Office in Yerevan


Second regional Workshop for the South Caucasus Region on the implementation of the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention)

Tsakhkadzor, Armenia

15-17 November 2001



1. Background

In December 2000, UNEP and UNECE in close cooperation with REC/Caucasus organized a workshop on the ratification and implementation of the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the Aarhus Convention) in the South Caucasian region. The objective of the workshop was to encourage and assist the South Caucasus countries to ratify and properly implement the provisions of the Aarhus Convention. The workshop provided a detailed analysis of the Convention’s key provisions, highlighting major implementation problems, identifying good practices and providing recommendations on the implementation of the Convention in the region.

The workshop also identified recommendations for future activities and for further assistance in the region. Among the recommendations was the continuation of the use of international expert groups and the international organizational capacities for organization of workshops. Furthermore, facilitate the sharing of experience of the most active and experienced national experts involved in the implementation of the Convention with other NIS countries.

In the light of these recommendations and following expressed interest from REC/Caucasus, based in Georgia, and the OSCE Office in Yerevan, Armenia, UNEP/ROE and UNECE decided to organize a second workshop on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention for the three South Caucasian countries. In addition, all three countries in the region have become Parties to the Convention and the Convention has entered into force; thus all three countries are now legally bound be the obligations of the Convention.

2. Objectives

The objective of the workshop was to provide a forum for sharing of experience with implementation of the Convention and to stimulate the regional cooperation in the field of environmental protection in general and more specifically the implementation of the Aarhus Convention. Increased regional environmental cooperation would contribute to the stabilization and security in the region. Furthermore, the workshop provided a forum for discussion between NGOs, governmental officials and journalists throughout the workshop. Finally, it was also the aim to provide information and discuss current development under the Convention with the participants of the workshop, i.e. compliance, PRTR and SEA.

The agenda of the workshop was developed inter alia based on a questionnaire circulated in advance of the workshop in English and Russian. In the questionnaire, participants were invited to prioritize the issues to be addressed at the workshop.

The workshop is part of the joint programme of UNEP/ROE and UNECE on workshops in the CEE and NIS to raise awareness of the Aarhus Convention principles in the region and to further the effective implementation of the Convention in the region.

3. Main activities at the workshop

The workshop was organized around the three pillars of the Convention. The international experts present at the workshop (see annex III) provided practical and concrete examples on how the provisions have been implemented in different countries, both Western European and Central/Eastern European. These examples provided the basis for discussions both in plenary and in smaller discussion groups.

Furthermore, the participants were informed of the ongoing activities under the auspices and in relation to the Aarhus Convention, i.e. the elaboration of the Aarhus Convention compliance mechanism, the negotiations of the PRTR protocol and the protocol of Strategic Environmental Assessment and discussed the issues currently under discussion in the negotiations.

Finally, the workshop also provided a forum for exchange of views between NGOs and the participants of the 12th session of the CIS Intergovernmental Ecological Council in Yerevan, which included the Ministers of the Environment of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan and the Deputy Ministers of the Russian Federation and Tajikistan.

Due to financial constraints and to ensure a focused working atmosphere, the number of participants was limited to a total of approximately 30, i.e. approximately 10 from each of the three countries, five government representatives and five representatives from NGOs and media. The participants counted 3-4 representatives of the ministries of environment of Georgia and Armenia, one environmental journalist from each of the countries and 5-6 NGOs from each of the three countries. The NGOs were selected on the basis of the relevance of their organizations to the issues of the Convention and also personal experience with the Aarhus Convention. In addition, three representatives of REC Caucasus took part in the workshop.

Fifteen journalists attended the Ministerial section of workshop from Armenian mass media, including the state newspaper, three television stations and three different news agencies.

The workshop was announced in English and Russian through the Aarhus Convention focal points, the Aarhus Convention website and the local and regional networks who also participated in the selection of NGOs.

