Appendix B Example Pathway towards National Expectations

Prediction for end of Key Stage / Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6
T1 / T2 / T3 / T4 / T5 / T6 / T1 / T2 / T3 / T4 / T5 / T6 / T1 / T2 / T3 / T4 / T5 / T6
Greater Depth ARE / 1B2 / 1B2* / 1A1 / 1A2 / 1D1 / 1D2 / 2B2 / 2A1 / 2A1* / 2A2 / 2D1 / 2D2 / 3B2 / 3A1 / 3A1* / 3A2 / 3D1 / 3D2
Within ARE / 1B1 / 1B1* / 1B2 / 1B2* / 1A1 / 1A2 / 2B1* / 2B2 / 2B2* / 2A1 / 2A1* / 2A2 / 3B1* / 3B2 / 3B2* / 3A1 / 3A2 / 3A2*
Working towards ARE / EYFSa / 1B1 / 1B1* / 1B1* / 1B2 / 1A1 / 2B1 / 2B1* / 2B2 / 2B2 / 2B2* / 2A1 / 3B1 / 3B1* / 3B2 / 3B2* / 3A1 / 3A1*
SEN/D pupil may be working within P levels then progress through the milestones as appropriate and will be set individual targets that demonstrate progress for that child = ‘working below’
Working at greater depth than ARE / Pupils have an excellent command of the knowledge, skills and understanding of their age-related levels. Pupils are able to respond to challenge by going deeper into their learning and can apply their knowledge and skills creatively in new and unfamiliar situations. At the end of an academic year, pupils are making significantly better progress than expected, and attainment is very high when compared to similar aged pupils nationally
Working within ARE / Pupils have gained secure knowledge, skills and understanding commensurate with their end of year age-related levels. Work consistently meets the expected standards and learning is embedded and sustainable over time. By the end of an academic year, pupils are making good progress, and attainment is in line with similar aged pupils nationally.
Working towards ARE / Pupils are developing their knowledge, skills and understanding relevant to their end of year age-related levels. Pupils’ work does not consistently meet the expected standards for this age group and new skills are not yet securely applied. At the end of an academic year, pupils at this level are progressing below the expected level for their age, and attainment is below that of similar aged pupils nationally
Working below ARE / Pupils have not yet shown evidence of knowledge, skill and understanding relevant to their end of year age-related levels. Pupils are therefore working at a lower age-related level. At the end of an academic year, pupils at this level are progressing significantly below the expected level for their age,and attainment is well below that of similar aged pupils nationally.