Tuesday 19 January 2016
Elder Abuse information session
Tuesday 2 February
Level 4, COTA, Block Arcade
98 Elizabeth St Melbourne 3000
Terrible stories about the abuse of older people have been prominent in the media lately. What is the latest information on elder abuse and what can we do about it? How is it family violence and how should it be reported? These questions and more will be addressed by Seniors Rights Victoria in our first ever information session for journalists. An older woman who has experienced elder abuse will also be available to interview.
‘As the key statewide service preventing and responding to elder abuse, it is vital we connect with journalists”, says Jenny Blakey, Manager of Seniors Rights Victoria. “There is enormous potential for the media to change community attitudes– by bringingthe problem of elder abuse to light, for example, and by challenging the ageism that underlies it”.
Elder abuse is vastly under-reported but the World Health Organisation estimates that up to 10 per cent of older people worldwide are affected.
The information session will also serve as an introduction to the4th National Elder Abuse Conference, to be held in Melbourne from 23-25 February 2016: Hosted by Seniors Rights Victoria, this conference will bring together a wide range of practitioners seeking a national approach to tackling elder abuse in Australia. The conference theme is Ageism, Rights and Innovations and the MC will be the ABC’s Libby Gorr.
Speakers, who will be available to interview, include Federal Attorney General George Brandis, Age Discrimination Commissioner Susan Ryan and Professor Marie Beaulieu from Quebec, an international expert on elder abuse.Other keynote addresses will be delivered by Professor Mick Dodson from the Centre for Indigenous Studies at ANU, and Dr Jacqueline Berman from New York, who will speak about the impact of elder abuse on older peoples’ mental health, and unique interventions.
Older Victorians experiencing elder abuse can get help by calling Seniors Rights Victoria on 1300 368 821 Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 5 pm. Services include a Helpline, specialist legal services, short-term support and advocacy for individuals and community and professional education. Seniors Rights Victoria is supported by the Victorian Government. See
ENDS. For more information and to RSVP to the information session please contact Caitlin Evans on (03) 9655 2119 or via .