The Convention and the Implementation Guide was made available to the participants in Russian as well as the REC/Caucasus Handbook on Public Participation in South Caucasus. A new publication of the Environmental Law Center ‘Environmental Authorities and Ecological Citizens Organizations (ECOs): Towards Co-operation – A Comparative Review’ was made available to all participants in Russian.

The main activities during the workshop can be summarized as follows.

  • Introductions to main implementation issues under each of the three pillars of the Convention
  • Concrete examples of how the implementation has been done in other countries, such as Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and other countries.
  • Discussion in plenary and small groups of the specific issues and the problems of implementation
  • Introduction to and discussion of the current development under the auspices of the Convention.

4. Main output

The outputs of the workshop include:

  • Report on the workshop, including the following annexes:
  • Agenda (English and Russian)
  • List of available presentations
  • List of participants, including the trainers and facilitators
  • List of participants from the 12th session of the Intergovernmental Ecological Council of the CIS and representatives from the media
  • Summary of the submitted evaluation forms.
  • Website in English and Russian featuring all the presentations given at the workshop and the report of the workshop, including its annexes. The website is hosted by UNEP-Grid/Arendal at and can also be found through the Aarhus Convention website
  • Established or strengthened contacts between governmental officials and NGO representatives in the three countries,
  • Deeper understanding of the implementation issues of the Convention and concrete examples of how to circumvent potential problems.

5. Conclusions

Main conclusions from the workshop

  • Legislative frameworks seem to be in place in all three countries and in most cases it is good and relevant.
  • However, in some cases, the legislation is more declaratory. Concrete procedural rules and a clear definition of responsibilities are missing.
  • Non-compliance with the legislation is frequent and proper enforcement is missing.
  • There is generally insufficient guidelines, manuals and other tools (including practical) on the Convention for the public on how to use the rights conveyed to them by the Convention
  • Clearly drafted legislation is essential to the enforcement of the legislation, and effective access to justice
  • In general, the participants have a good understanding of the mechanisms and the content of the Convention
  • Areas beyond national jurisdiction or where national jurisdiction is not settled, i.e. the Caspian Sea, are not covered by the Convention
  • Increased transparency contributes to fighting the corruption

Recommendations for further assistance

  • Workshops and training seminars at the national level organized by international organizations with participation of international experts
  • Workshops and seminars on the ongoing international processes, such as the negotiations of legal instruments prior to the Kiev Conference
  • Special seminars for judges, other members of the Judiciary and public prosecutors
  • More concrete ‘hands-on’ training on various topics under the Convention (how to conduct a public hearing, how to notify the public, etc.)
  • Direct assistance to set-up systems for collection and dissemination of information
  • There is a need for practical examples of how to inform the public of their rights and how to teach the public to use their rights – Leaflets, simple information sheet could be elaborated to provide a model for adaptation to national and local conditions. Public information campaigns are needed.
  • A general problem seems to be the prevailing economic interests – the public is not concerned about the environment when they are unemployed, starving and freezing – very difficult to raise public awareness and sensibility towards environmental problems when the daily surviving demands all effort and attention


Annex I

Aarhus Convention Regional Workshop for the
South Caucasus region

(Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia)

15 – 17 November, 2001
Tsakhkadzor, Armenia

Provisional Agenda

15 November 2001
Welcome and Formal Opening
Chair: Jerzy Jendroska
9:30 – 10:00
Welcoming Speeches:
Alfred Nersessyan, Deputy Minister of Nature Protection, RoA
Sofie H. Flensborg, Aarhus Secretariat, UNECE
Frank Evers, OSCE Office in Yerevan
Valeri Tkachouk, UN Resident Representative i. a. in the RoA
Nicolai Denisov, UNEP/GRID Arendal
Nato Kirvalidze, REC Caucasus
Participant introduction
10:00 – 11:00

SESSION I: General Issues

Chair: Nickolai Denisov

10:00 – 10:15


Aarhus Convention – current status & development (status of ratifications, entry into force, task forces/working groups, preparations for 1st MoP)

