To:TQA Co-ordinators and Teachers of MTM215114 Mathematics Methods – Foundation
From:Kerry BrownDate:7th April 2014
Subject:Quality Assurance tests for Mathematics Methods – Foundation
The accredited course document on our website at MTM215114 Mathematics Methods – Foundation provides details about the quality assurance arrangements for the course.
The TQA has provided five short (45 minute) tests, for criteria 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.Instructions for the administration of the tests are on the inside cover of each test.
The tests are as follows –Blue coverCriterion 8 - Probability
Gold coverCriterion 7 - Calculus
White coverCriterion 6 - Logarithms, exponential &trigonometric functions
Sand coverCriterion 5 - Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Functions
Green cover Criterion 4- Algebra (Technology Free)
Please Note: The current course has one more criterion than the previously accredited course. The numbering of the criteria in the current course is different that the numbering of the criteria in the expired course.The wording of the criteria has not changed.
All students for whom a result will be issued are required to participate in the Quality Assurance arrangements. Each student must completeall of the tests. If a student misses a test for any reason they are to complete the test at a later date. All tests must be completed before final ratings are submitted to the TQA.
You are to mark the tests using the marks allocated to each question as shown on the test papers.We require allmarkedtests to be returned as they are completed to the TQAat PO Box 147, Sandy Bay, 7006. Returning the tests progressively will allow us to ensure all tests marks are entered and checked before results for the subject are issued.See key datesat include student TQA ID code on the test.
We have provided, a cut scoredetermined by an analysis of the data by experienced practitioners,setting the score at which the performance levels for an A, B & C can be determined (excluding question 1).
The test result must have a significant influence on the student’s final award. For instance if a student got 14 for the test on Criterion 4 we would expect that the final result for that criterion for that student would be a B. If you give that student a result other than a B we would assume that the other evidence you used to make this judgement would justify this different result.
Score range for rating
Criterion 4 / Criterion 5 / Criterion 6 / Criterion 7 / Criterion 8less than C / up to 6 / up to 8 / up to7 / up to 10 / up to 10
C / 7 to 11 / 9 to 17 / 8 to14 / 11 to 14 / 11 to 16
B / 12 to 17 / 18 to 24 / 15 to24 / 15 to 22 / 17 to 27
A / 18 plus / 25 plus / 25 plus / 23 plus / 28 plus
TQA staff will process the test marks and publish astate-wide frequency distribution for each test on our web site in December. By comparing the mark from the test for a student against the state-wide cumulative frequency distribution for the test for 2014 teachers can gain an understanding of the student’s performance when compared to the whole cohort.
If you require any further information please email Kerry Brown