Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Historic Depot 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Il.

A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on April 18, 2007 in the Council Chambers at 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois. (Date changed due to Aldermen Election.)


Mayor Heinze asked for roll call at 6:30 pm. Present—Alderman Joe Berardi, Alderman Jim Hartford, Alderman Craig West, Alderman Larry Sarff, Alderman Kevin Meade, Alderman Les Carl, Alderman Eric Schenck, Alderman Sonya Lewis. Absent—None

Others in attendance: Mayor Rodney W. Heinze, Deputy Clerk Diana Tucker, City Treasurer Kathy Luker, Interim City Attorney John McCarthy, Police Chief Jeffrey Fritz, Fire Chief John Stanko, Public Works Director Clif O’Brien, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Zoning Officer Clark Wilson.

In the audience was Jason Standberg, Kurt Skender, Mark Bixler with WBYS, John Froehling with Canton Daily Ledger, Jenny Freeman with Peoria Journal Star, Mark Rothert, Gary and Heidi Leese, Jeremy Grove, Scott Childs with Dacott and Steven Guy with Dacott, Todd Vanadilok with Teska, Mike Hoffman with Teska, Terry Jenkins and Brudget Lane with Business District Associates. Video Services Provided by Joe Ginger.

MINUTES OF THE April 3, 2007 COUNCIL MEETING. City Treasurer Kathy Luker pointed out that an error was sighted in the first page of the minutes. It was previously reported that 115 employees are in the healthcare plan. The correct number of employees in the healthcare plan is 151. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.

MINUTES OF APRIL 10TH, 2007 CLERICAL COMMITTEE MEETING. Alderman Sarff second by Alderman Carl, the minutes of the April 10, 2007 be accepted and place on file. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.

Council meeting 4-18, 2007

COMPREHENSIVE PLANNERS (TESKA & ASSOCIATES ) UPDATE. Mark Rothert introduced Todd Vanadilok and Mike Hoffman project managers with the plan with Teska and Associates. Todd made a presentation covering a community assessment summary of their work over the last several months. While in Canton Teska and Associates as well as Business District Inc. (Terry Jenkins and Bridget Lane) took a tour of Canton. Items covered during the presentation included: A brief time line, and community assessment. Demographics, Land-Use, Transportation, Community facilities, and Housing were all discussed. A copy of the power point presentation is available for review. Todd spoke on the fact that Canton needs to diversify housing options to meet the varying income levels and life situations. Second it needs to provide recreational, commercial, cultural social, and educational opportunities for residents of all ages. Third Canton needs to enhance the local economy. This type of economy needs to provide business and employment opportunities that match the economy. The economy would provide local job opportunities, also work with the education systems to prepare a capable work force. With the plan Canton needs to continue to enhance the transportation network –this can include the support of Illinois 336 extension or expansion of route 24. This plan builds upon the strength of the education, parks and healthcare systems. The plan pulled together basically helps enhance the overall quality of life of Canton. After the community assessment the next step is

1. Creating a vision statement. 2. Building up goals and objectives. 3. A public forum. The public forum is scheduled Tuesday May 22, 2007 held at the Donaldson Community center at Wallace Park at 6:00pm. A notice will later be made in the newspaper. Vision statements (assignment sheets) will be sent to the city council. The deadline is by May 11, 2007 to have these sheets turned in.

Terry Jenkins with Business District and Associates spoke about his opportunity to tour the community. The focus was the downtown, the Harvester Site, the industrial park on the west. Their assignment with Teska and Associates is to provide recommendations relative to economic development policies and plans in the overall vision of the comprehensive plan. Questions were brought to the floor from Aldermen Eric Schenck regarding the low household income in Canton. Terry Jenkins with Business District and Associates recommended to try to diversify the base more. To

Council meeting 4-18-07

mix in higher income residents, and get the average figures higher. Aldermen Larry Sarff asked the questions of how many residents in Canton Teska and Associates have talked to. Teska replied that approximately 50-75 people were talked to from different walks of life. Alderman Meade asked what the plans were for additional meetings. Teska replied that an open house will be set up at a later date.