Sofie H. Flensborg



10:15 – 10:45


Brief Overview of the Convention’s status in the 3 South Caucasus countries (history, current status of ratification, responsible authorities, current implementation activities)

Aida Iskoyan, Samir Isaev, Mzia Gvilava



10:45 – 11:00


Coffee Break

11:00 – 13:30


SESSION II:General legal framework for implementing the Convention

Chair: Aida Iskoyan

11.00 – 11:10


Introduction traditions and political climate, legal role for the Convention, relations to other laws and secondary legislation, practical arrangementsJerzy Jendroska



11.10 – 11:30


Examples of experiences gained in other countries

Dmitry Skrylnikov
Sofie H. Flensborg
Jerzy Jendroska /


11.30 – 11:40


Introduction: general legal frameworks in the South Caucasus countries

Dmitry Skrylnikov /


11:40 – 12:30 /

Group Discussion: legal framework at national levels, identification of main issues, successes, problems

Facilitators: Marianna Bolshakova, Dmitry Skrylnikov, Marina Khotuleva / Groups
12:30 – 13.30 /

Report back to plenary and plenary discussion

/ Plenary
13:30 – 15:00 / Lunch Break
15.00 – 16:00 /

SESSION III: Compliance mechanism under the Convention

Chair: Marianna Bolshakova
15:00 – 16.00 /

Introduction and plenary discussion

Sofie H. Flensborg / Plenary
16.00 – 18.30 /

SESSION IV:Access to Information

Chair: Nato Kirvalidze
16.00 – 16.20 / Introduction
(deadlines, form of delivering information, practical arrangements to faciliate access, electronic tools)
Jerzy Jendroska
Boris Mehrabyan / Plenary
16.20 – 16.40 / Coffee Break / Plenary
16.40 –17.00 / Examples from other countries
Marina Khotouleva
Sofie H. Flensborg
Marianna Bolshakova
Jerzy Jendroska
17:00 – 17:45 /

Group Discussion

Facilitators: Marianna Bolshakova, Marina Khotouleva, Nicolai Denisov / Groups
17:45 – 18.30 /
Report back to plenary and plenary discussion
/ Plenary
19:30 /


16 November, 2001
9:00-11:00 /

SESSION V: Collecting, Maintaining & Disseminating Information

Chair: Sabir Israfilov

9:00 – 9:15 / Introduction
(responsibilities and possible practical actions/solutions by various public authorities, reporting by companies, contents of information, dissemination strategies)
Nicolai Denisov / Plenary
9:15 – 9:45 /

PRTR process (role, update on PRTR protocol negotiations, presentation of PRTR developed systems)

Jerzy Jendroska
Nicolai Denisov
/ Plenary
9:50 – 10:40 /

Group Discussion

Facilitators: Marina Khotuleva, Dmitry Skrylnikov, Nickolai Denisov / Groups
10:40 – 11:00 /
Report back to plenary and plenary discussion
/ Plenary
11:00 –11:20 / Coffee Break
11:20 – 14:30 / Meeting with participants of the 12th Session of the CIS Intergovernmental Ecological Council
Chair: Frank Evers
11:20 – 13:00 /

Meeting with CIS Ministers of Nature Protection and other participants of the 12th session of intergovernmental ecological council of CIS

(how to utilize the Aarhus convention for bilateral and regional co-operation;
needs and prospects in establishing and developing links between GO and NGO; problems in implementing the Aarhus Convention; interests of CIS countries' governments in supporting environmental initiatives in the South Caucasus; the role of REC Caucasus and other REC.) / Plenary
13:00 – 14:30 / Press Conference/Working Banquet
14:30 – 16:00 /

SESSION VI: Public Participation

Chair: Mzia Gvilava

14.30 – 14.50 / Introduction
(notification, collection of comments, “taking into account”, identifying public concerned, areas of application, strategic environmental assessment)
Marina Khotouleva
Jerzy Jendroska / Plenary
14.50 – 15.20 / Examples from other countries
Dmitry Skylnikov
Jerzy Jendroska
Marina Khotouleva
/ Plenary
15:20 – 16:30 /

