The Regular meeting of the City of Buffalo City Common Council was called to order by Council PresidentBrach Seitz at 7:00 p.m. Roll call: Brach Seitz, Lisa Schuh, Russ Lorenz, Kevin Mack and City Superintendent Stan Meier. Absent: Mayor Dan Wicka. Citizens: Larry Brosnan, Lynda Rickoff, Jerry DenBoer, Tom Clark and Greg Jencen. The meeting was held as noticed. Motion Lorenz, second Mack to approve minutes from the Februaryregular council meeting. All yes, motion carried.
Recreation: Tom Clark of the C-BC Lions Club spoke to the board about the Lions 4th of July plans for this year. Clark said the celebration is slated for the Buffalo City park for one day on the 4th of July with all the normal food, entertainment and kids activities. While this should have been the year for Cochrane to host the celebration, Clark said the Lions needed to make a decision that was financially responsible for their organization. They historically make 50 percent more in Buffalo City than in Cochrane. The Lions are again considering fireworks at the end of the day, but this plan is contingent on funds and operators. Clark said the celebration is a large undertaking for a very small group of members. Membership is down and the Lions are always looking for new members. The club is not sure at this time what the VFW post will do with the parade. Lorenz said the skating rink now closed. Continue to put CapX2020 funds “wish” list together. Committee will meet to finalize when snow melts.
Finance:Lynda Rickoff, auditor from Russell & Associates gave a summary of the City’s 2013 audit report. She said the City is in decent financial shape. Rickoff had no issues to report, but did suggest the council in the future amend the budget any time they approve larger purchases out of funds such as the machinery or fire equipment operations that are not directly budgeted for. Contract mowing for 2014 was discussed. Motion Lorenz, second Mack to approve a contract for $150 per mow with Scenic Valley Landscape for the 2014 season of all previously stated city lots and Foelsch park. All yes, motion carried.
Building: One permit issued for interior remodel, and one permit denied due to setback regulations. Council received letter from David Becker asking about a neighbor’s building project that was over 16 years old. Clerk pulled permit for project. Council agreed all is in order. Mr. Becker will be notified of this.
Citizen: Brosnan told the council the Department of Agriculture is giving grants for the improvement of bee habitats.
Other:Brach gave an update on BBC board. The board is continuing to work with the county. Jerry Den Boer of Bluffview Insurance Agency provided a quote for 2014 insurance coverage. Discussion on whether or not the City needed data compromise coverage. Council also discussed the linebacker policy and how much coverage was needed. Motion Mack, second Lorenz to accept the insurance coverage at a premium of $9,570 without data compromise coverage. All yes, motion carried.
Clerk: Clerk informed council of a salon that was being run out of a home without a conditional use permit. Letter has been sent to owner to cease operations immediately. Motion Lorenz, second Schuh to approve operator’s permit for Jessica Sobotta at the Resort. All yes, motion carried. Motion Mack, second Lorenz to approve Class B Liquor and Beer License for The Cove LLC, President – Debra Hoeft, Agent –Rebecca King-Oium. All paperwork and state permits are in order. All yes, motion carried. Motion Schuh, second Mack to approve transfer of James H. Rogneby cemetery plots to Debra Dix, Jeff Rogneby, Brett Shelanski, Scott Rogneby and Tamara Bates. All yes, motion carried.
Motion Lorenz, second Mack to pay bills. All yes, motion carried.
Motion Mack, second Lorenzto adjourn meeting. All yes, motion carried.
Dan Wicka, Mayor Jenny Ehlenfeldt, Clerk
______Date Approved