External Assessment carried out on 21st June 2007 by Brenda Hardy and Mick Mather.

Review assessment carried out November 2010 – February 2011, using the new standards, by Linda Wyatt, Careers Adviser (Gold Standard).


OasisAcademy Wintringham opened in September 2007 and was transferred into new buildings in February 2009. The Academy specialises in Sport & Health with Business and Enterprise.


From November I met with various members of staff, initially when Paula Shaw gave a presentation to staff regarding the Gold Standard and Lincs 2. A further meeting was held with Pip Lenthall to discuss the requirements of the new standards. I made consecutive visits where I met with other members of staff and viewed the facilities. Arrangements were made for me to spend the day a school, 11th February 2011and this gave me the opportunity to meet with staff and students.

Element 1 – Management of IAG Provision

The management of IAG is the responsibility of Pip Lenthall. Catherine Ashcroft is Head of PSHCE and oversight of programmes including careers education for Years 7 – 11. I was given copies of example materials used which also included materials with differentiation. The Management Team are clearly committed to IAG and the supporting evidence provided ‘Changing the Journey – Capturing the Dream’ programme was provided which outlines enterprise events within the school. Details were provided regarding the responsibilities of the Academy Leadership Team.

I was provided with copies of policies, some of which are listed on the school web site. The Students Policy (Advice, Guidance, Mentoring and Coaching) which highlights the commitment to independent advice and guidance within the school and the evidence subsequently provided confirms this. Included within this is the recent proposed partnership with Franklin College, where together with another local school, NE Lincs Care Trust Plus and Oasis Academy Wintringham are working towards a project which will support all ability levels to plan a career within the Health Sector.

Annual meetings take place between Connexions and the Academy outlining the input of both parties in terms of providing personal support and impartial information, advice and guidance to the learners and a partnership agreement is created. This is reviewed half-yearly.

Element 2 – Administration of IAG Provision

The Principal, Jane Bowman, is the ‘Data Controller’ for the Academy and ensures all information is stored securely and in accordance with Privacy, Data Protection and Child Protection.

An excellent working relationship exists between Amy Wilson - Careers Adviser and support staff/mentors, Gwenyth Shuttleworth and Angie Barton. Regular meetings are held with appropriate external agencies to support each learner and referrals made when required.

Sally Lumby is responsible for co-ordinating work experience and much work is done regarding the suitable placement of learners on work experience where each is interviewed to ensure the placement is appropriate and that the student is not compromised in any way. Leadership team meetings were arranged prior to this to ensure each work experience was tailored to the needs of individual students. School and individual awards have been won. The Vocational Best Practice was awarded and the monies received from this were re-invested i.e., supply specialised protective clothing.

Catherine Ashcroft, Gemma Baker and Amy Wilson each oversees the Lincs2 e-cap process and are aware of applications made/not made. Great effort is provided to each learner ensuring they have the opportunity to discuss their options to ensure suitable applications are made.

Element 3 - Facilities to support IAG

There is a centrally located Learning Resource Centre which learners have access to prior, during and after the school day which includes access to support when required. Within the Resource Centre, learners have access to a careers library and current information regarding their transitions. Learners have access to lap-top stations which have up-to-date multi-media programmes, i.e., JED and Lincs2. This is an excellent, well-used facility during and after school hours. All learners are aware of Connexions and the service it provides. They know who Amy Wilson is and where she is based. The room used for careers interviews is confidential and has the supporting equipment required.

Element 4 - Access to information

Within the Learning Resource Centre, learners have access to a wealth of information regarding transition. There is information from all local further education/apprenticeship providers and higher education prospectuses. Anne Spencer is available to help students when required and if information required by individual students is not available within the resources, she will seek it out.

Taster Days, Open Days and Careers Fairs are offered to learners and much encouragement is provided to attend. An enrichment programme is offered to all learners where they all have 1one hour lesson per week. Enrichment activities are also available after school hours in a variety of craft, sport, music, drama productions etc. OasisAcademy Wintringham are committed to healthy living, each learner undertaking an assessment and relevant guidance regarding exercise and diet is provided. Parents are also encouraged to attend where a programme for students and their parents is provided – ‘Get up and Get Active’.

The Gifted & Talented students (now known as STARS – Supporting The Able, Recognising Success) are members of the Young Gifted & Talented website and given access to a range of opportunities including Forensic Science Day and Science & Engineering events.

Element 5 - Access to Advice & Guidance

The Careers Adviser working in the Academy is professionally qualified in Advice & Guidance and the Academy Learning Support staff possess appropriate professional qualifications. Staff also attended the training event held in school during November for updates on Lincs2 e-cap and The Gold Standard.

Cathy Mason is the Child Protection Co-ordinator. All academy IAG personnel have received training on child protection procedures and statutory Criminal Records Bureau safeguarding checks are in place. A copy of the Child Protection Policy was provided.