Group Discussion: legal frameworks in at national levels, identification of main issues, successes, problems

Facilitators: Marianna Bolshakova, Marina Khotouleva,
Dmitry Skrylnikov / Groups
16:30 – 17:00 / Coffee Break
17:00 – 18:00 /

Report back to plenary and plenary discussion

/ Plenary
17 November, 2001
9:00-10:00 / SESSION VII:Access to Justice
Chair: Marina Khotouleva
9:00 - 9:30 /

Introduction(effective remedies in access to information and public participation, public interest law-suit in environmental protection)

Dmitry Skylnikov
/ Plenary
9:30 –10:30 /

Selected examples and plenary discussion

/ Plenary
10.30 – 11:30 / SESSION VIII: Concluding working session
Chair:Sofie H. Flensborg
10.30 - 11.30 / General conclusions:Jerzy Jendroska
Closing remarks: UNEP, OSCE, UNECE


Annex II


All presentations are available on the Yerevan Workshop website

Presentation materials available (the material can also be downloaded from the agenda)
Материалы выступлений (также доступны через ссылки в повестке дня)

Session 1 General issues
Сессия 1 Общие темы
Aarhus Convention - current status and development (Sofie H. Flensborg)
Орхусская Конвенция – ее статус в настоящее время и процесс развития (Софи Фленсборг) / (.ppt)
Brief overview of the Convention's status in Azerbaijan (Samir Isaev)
Краткий обзор современного положения дел в рамках Конвенции в Азербайджане (Самир Исаев) / (.ppt)
Session 2 General legal framework for implementing the Convention
Сессия 2 Общие правовые рамки реализации конвенции
General legal framework - introduction (Jerzy Jendroska)
Общие правовые рамки конвенции – введение (Ежи Ендроска) / (.doc)
Examples of experiences gained in other countries - Denmark (Sofie H. Flensborg)
Примеры и опыт других стран – Дания (Софи Фленсборг) / (.ppt)
Examples of experiences gained in other countries - Poland (Jerzy Jendroska)
Примеры и опыт других стран – Польша (Ежи Ендроска) / (.doc)
Session 3 Compliance mechanism under the Convention
Сессия 3 Механизмы соблюдения законодательства в рамках конвенции
Introduction (Sofie H. Flensborg)
Вступление (Софи Фленсборг) / (.ppt)
Session 4 Access to information
Сессия 4 Доступ к информации
Introduction - access to information (Jerzy Jendroska)
Вступление – доступ к информации (Ежи Ендроска) / (.doc)
Examples from other countries - Russia (Marina Khotouleva)
Примеры и опыт других стран – Россия (Марина Хотулева) / (.ppt)
Session 5 Collecting, maintaining and disseminating information
Сессия 5 Сбор, обработка и распространение информации
Activedissemination (NickolaiDenisov)
Активное распространение (Николай Денисов) / (.ppt)
PRTRSystems (JerzyJendroska)
Регистры выбросов и переноса загрязнителей (Ежи Ендроска) / (.doc)
PRTRSystems (NickolaiDenisov)
Регистры выбросов и переноса загрязнителей (Николай Денисов) / (.ppt)
Session 6 Publicparticipation
Сессия 6 Участие общественности
Introduction - publicparticipation (MarinaKhotuleva)
Введение– участие общественности (Марина Хотулева) / (.ppt)
Examplesfromothercountries - Poland (JerzyJendroska)
Примеры и опыт других стран – Польша (Ежи Ендроска) / (.doc)

Pressreleases / пресс-релизы
Questionnaire / предварительная анкета участника


Annex III



Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 15-17 November, 2001

Name / NGO / Contact details
Boris Mehrabyan / “Ecological Fund of Armenia”
President / 49/4 Komitasa St.; 375051 Yerevan; Armenia
Tel. (374 1) 23 69 00
Fax. (374 1) 15 16 44
Hovsepyan Arevik / “Environmental Survival”
Board Member / # 908, Baghramyan Ave.
Tel./Fax. (374 1) 52 38 30–work
(374 1) 52 00 26–home

