Award Summary Form

All members applying for awards must complete this sheet.

Members applying for bronze, silver and gold project awards must include Project Award Form.

Name______Grade Last Year______

Years in 4-H______4-H Club______

Check the box next to all awards for which you are applying.

Please double check the requirements for each award to be sure you are eligible.

For awards where record keeping is not required (see last column), 4-H’ers who do not submit record books must submit an application.

4-H‘ers submitting record books do not need to submit an application for any award.

(GradeLastSchool Year) / REQUIREMENTS
(Number of times you can win) / Record Keeping Required
I Dare You / 2
Book / Grades 10-12 / Demonstrate Leadership,
High Quality Character (1) / X
Ak-Sar-Ben / 1
Pin / Grades 10-12 / Promotes 4-H in county or area. Must have served as club officer, county council member, junior leader and/or participated in county or area programs.(1)
Project Member ()
__Goat / 1 each species
Medals / Grades 7-12 / Outstanding member who has been enrolled in the project and shown project at the fair for at least three years. (1) / X
Youth Leadership / 2-Medal / Grades 10-12 / Senior 4-H member showing outstanding leadership in 4-H work at the county level in 4-H and the community. (2)
Communications / 2-Medal / Grades 7-12 / 4-H Member who has demonstrated outstanding ability in the Communication’s Department (3)
Citizenship / 2-Medal / Grades 7-12 / 4-H Member who has demonstrated outstanding Citizenship activities throughout 4-H Career (3)
Outstanding 4-H’er / 2-Plaque / Grades 7-12 / 4-Her must seek and submit a letter of recommendation from a Club leader, Club member, or other 4-H mentor. (2)
Senior Merit / 2-Plaque / Grades 10-12 / Senior 4-H Member who has demonstrated outstanding participation in 4-H activities at the club and county levels. (2)
Intermediate Merit / 2-Medal / Grades 7-9 / Intermediate 4-H Member who has demonstrated outstanding participation in 4-H activities at the club and county levels. (2)
(GradeLastSchool Year) / REQUIREMENTS
(Number of times you can win) / Record Keeping Required
Junior Merit / 2-Medal / Grades 4-6 / Junior 4-H Member who has demonstrated outstanding participation in 4-H activities at the club and county levels. (2)
Outstanding Longtime Record Book / 2-Trophy / Grades 10-12
Usually grade 12 / Maintained an outstanding record book throughout the 4-H career. Must have participated in communications at the fair. Must be at least a 6 year member. (1) / X
Outstanding Intermediate Record Book / 2-Trophy / Grades 7-9
Usually grade 9 / Outstanding record book. Must be at least a 3 year member. (1) / X
Outstanding Junior Record Book / 2-Trophy / Grades 4-6
Usually grade 6 / Outstanding Record Book. Must be at least a 2 year member. (1) / X
Outstanding Other Records / 1-6
Medal / Grades 5-12 / Other outstanding Record Keeping. At least a 2 year 4-H Member. (3) / X
Completed Record Book / Unlimited
Prize / Grades 4-12 / All 4-H members who complete a record keeping system. (unlimited) / X
First Time Record Book / Unlimited
4-H Bank / Grades 4-12 / Any 4-H’er who completes a record keeping system for the first time. (1) / X
Rookie / Unlimited
4-H Shirt / First Year
4-H’ers / All First Year 4-H’ers who attend the awards program. (1)
Club Spirit / 1-Pizza Party for the club / All 4-H Clubs / Club must submit a page summary of club activities for the year. (unlimited)
Membership / Certificates and Stickers / Grades 4-12 / Based on years in 4-H.
*Project Awards
Check project area on Project Award Form / Unlimited
Medal / Grades 4-12 / Actively involved in project at least 1 year, completed 2 exhibits for fair in project area. (1)
*Project Awards
Check project area on Project Award Form / Unlimited
Medal / Grades 7-12 / SEE PROJECT AWARD FORM
(1) / X
*Project Awards
Check project area on Project Award Form / Unlimited
Medal / Grades 10-12 / SEE PROJECT AWARD FORM
(1) / X

Revised 8-10