for God to always be on the front of the mind for Muslims.
Before praying Muslims must be sure to have cleaned their bodies. Muslims cannot just pray 5 times whenever they want, there are set times of the day. Many Muslims pray in a Mosque, but prayer can be anywhere.
3.) Sawm
Fasting during Holy Times
Ramadan is the Islamic holy month. All Muslims are to stop from eating and drinking during the day. Also, any other habits or amusements are to be stopped and all free time is to be strictly devoted top prayer and reading the Koran. This is for several reasons: 1.) To cleanse and purify the body that God has given you. 2.) By giving up amusements, Muslims are sacrificing to show God that they understand His power and their powerlessness. 3.) It is to unite all Muslims – rich and poor in admitting they are all brothers and sisters in Islam.
4.) Zakat
Giving Alms
All Muslims able to should give away 2.5% of what they own to the poor and needy. As you read earlier in the unit, Mohammed set a good example by using his power for good.
5.) Hajj
If you are able to, all Muslims should visit Mecca at least once in their lifetime.
Muslims believe that actually going and praying in the place where Mohammed began the religion will bring you much closer to God. Also it is important to see and pray with other Muslims from all over the world as one. In the center of Mecca is a structure called the Kaaba- it is the holiest place in the world to Muslims. They believe it is the ancient altar built by Abraham- the creator of Judaism and the first to build a monotheistic religion.
1.) In Shahadah, why is it so important that God has no partners?
2.) Salat is very different from going to a church or temple one time a week. What effect do you think this has on Muslim daily life?
3.) How is Ramadan different from Christmas?
4.) What kind of effect do you think Zakat has on Muslim societies?
5.) Do you think that one of the reasons for the Hajj is to meet other Muslims from around the world? Is it to unify under religion, or to share and learn about other cultures?