Liana Sayadyan / “Freedom of Information”
Public Centre / 4, Legatan St. ap. 1a
375010 Yerevan
Tel. (374 1) 52 41 05/52 92 40
Amalia Ambartzumyan / “Khazer” Environmental and Cultural NGO
Executive Director / 35, Moskovyan St.
375002 Yerevan
Tel. (374 1) 53 44 72
Fax. (374 1) 53 81 87
Karine Danielyan / Association for Sustainable Human Development
UNEPCOM / 33, Khandjan St., ap. 18
375010 Yerevan
Tel. (374 1) 52 23 27
Fax. (374 1) 52 23 27
Erna Tadevosyan / Environmental Protection Advocacy Centre
Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Armenia / 11/2 Parpetzi St., ap. 1, Yerevan, Armenia
Tel. (374 1) 53 92 55/52 33 22; 57 30 14
Fax. (374 1) 53 06 69


Name / Ministry / Contact details
Nune Hovhannisyan / Leading Specialist in Department of International Co-operation
Ministry of Nature Protection / 35, Moskovyan St., 375002 Yerevan, Armenia
Tel. (374 1) 53 18 61- work
(374 1) 53 49 48-home
Fax. (374 1) 15 19 59/53 18 61

Gayane Manukyan / Head of Public Relations Department
Ministry of Nature Protection / 35, Moskovyan St., 375002 Yerevan, Armenia
Tel. (374 1) 53 18 61
Fax. (374 1) 15 19 59/53 18 61
Aida Iskoyan / Advisor to the Minister of Nature Protection
Environmental Public Advocacy Centre, President / 11/2 Parpetzi St., ap. 1; Yerevan, Armenia
Tel. (374 1) 53 92 55/58 98 34; 53 18 62
Fax. (374 1) 53 06 69

Alice Savadjan / Environmental Expert to Standing Committee on Social, Environmental and Health Issues
Parliament of the Republic of Armenia / 19, Bagramyan St., Yerevan, Armenia
Tel. (374 1) 58 83 21
Fax. (374 1) 52 74 50
Boris Ghazaryan / Deputy Director
State Environmental Expertise Agency / 20, Spendiaryan St., Yerevan, Armenia


Name / NGO / Contact details
Levan Tavartkiladze / “Green Alternative” / 1, Mtskheta St. Apt. 12; 380062 Tbilisi; Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 22 33 47
Fax. (995 32) 22 33 47
Badridze Eka / “Centre for Strategic Research and Development” / 33a, Gamsakhurdia St.; Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 96 41 24
Fax. (995 32) 25 07 11

Nino Qituashvili / “Centre of Environmental Education” / 68/a Kostava, 380015 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 94 36 70
Simonidze Rusudan / The Greens Movement of Georgia/Friends of the Earth / 182, Aghmashenebeli ave; Green House
Mushtaid Park 380012; Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 35 47 51/95 20 33
Fax. (995 32) 35 16 74
Tamar Rukhadze / “Journalists for Harmony on the Earth” Association / 15, Gorky St.;Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 95 16 98
Name / Ministry / Contact details
Mzia Gvilava / Main Department of Air Protection
Ministry of Environment / 68a Kostava St.; 380015 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 94 36 70
Fax. (995 32) 94 36 70
Nino Tkhilava / Senior Specialist
Main Department of Air Protection
Ministry of Environment / 68a Kostava St., 380015 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 33 39 52
Fax. (995 32) 33 39 52

Irma Gurguliani / Senior Specialist Department of Environmental Policy
Ministry of Environment / 68a Kostava St., 380015 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 33 39 52
Fax. (995 32) 33 39 52

Elizbar Makhuashrili / Legal Department
Ministry of Environment / 68a Kostava St., 380015 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 23 06 64
Fax. (995 32) 94 36 70

