After School Education and Safety Program
Grant Renewal Application Cycle C
After School Education and Safety Program
Grant Renewal Application
Cycle C
Request for Renewal Applications
Fiscal Year 2015–18
Due February 13, 2015
California Education Code sections 8482–8484.6
After School Division
After School Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 3400
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
Table Of Contents
I. Key Terms 1
II. Background 3
III. Who May Apply 3
A. Role of Each Co-applicant 4
B. Role of the Fiscal Agent as a Co-applicant 5
C. Role of the Principal/Executive Director 5
IV. Required Program Elements 5
A. Purpose 5
1. Educational and Literacy Element………………………………………. 5
2. Educational Enrichment Element…………………………………………6
B. Legislatively Required Performance Measures 7
C. Supplementing versus Supplanting 8
V. Renewal Request Application––Preparation and Submission 8
A. Include Notification for Changes to Program Plan 8
B. Renewal Options through the ASSIST 8
C. Assurances 9
VI. Renewal Approval 9
VII. Grant Awards 10
VIII. Payments 11
IX. Online Application 11
A. ASSIST Logon Instructions 11
B. Download, Print, Complete, and Submit the Renewal Application 11
C. Online Application Tips: 12
X. Grant Renewal Request Checklist 13
After School Education and Safety Program
Grant Renewal Application Cycle C
I. Key Terms
Applicant––refers to an agency or organization requesting funds from a grant program administered by the California Department of Education.
ASD––refers to the California Department of Education, After School Division.
ASES––refers to the state-funded After School Education and Safety Program.
ASP––refers to after school program.
ASSIST––refers to the After School Support & Information System online reporting system.
Authorized Signatory/Signature––refers to the executive of the organization. Acceptable authorized signatories are:
· Local Educational Agency (LEA): Superintendent of an LEA, county office
of education (COE) or school district, or charter school governing board authorized signatory
· School: Principal or executive director of a school
· Non-LEA Co-applicant: The chief executive officer of the non-profit or government agency (a county board of supervisors or city council)
(NOTE: Designees will be accepted with a copy of the governing board’s resolution and minutes authorizing them to sign as a proxy for financial statements and legally binding documents.)
CDE––refers to the California Department of Education.
Co-applicant––refers to each Applicant in an application that includes more than one Applicant as provided for by EC Section 8482.3(e)(2).
EC––refers to California Education Code.
Expanded Learning – refers to after school programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. Expanded Learning programs are pupil-centered, results driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular school day and school year (EC 8482.1[a]).
FPM––refers to Federal Program Monitoring.
Fiscal Agent––refers to the public agency or LEA partner designated in the application to act as the Fiscal Agent.
FY––refers to a state fiscal year.
Good Standing Status–– It refers to the grantee being in compliance with all terms and conditions of the grant requirements. (For more details, refer to section VI. Renewal Approval, which begins on page 9.)
Grantee––refers to an Applicant who has a current approved grant award
(AO-400) for ASES Program funds.
LEA––refers to Local Educational Agencies such as school districts, county offices of education, the California Schools for the Blind or for the Deaf, or direct-funded charter schools. (For the purpose of this RFA, direct-funded charter school refers to a charter school that receives funds directly from the state and has its own governing board.)
Program Plan––refers to the ASES Program Plan that includes the program goals, the education/literacy and enrichment elements, outcome measures and any other information required by the CDE.
Public Agency––refers to only a county board of supervisors or, if a city is incorporated or has a charter, a city council.
RFA––refers to this ASES Program Request for Renewal Applications.
II. Background
The California Legislature established the ASES Program to develop and operate partnerships that provide academic and literacy support and safe constructive alternatives for students in grades kindergarten through nine. Programs operate at elementary, middle, and junior high school campuses with a high percentage of students from low-income families. This ASES Program grant renewal application request provides the opportunity for existing grantees with expiring grants as of June 30, 2015, to apply for renewal for another three-year period, in other words,
FY 2015–18 (EC Section 8482.4[c]).