There are systems to support a wide range of learners within the Academy; Learning Resource Centre, Alternative Learning Provision (an alternative venue where those students whose and the Blue Unit(supports learners in providing an area from which they can gain some respite from the classroom when required) and Satellite (Second Avenue, Nunsthorpe, Grimsbyaddressing behavioural and attendance issues).

Cathy Mason provides sex education to all your groups. Lessons are also provided regarding drug and alcohol abuse and a drop in session provided. Support is also provided for smoking cessation. Cathy is trained in providing support to staff and students in issues around domestic abuse which has been effective in improving students’ lives and is being used nationally as leading practice. OasisAcademy Wintringham has achieved a Bronze and Silver award through NE Lincolnshire for the work done in this area.

Element 6 - Careers Information, Advice & Guidance

OasisAcademy Wintringham has 6th Form facilities. However due to lack of numbers, there has been no new students this academic year. Careers information, advice and guidance is provided impartially and learners have access to information from all learning providers which has possibly contributed to the lack of enrolment for the 6th form, thus demonstrating the commitment to individual aspirations and goals. All local educational providers are invited to attend the Careers Fair where all students and their parents are encouraged to attend.

The Careers Adviser has access to a range of student information from the Academy and Trakrekord database in order to inform of the guidance required. Students are fully informed and supported in choosing appropriate options and the necessary action to achieve.

Element 7 - Personalised Information Advice & Guidance

OasisAcademy operates a House based pastoral system headed by Moira Goy, Assistant Principal Deep Support. Each house is led by Community Co-ordinators with management responsibility for a team of over 20 pastoral tutors and teaching assistants. Community Co-ordinators are supported by Community Support Officers (CSOs) who manage the supervision of individual students or small groups of students. Learners confirmed they have good relationships with their CSOs and it is evident they know how to contact them and feel comfortable disclosing issues and know they will be supported.

Students with special educational needs are supported appropriately and have access to Learning Mentors and Teaching Assistants. The Careers Adviser prioritises these students to enable her to offer consecutive appointments when required. Individual Education Plans are written for those students with Statements and on the School Action Plus register and copies are supplied to the Careers Adviser.

The Careers Adviser endeavours to meet with all students in the Academy to discuss their career aspirations and advice and guidance is provided accordingly. All students have been encouraged to complete applications for post-16 using the North East Lincolnshire – Lincs2 e-cap where one to one support has been provided where necessary. Learners are strongly encouraged to attend college open events, taster sessions and careers fairs.

There is a strong multi-agency approach in the Academy and the Connexions service is well integrated. There are close working links with local employers and excellent work is done forging links in order to enable learners to have access to a wide range of work experience appropriate to their needs and abilities.

Element 8 - Enterprise & Work Related Learning

Catherine Ashcroft also has oversight of Year 9 Personal Economics and all students undertake GCSE Young Enterprise. The learners have access to a wide variety of Enterprise and Work Related activities including attendance at a Dragon’s Den-style workshop(reported in the local press) and last year played host to Question Time where students had the opportunity to question the 3 major political parties. Young Enterprise is offered at GCSE. Year 9 students undertake work in Personal Economics.

As part of the ‘ Changing the Journey - Capturing the Dream’, learners, predominantly Years 7 and 8, have access to Professionals Day – regional employment picture, Enterprise and Entrepreneurial skills and Business Dynamics Day.

An evaluation is undertaken following work experience and a report was provided, highlighting the preparation undertaken, barriers and areas for development.

Links with local organisations/business has been made and a close working relationship with EBP exists.

Element 9 - Evaluation of IAG

Evaluation is ongoing at the Academy. Pip Lenthall reviews all potential events and external involvement with her team. Further discussion then takes place at Leadership Team Meetings. The learners are always at the core of decisions made. There is a clear system for Communication, Consultation and Decision Making where students, staff and external agencies are invited to attend the meetings. This is further reflected in the Ofsted Inspection Report.

Students raised my awareness to the Community Council where issues are raised regarding how improvements can be made in school. There are 4 representatives from each year groups 9-11. Issues raised are then taken forward to the Student Academy Council which meets monthly and then taken to Staff Briefings/Meetings. Students informed me they have seen evidence of their suggestions where teachers periodically allow students to decide on the topic they wish to learn.

Evaluations are also sought from external agencies, i.e., exhibitors at the Careers Convention completed an evaluation were views were sought and suggestions requested for improvements.


Since 2007 the new Academy has become established it is clear the ‘outstanding practice’ as highlighted in the assessment undertaken prior this time, continues. It is evident, from meeting with staff and learners, that there is a strong commitment to providing individual, impartial information, advice and guidance within the Academy. This academy has excellent pastoral care and all students are addressed individually to ensure they are in a position to take advantage of all learning and extra curricular opportunities offered.

The work done is clearly reflected in the GCSE results, which continue to rise and the numbers of students who are NEET on leaving school continue to decline. This information is detailed in the reports provided.

The evidence demonstrates that Oasis Academy Wintringham meets all the revised standards. I have no hesitation in recommending that Oasis Academy Wintringham is awarded the Gold Standard for a further three years.

Report of March 4th 2011