Margarita Khidirbegishvili / Advisor to the Minister
Ministry of Environment / 68a Kostava St., 380015 Tbilisi,Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 23 06 64
Fax. (995 32) 94 36 70


Name / NGO / Contact details
Rasim Aliyev / “Ecosef” / 14, A. Manafov St. ap. 36; 370060 Baku
Tel. (994 12) 23 77 78/55 27 83
(994 55) 778 19 23-mobile
Sabir Israfilov / Azerbaijan Society for Nature Protection
Chairman / Tel. (994 50) 339 69 98-mobile
Samir Isaev / Environmental Law Center “Ecolex-Azerbaijan”
Chairman / Tel. (994 50) 312 14 39-mobile
Tel./Fax. (994 12) 68 33 59
Bakhtiyar Mamedov / Senior Lecturer, Azerbaijan State Economic University,
Azerbaijan Lawyers Society / Tel. (994 50) 334 35 07-mobile
(994 12) 92 34 50
Fax. (994 12) 92 59 40/92 34 50
Gulnara Mamedzadeh / “Ekho” Newspaper Environmental journalist / Tel. (994 12) 97 51 74
Fax. (994 12) 47 41 50


Name / Sector / Contact details
Alfred Nersissyan / Deputy Minister of Nature Protection, Armenia / 35, Moskovyan St.
375002 Yerevan, Armenia
Nato Kirvalidze / Executive Director, REC Caucasus / REC Caucasus
74 Chavchavadze Ave., room 804
380062 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 25 36 48
Fax: (995 32) 25 36 49
Matlab Hasanov / Grants Officer, REC Caucasus / REC Caucasus
74 Chavchavadze Ave., room 804
380062 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 25 36 48
Fax: (995 32) 25 36 49
Armen Martirosyan / Programme Officer, REC Caucasus / REC Caucasus
74 Chavchavadze Ave., room 804
380062 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (995 32) 25 36 48
Fax: (995 32) 25 36 49
Tinatin Mosiashvili / Journalist
Newspaper “Resonance” / 89/24, David Agmashenebeli Ave.
380002 Tbilisi
Tel. (995 32) 95 69 38
Fax. (995 32) 95 06 42


Name / Organisation / Contact details
Sofie Flensborg / UNECE,
Associate expert,
Aarhus Convention Secretariat
/ Bureau 315, Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 917 2650
Fax: +41 22 907 0107
Frank Evers / OSCE Office in Yerevan, Economic and Environmental Advisor / #60 Zarobyan Str., Yerevan, 375019
Tel: (3741) 54-10-63; 54-58-45
Fax: (37-41) 56-11-38
Ruzanna Baghdasaryan / OSCE Office in Yerevan, Expert to Political, Economic and Environmental Section / #60 Zarobyan Str., Yerevan, 375019
Tel: (3741) 54-10-63; 54-58-45
Fax: (37-41) 56-11-38
E-mail: ;
Nikolay Denisov / Trainer
Programme Manager CIS and NIS,
UNEP/ GRID-Arendal / Longum Park
Service box 706
N 4808 Arendal, Norway
Tel: (47) 37035707
Fax: (47) 37035050

Dmitry Skrylnikov / Trainer
“Ecopravo-Lviv” / 2, Krushelnitska Str., Lviv,
79000, Ukraine
Tel: 380 (322) 72 27

Marianna Bolshakova / Trainer
Project Manager
REC CEE / ADY Endre ut. 9-11
2000 Szentendre, Hungary
Tel: (3626) 504000, ext. 212
Marina Khoutoleva / Trainer
EIA Centre, Ecoline / 125047, Moscow, 2-47, post-box 7
Tel: 978-90-61

Jerzy Jendroska / Trainer
Aarhus Convention Bureau, Vice-Chair
Centre of Environmental Law, Director / ul. Uniwersytecka 1, 50-951 Wroclaw
Tel: (+48 71) 34 102 34
Fax: (+48 71) 34 101 97