TUESDAY1st APRIL 2014at 7.15p.m.
Present:Cllr S Carter, Cllr B Spink, Cllr Mrs K Winston,
Cllr Mrs C Smith and Cllr J Hockaday
In attendance:Clerk Mrs V Lowe, Cllr P Barnes, District Councillor
Public: 40
Public Participation-
- John Radcliffe from Long Marston made a presentation regarding the proposal to adopt Long Marston Airfield as a new settlement in the latest consultation on the SDC Draft Core Strategy. Paperwork was distributed regarding the potential traffic implications for local villages and residents were advised of the SDC Cabinet meeting due to be held on 28th April when a decision would be made.
- Andy Wilkins of Lone Star Land made a presentation on behalf of his clients, St Francis Group, regarding their proposals for the development of the former gas depot on Evesham Road. There were initial plans for 24 homes on the site. It was intended to retain the station building. The Clerk confirmed that Dereck Tribe from the Millennium Project had already been consulted on the scheme and was happy that the permissive footpath and woodland areas would be retained. Mr Wilkins answered questions from Councillors and residents.
- Doug Glassford of Spitfire Developments made a presentation on a revised scheme for The Willows, Long Marston Road. This proposal was for the demolition of Sunrays and the construction of 12 houses. There is to be a public consultation session in the Memorial Hall on 10th April. Mr Glassford answered questions from Councillors and residents.
- David Howard of Daffodil Cottage made a presentation regarding planning application 14/00609/FUL Elm Close, Binton Road. Mr Howard confirmed that residents of Keytes Lane object to this proposal which is very similar to that previously refused on the site. Of particular note was the potential adverse effect on the Ash tree opposite Daffodil Cottage which is protected by a Tree Preservation Order.
Apologies were received and accepted fromCllr P Martin,Cllr P Horrocks
Cllr M Brain, County Councillorand Mr John Wibberley, RFO.
2.Declarations of Interest
Nodeclarations of a disclosable pecuniary interest were made at this time in the meeting.
3.Approval of Minutes
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting of 4th March 2014and signed by the Chairman.
Proposed Cllr Mrs Smith Seconded Cllr Mrs Winston
4.Urgent Matters
There were no urgent items.
5.County and District Councillor’s reports
5.1District Council report
Cllr Barnes reported the following:
5.1.1 The Moat House, Dorsington Cllr Barnes confirmed that the appeal for the wedding venue had been dismissed.
5.1.2Banner Homes – Fairlea Cllr Barnes confirmed that an appeal had been lodged and representations needed to be submitted by 1st May.
5.1.3Gladman – Milcote Road Cllr Barnes confirmed that he had circulated in his newsletter a copy of the reasons for refusal of this application.
5.2County Council report
In Cllr Brain’s absence, the Clerk reported the following:
5.2.1 Welford Flood Action Group Cllr Brain together with the Clerk and residents met Nadhim Zahawi MP on 14th March to discuss flood defences. The Clerk had prepared a response to the Environment Agency’s assessment of Welford which Mr Zahawi would be presenting to the Agency on behalf of the village.
5.2.2Binton Bridges Following consultation with the Parish Council, WCC had now drawn up an initial plan for a “give and take” priority system on Binton Bridges. Cllr Brain awaited comments back from the Parish on the proposal
Councillors agreed that the plans would be available at the Annual Parish Meeting for discussion and comments from residents
6.1Report of Planning Notices received from Stratford DC
APP/J3720/A/13/2204182Ashgrove, Long Marston RoadAPPEAL
Erection of 2 storey 4 bedroomed ALLOWED
house on land north of Ashgrove
14/00133/FUL10 Quineys LeysGRANTED
Single storey front extension with lean 3 conditions
to roof
13/03170/LDEBoat Cottage, Greenhill, RiversideCERT OF
Use of Boat Cottage as C3 dwelling houseLAWFUL USE
13/02335/OUTLand north of Milcote RoadREFUSED
Outline application for residential
Development of up to 95 dwellings
with access from Milcote Rd
14/00377/FULWeston Fields, Long Marston RoadWITHDRAWN Erection of 3m high boundary wall
to rear garden
6.2Report of Planning Applications considered at Planning Committee meeting held on18thMarch 2014
14/00555/OUTWeston House, Milcote RoadOBJECT
Outline application for residential development
of up to 20 dwellings with associated infrastructure
13/02054/FULFairlea, Barton RoadOBJECT
Erection of 18 dwellings and associated works
Consideration of Conservation Officer report
14/00553/VARYAshgrove, Long Marston RoadOBJECT
Variation of condition 2 to planning permission
14/00527/FUL1 Quineys LeysSUPPORT
Single storey extension to the rear
14/00517/FUL3 Rivermeade, Barton RoadSUPPORT
Installation of window to rear of garage and
proposed covered link between house and garage
During the public participation session of the Planning Committee meeting, Mr Peter Cox was critical of the Parish Councils’ handling of the Fairlea application. The Chairman suggested that Mr Cox might like to assist in dealing with the numerous applications which were being considered at present. Mr Cox agreed to this request during the discussion but withdrew this offer of help at the end of the meeting.
6.3Consideration of planning applications/appeals received from SDC
APP/J3720/A/14/2215084The Oriel House, Church LaneOBJECT
Demolition of existing garage and erection of one
detached dwelling with garage and associated
works (in lieu of previously approved dwelling
14/00609/FULElm Close, Binton RoadOBJECT
Construction of detached dwelling and integral
garage with associated works
14/00807/FUL18 Headland Rise SUPPORT
Proposed two storey extension to front, side and rear
13/03299/FULTew Park, Binton Road OBJECTION
Erection of two detached dwellings and WITHDRAWN
detached garages, new access points
and associated works
Amendments to application
7.1Audit 2013-14 and end of year accounts
The Clerk reported that the Audit Forms had been received from Grant Thornton and would be dealt with at the next meeting following completion of the end of year accounts.
7.2Approval of items requiring payment
Expenditure 1st April 2014
Invoices received and agreed VAT +Base Total
101908Mrs V Lowe Clerk Salary March430.78
Storage boxes etc5.13 25.63
Land registry searches 27.00
Budget item 7 (£430.78) 8 (52.63)
Other items for payment
101909Getmapping PLC
Parish Online service4.00 20.00 24.00
Budget item 8
101910M J Morgan
Electrical work – defibrillator 133.00
Capital reserve – defibrillator
101911A S Wilkes
Hedgecutting – Cress Hill 10.00 50.00 60.00
Budget item 24
VAT refund (received 2013-14) 2815.86
Interest (received 2013-14) 3.26
Budget item 2
To cover April bills – £700.00
Proposed CllrSpink Seconded Cllr Mrs Winston
8.Report of Matters arising from the Minutes/Pending Issues
8.1Traffic consultant Simon Tucker of David Tucker Associates had attended the Planning Committee on 18th March to discuss plans for possible traffic calming in the centre of the village. It had been agreed that the plans would be available for residents to view at the Annual Parish Meeting on 1st May.
8.2Fallen trees Cllr Mrs Winston reported that the two trees reported as blocking footpaths last month had now been removed.
9.Maintenance Items
9.1Maypole A quote had been received for maintenance work from Severn Lamb. This quote was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr Spink would seek further clarification before proceeding. BS
9.2Noticeboards A quote had been received to move the noticeboard on Headland Road. It was agreed that Cllr Spink would obtain a price for a new noticeboard instead. A replacement board was also required for the Bell Inn carpark site. BS
9.3Bollards for Bird Green A quote had been received from Limebridge for wooden bollards on the edge of Bell Green to protect the grass from vehicles. It was agreed to proceed with this work. The Clerk will instruct Limebridge. VL
9.4Bench on Headland Road The Clerk reported that she had informed Orbit Housing bout the broken bench opposite the allotments as it appeared to be on land owned by them. They had undertaken to investigate.
9.4Churchyard The Clerk reported that a few roof tiles needed to be replaced on the lychgate. Cllr Spink will deal with this. BS
9.5Playground The inspection report was noted to still be outstanding.CS
9.6Maypole horse chestnut tree Cllr Spink explained that some pruning work was required on the tree. He will contact a tree surgeon to obtain a quote. BS
10.John Cooper’s Foundation
The Clerk reported that Malcolm Crump had volunteered to be the new Governor for Welford on this charitable trust. Councillors unanimously approved this appointment. The Clerk will contact the Chairman of the Trust to confirm the appointment. VL
11.Annual Parish Meeting – 1st May 2014
The Chairman reminded Councillors of the APM which would be held on 1st May at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Hall. It would follow the same informal format as last year and the village groups and societies had already been invited. Cllr Mrs Smith will organise the refreshments and Cllr Hockaday will arrange for the traffic calming proposals to be available for discussion. CS/JH
12. Any other business
12.1Retirement of Colin Smith It was noted that the village butcher Colin Smith was retiring on 5th April after running the shop for 42 years. It was agreed to make a small presentation to him at the APM. The Chairman will invite him. SC
13.Dates of next meetings
Planning Committee Meeting Chapel Rooms
Tuesday 15th April2014- 7.15 p.m.
Annual Parish Meeting Memorial Hall
Thursday 1st May 2014 – 7.30 pm
Monthly meetingMemorial Hall
Tuesday6th May 2014- 7.15p.m.
Public Participation 7.15 – 7.30p.m.
Planning Committee Meeting Chapel Rooms
Tuesday 20th May2014- 7.15 p.m.
Meeting finished 9.10pm