Women’s Council of Realtors, Orlando Regional Chapter

Lou SutherlandAward

Nomination Form


A. The person to be considered must be a member in good standing.

B. The nominee should be a broker or owner of a real estate company or affiliated business who has supported Women’s Council of Realtors and stressed the importance that Women’s Council of Realtors membership brings.

C. This member, by way of example, is a role model for other brokers or owners who support and believe in the value that Women's Council ofRealtors®brings to its members.

E. Must have attended at least 4 Business Resource Meeting luncheons, Social events, or special events sponsored by Women’s Council of Realtors during 2014.

Nominator – Please complete this Awards Nomination Form, and email to the WCR Orlando Regional Chapter Nominating Committee via email to

Nominating Person - Your Name:

Nominating Person’s Company:

Nominee's Name:

Nominee’s Company:


First year of membership in Local Association: ______WCR: ______

Below are some criteria to consider in selecting the Lou Sutherland Award recipient that you want to submit to the Nominations Committee for consideration (please feel free to make notes next to bullet points):

  • Nominee must be a member in good standing.
  • Nominee contributed to the membership of Women’s Council of REALTORS® through sponsoring and encouraging members of his/her firm or organization to become members of Women’s Council of REALTORS®.
  • Nominee, by way of example, is a role model for other Women's Council of

REALTORS® members.

  • WCR National/State/Local Offices Held
  • WCR National/State/Local Committee Chairs Held
  • WCR National/State/Local Committee Work
  • WCR National/State/Local participation in Chapter Activities/Events
  • WCR National/State/Local Meetings/Events Attended
  • Industry involvement/support through participation in other organizations
  • Industry Awards Nominated and/or Received
  • Societies, Institutes & Council Memberships Held
  • Designations/Licenses Earned

1) Using the nomination criteria found above, please tell us why you are submitting this person for this award:


2) Real Estate Background:


3) Typeand year License(s) Activated, if known:


4) Current Position in Industry: ______

5) Years with present firm: ______

6) Business Accomplishments:


7) Has nominee been a sponsor, lunch sponsor, or contributor to the Women’s Council of REALTORS® functions and events? If so, please name:


8) What other civic-minded activities, causes, or organizations is the Nominee involved



9) Is this the first year the Nominee was involved with this project? YES NO

If not, how many years has he/she been involved?

11) Who has benefited most from the Nominee's contribution to Women’s Council of Realtors?


10)Briefly describe the accomplishments and the extent of the Nominee's involvement in the community.


13) Other information you would like us to consider:


Lou Sutherland Award