III. Who May Apply
Entities eligible to re-apply for renewal of their existing ASES grants include a:
· School district
· County office of education
· California Schools for the Blind or for the Deaf
· Direct-funded charter school
· City, county, or non-profit organization may apply only in partnership with, and the approval of, an LEA or LEAs
Entities eligible to be the Fiscal Agent include one of the following:
· An LEA, including a direct-funded charter
· Chartered or incorporated city council
· County board of supervisors
In this renewal process the Applicant has the option of applying with a Co-applicant. When applying as Co-applicants, one Applicant, as designated above, will be the Fiscal Agent. The following chart outlines the allowable options for applying with a Co-applicant.
Allowable Co-applicant Combinations
Co-applicant Type / Non-LEA / LEA1 / County Board of Supervisors / One or more LEAs
2 / The city council of a chartered or incorporated city / One or more LEAs
3 / Non-profit (may not act as the Fiscal Agent) / One or more LEAs
Important: Any agency may act as a collaborative local partner, contractually or otherwise, in implementing the ASES Program without applying as a
Co-applicant in this ASES application. Applying as a Co-applicant in this application creates a responsibility directly to the CDE to implement the terms of the RFA EC Section 8482.3(e)(2)).
Each Applicant (including all Co-applicants) and the principal of each participating school for each program site must provide original Authorized Signatures in their application (EC sections 8482.3[f][1] and 8482.3[f][2]).
An application may include multiple school sites. A school site is only eligible to receive funding in one ASES Program grant renewal application.
A renewing school site that has received an involuntary or voluntary grant reduction effective FY 2015–16 is eligible for funding only at the reduced funding level through this ASES Program RFA (per EC Section 8483.7).
Who may not apply through this RFA:
New Applicants or current grantees that are seeking to add a school site and/or seeking to increase a current school site’s funding up to the legislative cap may not apply as a renewal in this RFA. They must apply as a new Applicant through the ASES Program Universal Grant RFA, which may be found at
A. Role of Each Co-applicant
Each Applicant and Co-applicant must sign this application (EC sections 8482.3[e][2] and 8482.3[f][3]). Each Co-applicant in the application agrees to share responsibility for the planning and quality of the program for the duration of the grant period (EC sections 8482.3[f][3] and 8482.5[b]).
All Applicants agree to operate a program(s) on a school site(s) (EC Section 8482.3[f][1]) or an off-site location(s). All Applicants agree that an off-site program must meet all statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to similar programs conducted on a school site (EC Section 8484.6).
B. Role of the Fiscal Agent as a Co-applicant
The Fiscal Agent Co-applicant is either an LEA or public agency in this application that is awarded and administers the grant funds (EC Section 8482.3[f][4]). Possible Fiscal Agents include one of the following:
· An LEA, including a direct-funded charter
· A chartered or incorporated city council
· A county board of supervisors
NOTE: A non-profit Co-applicant may not act as a Fiscal Agent Co-applicant (EC Section 8482.3[f][4]). An LEA that applies without a Co-applicant does not require a Fiscal Agent Co-applicant because they will receive the grant awards directly from the CDE.
C. Role of the Principal/Executive Director
The principal/executive director of each school must sign this application
(EC Section 8482.3[f][2]) and commit to supporting the program (EC Section 8483.3[c][6]). The principal/executive director also agrees to operate a program on their school site (EC Section 8482.3[f][1]) or at a site not located on the school campus that meets all statutory and regulatory requirements
(EC Section 8484.6).
IV. Required Program Elements
A. Purpose
To achieve the legislated ASES Program purpose, grantees must continue to address locally identified goals as described in their ASES applications, for the following two elements that balance and complement each other and together provide an integrated and age-appropriate before and after school program.
