CIMA Chartered Management Accountant Level 7 Learnership

Logbook Guidelines

  1. Experience Requirements assumed to be in place

It is assumed that learners will have successfully completed the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting Learnership and the Diploma in Management Accounting learnership. Learners will have to provide proof of this completion

Should learners not have completed the abovementioned learnerships, they should be in possession of a completed qualification that CIMA has determined will receive exemption from the Certificate and Diploma levels, as well as be ably to demonstrate and verify that they have the required practical experience.

2.Experience Requirements

2.1Financial Strategy

Learners need to be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Identifying the organisation's funding position, future funding requirements, costs and sources of funds, options for investment , cost of capital and leasing decisions
  • Contributing to longer term balance sheet and capital structure management
  • Involvement with distribution of earnings policy

2.2Corporate Finance

Learners need to be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Involvement with company acquisitions, disposal, management buy-outs or buy-ins and corporate restructuring
  • Involvement with take-overs of public companies and defence against unwelcome bids

2.3Treasury Management

Learners need to be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Negotiation and management of bank accounts and loan facilities
  • Management of foreign exchange and currency exposure
  • Dealing with export finance (e.g. documentary credits, bills of exchange)
  • Valuation of financial instruments

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2.4Taxation Authorities

Learners need to be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Establishing the organisation’s liability for corporation tax and other obligations to revenue authorities (e.g. VAT)
  • Establishing, planning and applying the impact of other taxes and charges such as sales, taxes, regional taxes and employee taxes and state insurances collected by the employer

2.5Business Evaluation and Appraisal

Learners must be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Review of other organisations’ performance based on published accounts and other available information e.g. competitor review, potential investment or customer creditworthiness
  • Review of subsidiary or associates company performance

2.6Business Strategy

Learners must be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Contributing to the establishment of the organisation’s long term business objective e.g. identifying and evaluating external factors which may impact on the organisation
  • Identifying and appraising the organisation’s skills and resources
  • Identifying and defining business options’ evaluating these options, performing risk assessments and recommending strategies for adoption
  • Analysing the economic impact of environmental change upon the organisation
  • Analysing market and competitive developments in relation to marketing strategy
  • Advising managers on critical economic and financial developments
  • Contributing to the development of the organisation’s information systems strategy as a complement to its business strategy

2.7External Relationships

Learners must be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Dealing with the organisation’s customers, suppliers, external advisors auditors, bankers and investors
  • Dealing with representative bodies and trade association (e.g. CBI, APBI, Chambers of Commerce), Government departments and other regulatory authorities, stock exchange and receivers or administrators

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3.The Procedure

Learners must provide details, in chronological order of the work they have carried out that will demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary

experience, as detailed in the above requirements. The details should include:

  • A brief description of the organisation in which the learner is employed
  • A description of the learner’s duties
  • Learner’s responsibilities
  • Learner’s degree of involvement
  • To whom the learner reported
  • The general format should be that of a detailed CV


A Proposer and Seconder are required to verify the practical experience the learner has gained. These need to be people that have direct knowledge of the experience, which the learner is submitting. The Proposer and Seconder must each complete the Experience Verification form. This must be attached to the logbook that is being submitted.

Each page of the logbook must be initialled by the student, the Proposer and the Seconder.

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CIMA Diploma in Management Accountant Level 7 Learnership

Experience Verification Form

The Proposer and Seconder must be people for whom the learner has worked in the past, or currently. The time period being endorsed must be one during which the learner was in a more junior role than the signatories and, preferably, reporting directly to the signatories.

The Proposer and Seconder do not need to be members of CIMA, nor do they need to be qualified accountants. Relatives of the learner must not verify the learner’s practical experience.


CIMA contact ID:______

Identity number:______

Date of birth:______


First name:______

Second name(s):______

Correspondence address:______



Postal code:______

Daytime telephone number: Area code:______

Telephone number:______

Date completed examinations:______

Declaration by the learner (please read carefully):

I hereby make an application to complete my CIMA Chartered Management Accountant Level 7 Learnership. I confirm that I am aware of the Bye Laws, Regulations and Ethical Guidelines of CIMA and agree to be governed by these, as now constituted, or as they may hereafter be amended, and that I will advance the objectives of CIMA in so far as I am able.


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CIMA contact ID (if applicable):______

Name of Proposer:______

Qualifications / designatory letters:______

Current job title:______

Company / organisation name and address:______



Current contact telephone number:Area code:______

Telephone number:______

Employment during which you acquired direct knowledge of the learner’s work experience (name of company /organisation):


I certify that the learner named overleaf was responsible to me from (date)______to (date) ______during the whole period, that the content of their job(s) was as stated in the CIMA Chartered Management Accountant Level 7 Learnership Logbook, attached, and that their work performance was satisfactory during that period. I hereby testify to the general good character of the learner. I can confirm that I am not a relative of the learner.

Other remarks (optional):


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Updated 4 October 2004


CIMA contact ID (if applicable):______

Name of Proposer:______

Qualifications / designatory letters:______

Current job title:______

Company / organisation name and address:______



Current contact telephone number:Area code: ______

Telephone number:______

Employment during which you acquired direct knowledge of the learner’s work experience (name of company /organisation):


I certify that the learner name overleaf was responsible to me from (date)______to (date) ______during the whole period, that the content of their job(s) was as stated in the CIMA Chartered Management Accountant Level 7 Learnership Logbook, attached, and that their work performance was satisfactory during that period. I hereby testify to the general good character of the learner. I can confirm that I am not a relative of the learner.

Other remarks (optional):


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Updated 4 October 2004