BILLS. Motion by Alderman West and second by Alderman Meade, that all bills properly presented be approved for payment. Roll call. AYES - Alderman Lewis, Alderman Schenck, Alderman, Carl, Alderman Meade, Alderman Sarff, Alderman West, Alderman Hartford, Alderman Berardi. NAYS - 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT. Treasurer Kathy Luker made a comment that the revenues are above expenditures for the year. Through 11 months March 31, 2007 in the amount of $593,248.00. Motion by Alderman Carl and second by Alderman Sarff, to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by City Treasurer Kathy Luker. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.

BUDGET REPORT. Treasurer Kathy Luker made a comment that revenues are at 99.9% after 11 months and expenses are at 88.4%. Kathy wanted to thank all of the department heads and the city council. By working together as a team and trying to accomplish the same goals we can achieve much positive activity for the city.

Motion by Alderman Sarff and second by Alderman Lewis to accept the Budget Report as presented by City Treasurer Kathy Luker. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous.



Council meeting 4-18-07

Advanced Asphalt bid in the amount of $77,283.08. The first item to bring before the council is the Canton Contract Maintenance, several bids were reviewed. The lowest bid was from Advance Asphalt in the amount of $77,283.08. This was recommended by Keith Plavec of Maurer Stutz Inc. Motion by Aldermen Carl and second by Hartford to accept the bid from Advanced Asphalt. Roll Call. AYES - Alderman Berardi, Alderman Hartford, Alderman West, Alderman Sarff, Alderman Meade, Alderman Carl, Alderman Schenck, Alderman Lewis. NAYS - 8 Ayes, 0 Nayes, 0 Absent. Motion Carried.

Request from Spoon River Blues Festival in the amount of $7500.00 from the Hotel/Motel Tax. The next item was a request from the Spoon River Blues Festival in the amount of $7500.00 from the Hotel/Motel Tax. Motion by Alderman Carl and second by Alderman Sarff to accept the amount. Roll call. AYES - Alderman Lewis, Alderman Schenck, Alderman Carl, Alderman Meade, Alderman Sarff, Alderman West, Alderman Hartford, Alderman Berardi. NAYS - 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Absent. Motion carried

Request from Leander Construction for Payment # 9 Kilroy Pump Station in the amount of $52248.75. The last item is a request from Leander Construction for payment # 9 Kilroy Pump Station in the amount of $52248.75. Motion by Alderman Carl and second by Alderman Hartford to accept this request. Roll call. AYES - Alderman Berardi, Alderman Hartford, Alderman West, Alderman Sarff, Alderman Meade, Alderman Carl, Alderman Schenck, Alderman Lewis. NAYS – None. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Absent. Motion carried.

Legal & Ordinance.

Council Action.


Community & Industrial Development

Council meeting 4-18-07

Council Action.


Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel.

Council Action


Informational. Alderman Sarff wanted to have on record the negotiations for public works next Wednesday April 25, 2007 at 6:00pm at the city building. This will be in executive session.

COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR RODNEY HEINZE. Mayor Rod Heinze wants to send thanks to all of the City of Canton employees for the surplus and doing well.

Mayor Rod Heinze presents plaques to Aldermen Jim Hartford, Gary Watson, and Richard Booth.

Alderman Hartford and his wife excepted the plaque from Mayor Rod Heinze. Rod spoke of Aldermen’s time serving the City of Canton as Aldermen since 1995. He has been a dream come true aldermen for a mayor. Any project with the exception of 1 Alderman Hartford has agreed to help. Both Alderman Hartford and his wife have been wonderful.

Mayor Rod Heinze has a plaque for Richard Booth from the cemetery board. Richard is no longer able to be on the board. This has been a very stressful position, and Mayor Heinze rewards his efforts. Richard is not present to receive the plaque.

Mayor Rod Heinze has a plaque to award to Gary Watson. Gary has done a “wow” job with the cemetery. Limited documentation was available from the cemetery. Gary has created a program to layout this information that was previously kept on 160 year old paper. Gary has been on the board for 8 years. Gary will no longer be on the board. Gary thanked everyone for all of their support.

Council meeting 4-18-07

Alderman Jim Hartford addressed the council and audience. Jim remarked on his years on the city council. He has been a city of Canton Alderman for 12 years, from 1995-2007. He has served under three mayors. Jim has been on various committees over the 12 years. He has graduated from both the citizens police academy and the fire department academy. Jim has attended the OSHA course at IDOT in Springfield. Jim is currently attending the Spoon River College sponsored retirees leading academy three. Jim was involved in having old buildings and trailers demolished. Jim has helped improve the roads in Greenwood Cemetery, and many streets in Canton. Jim has been involved in bringing water from the Illinois River and improving and upgrading the water and sewer plant in the first time in over 68 years. Jim has conducted town hall meetings and informal gatherings of citizens of his ward in his home. Jim thanks all of the department heads and employees of the city for their support and help. Mayor Heinze, and all of the Aldermen received special thanks from Jim. The people of ward 1, Nancy Whites, Kathy Luker and Clif O’Brien Jim thanked for all of their support.

Recommendation as the Liquor Commissioner. Mayor Rod Heinze gave a background on the number of liquor license. The city currently has one class A liquor license. Rod had a meeting and explained the process to each party applying. The liquor commissioner makes a recommendation then the council either approves it or does not. Rod believes it is a good idea that the council votes for these licenses. Gary Leese and his wife are applying for this license along with Jeremy Grove. ( two parties applying) Rod previously visited with both parties, and both parties meet the guidelines for the liquor licenses. Gary and his wife have a business currently, Jeremy does not have a business operating license. If your looking at just an objective stand point this does add another business to them. As Rod told them at the meeting mayor Heinze was going to recommend Jeremy Grove, the name of the license as Outskirts Bar and Grill Inc. Mayor Heinze would like to name Outskirts Bar and Grill Inc as the recipient of the outstanding liquor license. Mayor Heinze asked what is your pleasure on this.

Alderman Hartford asked the question. If we only have one license, is there a possibility or a reason why we can’t have another one. Mayor Heinze

Council meeting 4-18-07

stated that he is opposed to any extension of liquor sales, but this is up to the council.

Alderman Lewis asked if Jeremy could get the Class B and bump Gary Leese’s license up to a Class A? Mayor Heinze remarked this would be likely so. From a formal stand point we would have to have a formal hearing, but he does not see any reason.

Alderman Lewis stated that Gary is a proven class act in Canton. Aldermen Lewis also stated that she is sure that Jeremy is going to try to get Outskirts going, but her thoughts are to give Gary the Class A.

Mayor Heinze asked for a motion for discussion. Alderman Sarff makes a motion, second by Aldermen West be considered to issue the permit.

Alderman Carl asked Mayor Heinze what criteria was used other than one being in business and one not being in business. Mayor Heinze replied that you have to be of good character. It was agreed that both parties are of good character. Alderman Carl asked what other criteria was used. Mayor Heinze said that the only other criteria would be that there would be an additional business in town. Mayor Heinze stated that this was not an easy decision.

Alderman Schenck commented that he would vote against this, not because he thinks that Jeremy Grove is not a good applicant. He also thanks the Mayor had a very fair and considerate process for making his choice. Alderman Schenck stated that he has a different conclusion as to who he thinks the license should go to. He stated that the decision is difficult because we limit the number of these licenses. Alderman Schenck believes an existing business that is proven to be responsible as a liquor license holder should be awarded this license. Alderman Schenck believes that the supper club license is the opportunity for someone to become involved and demonstrate the ability to run a responsible organization.