Off and Running!
September 10, 2013
Dear Families,
We are on our way to a delightfully educational year. There are 27 students in our class and roughly a zillion different interests, experiences and abilities! J We are set to learn so many things in so many ways.
Review and Refresh is the name of the game in Math for a few days. This gives me a good idea of the depth of understanding of second grade concepts and where to begin building the new third grade learning. To give you an idea of the importance of review I want to share a comment that I heard a student mumble as he was struggling with a math problem: “Man, I wish I had done some of this stuff over the summer! I think I used to know it!” As I have assured the students, past knowledge will come back, and you are ready for 3rd grade!
We have just completed a read aloud of our first chapter book, Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. During the reading of this book we created a chart of the main characters and then added character traits to better understand their role in the story. At the end of the book most students were excited when I told them that there were many other books written about Flat Stanley and his adventures!
Our Daily Routine
Our daily routine seems to be working well and we haven’t had to make any big changes.
v Please note that we are now scheduled to go to the Library every Tuesday!
A few students started asking about homework on the first day of school. I love the enthusiasm! Right now the homework for all students is to read 20 minutes each day. There will be more information about my homework policy soon.
Frequently Asked Questions Answered J
v I just found out that we will be using IXL Math again this year. As soon as I get my class set up with login’s and passwords you will receive information about how to access this great program at home.
v I will have several volunteer opportunities this year. It takes me a few weeks to identify my needs and to choose the best times for volunteers to come in. More information will be coming.
FYI’s and Housekeeping Items
· Old, clean socks needed. If you have a stray sock or socks that you would like to donate to our class they make wonderful white board erasers. All students have a personal dry erase board in their desks and we use them throughout the day. If each child has a “sock” eraser it really saves on the number of tissues we use and discard in a day. Thanks so much!
· Snacks! Since we have the latest lunch time at Sunnycrest some kids need a snack earlier in the day. We have a 20 minute mid-morning recess so if you would like to send a small snack with your child they can take it with them to recess. My experience is that this really helps most kids through the morning. J
· Please consider joining the PTA. The time, energy and money that they contribute to Sunnycrest students, staff and families is amazing! You can now join online! It’s easy! Go to the Sunnycrest Home Page and click on the shortcut called Sunnycrest PTA. Also, the first PTA meeting will be held this Thursday at 3:45 in the Sunnycrest Library. Everyone is welcome! J
· Curriculum Night is Tuesday evening September 17th. I look forward to seeing everyone who is able to attend.
· Please contact me with any questions or concerns! I am usually in my classroom before school between 8:45 and 9:15 and after school between 3:45 and 4:15pm. The number is
I also check my email daily at:
And, of course you may send a note with your child and I will respond in writing.
I’m excited for this school year and the energy that each of the students brings to class. I also look forward to getting to know the families of each of my students.
Very Sincerely,
Please sign, tear off and return J
Student’s name ______
Comments, questions, suggestions:
Parent/Guardian Signature ______