Protestant Reformation Internet Activity Name: _________________

1. Go to:

a. List 4 things that are happening to the Catholic Church during this time:

b. List 4 things that happened during the 16th century, the site lists many:

2. Search for: “Martin Luther of the Protestant Reformation”

a. List 6 facts about his life

b. What were 2 criticisms he had of the Catholic Church

c. What happened to him as a result of the 95 Theses

3. Go to:

a. When were the 95 Theses written:

4. Search for: “Edict of Worms”

a. What was this:

b. When was this:

c. What is the purpose of this:

5. Search for: “Thirty Years War”

a. When was this:

b. What was this:

6. Go to:

a. What is Christian Humanism

b. Who founded it:

c. List 5 people mentioned on the site related to Christian Humanism:

7. Search for: “Early Explorers”

a. List 6 explorers and what their journeys consisted of

b. What were 3 things explorers were looking for: