. St Edmund’s


21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1QG

Tel: 01284 754358 email:

Registered Charity No. 278742

Twinned with St John’s Parish, Siem Reap, Cambodia

25thSeptember2011 – 26thSunday of the Year – Year A


Saturday With hymns 18.30Rita Cheesman †

Sunday08.30John Gooch†

Sung Mass10.00Antoine & Victoria Desira †

18.00For the Parish

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction, 16.30 – 17.30

Monday 10.30Requiem Mass:Winifred Bullen †

Tuesday St Vincent de Paul09.30Rachel Sulch †

Wednesday 10.00Elizabeth Whittaker †

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30 – 12.00

Thursday SS Michael,19.30Donal McCarthy †

Gabriel & Raphael

Friday St Jerome11.00Requiem Mass: Mary Bainbridge †

Saturday St Theresa of Lisieux09.30Tim Langley †


Sunday10.30Mary Bainbridge†



Mass: Sunday10.30; Mon–Fri 08.15. Sat 08.15 Eucharistic Service


Saturday 10.00 – 10.30 and 18.00 – 18.20


18.30 Pearl Bouttell †; 08.30Mary Walsh†; 10.00 David Fleming†

Lawshall: 10.30 Fr Jim Smith †


WELCOME TO FR ANTHONY FOREMAN for the 10.00 Mass today, to enable Fr Philip to celebrate a sign Mass for deaf people in Aldeburgh. Thanks very much.

COFFEE served in the Crypt after 10.00 Mass. All welcome.

BAPTISM PREPARATION COURSE Part II in the Presbytery 16.00 – 17.00.

ST EDMUND’S CLUB: Bar open in the Crypt 12.00 – 14.00 & 19.30 – 22.30. Early Bingo 19.30.


SAFEGUARDING MEETINGat 19.30 at St Mary’s Church, Thetford.You are invited to meet the Diocesan Safeguarding Administrator, David Kerr who will share items of interest regarding updates in our safeguarding arrangements for our parish.


CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meets in the Presbytery 18.30 – 20.00.

PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP ‘Open Meeting’, 19.30 in the Crypt. All welcome.

WESTGATE DRAMA GROUP meet in the Crypt 17.00 – 19.00. Note day change Always seeking new members, this friendly group meet each week for fun, games and drama. Please call Louise on 724125 if you are in Yr 7 upwards and would like to join. Support needed to help each week, please phone Louise if you can help.

‘LIFE’East Anglia’s AGM at 14.00 at the White House, Poringland, Norwich. Please phone 762715 for details.


JOURNEY IN FAITHmeetat 20.10 in the Presbytery. A chance to looks at our faith in depth - what the Creed means, what the Sacraments are. Learn more about the faith, thinking of becoming a Catholic, or as a refresher in the faith. All welcome.


ST EDMUND’S CLUB: Bar open in the Crypt 20.00 – 23.00. Darts.


‘FAITH & LIGHT’ PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM 40th Anniversary. From 11.00 in Parish Hall in the High Street with refreshments, bring packed lunch. Walk Holy Mile13.30, Mass at 15.00 in the Chapel of Reconciliation. Bring musical instruments & help celebrate our birthday. Contact Fr Philip if you are going.

‘MY FAITH STORY’a Deanery Retreat led by Michelle Moran & Fr Simon Penhaligan from the Sion Community. An inspirational day beginning with 09.30 Mass at St Edmund’s followed by coffee in the Crypt, the day finishing at 15.00. Please bring a packed lunch. The day is free, but donations would be welcome to cover costs. Please let the office know if you would like to attend.

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LARGE PRINT MISSAL & NEWSLETTER available in the porch.

GOING INTO HOSPITAL? If you are, PLEASE let us know other-wise the Chaplain will not know you are there; the only way we can find you is if you tell us you are there, so please let us know if you would like a visit.

COULD YOU SERVE OUR COMMUNITY?Could you read at Mass or would you like to be considered to be a Eucharistic Minister?If so, please contact Fr Philip before 7th October to be registered for training.

‘TALENTS’ Please return all £10 ‘Talents’ together with additional funds raised as soon as possible. There are 45 still outstanding!

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & READERSplease email the parish office giving name and ministry, we hope to send new rotas by

DON’T FORGET TO USE A MASS CARD:new books are not available yet. There are a few booklets available from the porch explaining the revised Mass text.

DVD, BOOKS CD’Son sale in the Crypt after all MassesSaturday 1st October & Sunday 2nd Octoberin aid of the Restoration Fund.

INDIAN LUNCH in aid of the Restoration Fund. Come and enjoy an Indian meal in the Crypt on Sunday 2nd October, 12.30 – 14.30. Tickets £7 adults, £4 Children.

ST EDMUND’S LADIES CLUB will meet at 19.30 on Tuesday 4th October in the Crypt. Robert Leader will give an illustrated talk ‘In Search of Secret Suffolk’. Guests (£2.50) and new members welcome.

‘BE STILL’ DAY at Clare Priory on Thursday 6th October Led by Fr Ben, from 09.15 to 15.30. Cost £15 including soup lunch. Please contact Kathy 01787 277326.

CELEBRATING TOWN PASTORS at Northumberland Avenue Methodist Church on Friday 7th October at 19.30. An ideal opportunity for anyone who is interested to find out about Town Pastors.Please see the poster in the porch.

‘TALENTS’. Exhibition of original works of art to be offered in St Edmund’s Crypt by ‘Silent Auction’ in aid of the Restoration Fund on Saturday 8th from after 18.30 Mass until 20.00 Sunday 9thOctober, when the bids will be opened. All welcome.

WALK FOR JUSTICE organised by Christian Aid to support walkers in India who are raising awareness of social exclusion projects in India. The walk will start from the Cathedral in Bury at 10.30 on Saturday 8th October with an 8 mile circular walk to Nowton Park. Contact Sue 01473 233525 or Eldred on 01603 620051 for details.

ST EDMUND’S DAY DINNERwill be held on Thursday 17th November at Zest the Restaurant, West Suffolk College, £21.50 per person excluding drinks. Please collect a menu from the back of church, make your menu choice & return it to the Presbytery with your cheque made payable to St Edmund’s Parish.

JUST TRAID: The Centre, St John’s Street, Tues-Sat 10.00-16.00, Fair Trade shop, new lines in gifts, crafts, jewellery: light lunches, tea/coffee & home-made cakes.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY FOR OUR RESTORATION FUND: Full English Breakfast in the Crypt after 08.30 & 10.00 Masses on Sunday 6th November. Help with would be very much appreciated, phone Yvonne 07718 047684.Polish Evening on Saturday 19th November in the Crypt. Talent Competition/Concert on Friday 25th November in the church, 14 acts, music for all tastes. Tickets £5 from Gemma 01359 233448.

HELPING HANDS’ GROUP if you are, or know of anyone who is housebound, lonely or in need of practical help, shopping, changing a light bulb etc, or just a visit, or a lift to the doctors etc., contact Tom Wallace 756619 orMike Sinnott 764236.


OUR SICK: James Couper, Nicolette Finch, Sheila Glendenning, Pat Greenhalgh, Ellen Harvey, Jim & Marie Heath, Ursula Hennessey, Roy Herbert, Johann Hopfensperger, Peregrine Hubbard, Janet Jarman, Veronica Leech, Priscilla Lupton, Fr Paul Mercer, Brendan McMullen, Mae Molloy, Gerry McNamara, Gary Natella, Leonora O’Hanlon, Phyllis Sargent, Tony Sumner, Jim Tinley, Romayne Wright and Joan Williams. May the Lord comfort them.

ANNIVERSARIES AT THIS TIME:Thomas Mahoney, John Gooch Virginia Scrase, Nicholas Bridges-Adams, Margaret Jakimeczko, Philip Goold, Magdalen Mack, Vera Yanischek, Eileen Marshall, Annie Buckley, Thomas Joyce, Gerard Fiennes, Francis Derbyshire, Daniel McCarthy, Andrew Masters, Roselean Kemble, John McKenna, Joan Peyton.

EDWARD IWANICKI & OLIVE EARL who died this week, may they rest in peace and may the Lord give comfort and consolation to their families and friends.

ANDREW McDONALD & PAMELA PRINT AND THOMAS STEBBING & SARAH JANE PEARCE who were married last week. May the Lord grant them a future filled with happiness.

DOUGLAS ROBERTS who was baptised last weekend. With the love and support of his family and friends

MORNING PRAYERis said 20 minutes before weekday Mass. The Rosary is said on Saturday after morning Mass for less active Catholics.

CYCLE OF PRAYER: At this time we pray for the Spread of the Gospel; the Harvest; the Fruits of Human Work and the Reverent Use of Creation; Justice Peace in the World; Victims of War; Young People; Prisoners their Families.


SUNDAY:Coffee in the Crypt after 10.00 Mass.

CD, DVD & Book Sale in the Crypt after all Masses

Indian Lunch in the Crypt 12.30. Tickets £7 available now.

St Edmund’s Club Bar: Crypt, 12.00 – 14.00 & 19.30 – 22.30.

No 15.00 1962 Rite Mass at Lawshall this week end.

TUESDAY:Ladies Club meets in the Crypt 19.30 ‘In Search of Secret Suffolk’

WEDNESDAY:Charismatic Prayer Group meet 18.30 – 20.00 in the Presbytery.

Club Committee meeting 19.30.

THURSDAY:Journey in Faith Group meet in the Presbytery, 20.10.


St Edmund’s Club: Bar open in the Crypt 20.00 – 23.00. Darts.

THANK YOU for your generosity last week. You gave £1326.25in the collection, £400.00 by standing orders and £176.49from Lawshall.

Fr Philip, Fr Gerry, Deacons Chris & Alan, and Frs Paul & Bill wish you every blessing for the coming week.