1. Educational and Literacy Element
An educational and literacy element (EC Section 8482.3[c][1]) is required in which tutoring or homework assistance is provided in one or more of the following areas:
· Language arts
· Mathematics
· History and social science
· Computer training
· Science
2. Educational Enrichment Element
An educational enrichment element (EC Section 8482.3[c][2]) is required that may include, but need not be limited to the following:
· Fine arts
· Career technical education
· Recreation
· Physical fitness
· Prevention activities
Examples of such activities and programs include, but are not limited to:
· Remedial education activities
· Expanded learning activities in core content areas
· Homework assistance
· Tutoring services
· Language skills and academic achievement for English learners
· Telecommunications and technology education (e.g., computer training)
· Fine arts training in any art form (e.g., visual, performing, and digital arts)
· Recreational activities
· Science-related activities
· Physical fitness activities
· Nutrition education activities
· Career technical education activities
· Job readiness activities
· Drug, alcohol, and tobacco education and prevention activities
· Service-learning
· Mentoring
· Coordinated school health activities
· Character education
· Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
When determining goals for the educational and literacy element and the educational enrichment element, the ASD strongly encourages Applicants to use research-based curricula and strategies that are aligned to California’s state standards, including the Common Core State Standards, and are appropriate for after school audiences. Free access to materials meeting these requirements is available through the California After School Resource Center Web site at:
B. Legislatively Required Performance Measures
California EC requires that all grantees submit the following data annually:
· Regular Day Attendance—School day attendance on an annual basis for each student in the ASP (EC Section 8484[a][1][A]).
· ASES Program Attendance—Grantee will report actual attendance for each student in the ASP (EC sections 8481[a][1][B] and 8483.55[c][1][4]).
· Academic Performance—With the passage of AB 484 the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program has been suspended. Therefore, grantees will submit any assessment or reporting requirement as subsequently established by the CDE.
This information is collected through the statewide evaluation process and must match all previously submitted attendance reports in the ASSIST located at
C. Supplementing versus Supplanting
Grantees are to use program funds to supplement, but not supplant, existing funding for ASPs (EC sections 8483.5[e] and 8483.7[b]).
V. Renewal Request Application––Preparation and Submission
The ASSIST online renewal system is the method for applying for the ASES Program Renewal. The online renewal system in the ASSIST will create the necessary forms (with the exception of the Statement for an Amended ASES Program Plan, see below). The ASSIST forms will be auto-populated with the following data:
· Applicant agency information
· Program site information
· Staff contact information
· List of schools operating ASES programs
· Application forms and assurances
After the completion of the application process, Applicants will print out the application for signature and submit the original signed application to the ASD by 5:00 p.m. on February 13, 2015.
A. Include Notification for Changes to Program Plan
Grantees should review their program plan every three years as it pertains to program goals, program content, and outcome measures. Submission of program plans with this application is not required. However, if the current program goals or outcome measures change as a result of this review, the grantee shall include a statement with this application that the program plan has been amended (see application checklist). The grantee needs to maintain the program plan on-site and make it available to CDE during any monitoring process (EC Section 8482.3[g][1]).
B. Renewal Options through the ASSIST
There are two options available when grantees are applying for grant renewal. A grantee may choose to renew a previously funded school site at the existing funding level, or the grantee may choose to cancel a previously funded school site and decrease the entire grant award total.
1. Continuing Existing Level: Renew a currently approved school at the existing funding level.
· Indicate status R (renew) in the first column of the List of Schools form.
· Obtain the principal's signature for each school.
2. Canceling Site Funding: Identify which currently approved school(s) will be canceling funding.
· Indicate status C (cancel) in the first column of the List of Schools form.
· Obtain the principal's signature for each school.
Grantees may request to substitute school sites or partially decrease funding for a school site, but not as part of this grant renewal process. To do this, please contact the ASD at 916-319-0923.
An original Authorized Signature must be on all applicable pages.
C. Assurances
All grantees are required to read and comply with the list of General Assurances posted on the CDE Funding Forms Web page located at Please download the list of assurances, and retain for your records. In addition to reading and understanding the list of General Assurances, grantees must sign, submit, and comply with each of the ASES Certified Assurances forms that are generated as part of the ASSIST application process.
VI. Renewal Approval
The Applicant must meet administrative requirements as outlined in the ASES Certified Assurances for their current grant and be in Good Standing Status in order to be renewed (EC sections 8484.8[b][3], 8483.8, 8482.4[c], 8483.7[a][1][A][vi], 8483.7[a][1][A][vii], and 8484[a]). Good Standing Status is defined as: