Chapter 5
Application Software: The Key to Digital Productivity
5.1 Software’s Role in the World of Computing / application software / How is application software different from system software?
What were some of the early application software programs?
5.2 The Many Types of Application Software / What tasks can you accomplish with today's application software?
How is today's application software different from early versions?
Productivity Software: Getting Work Done / productivity software / What types of applications are considered productivity software?
How is productivity software bundled and sold to consumers?
Word Processor Software / word processor software / What features are included in today's word processor applications?
Spreadsheet Software / spreadsheet software / What do spreadsheet applications do?
What are some examples of spreadsheet software packages in the marketplace?
Database Software / database software / What does database software do?
What does it offer that spreadsheet and word processor software do not?
Presentation Software / presentation software / What are some examples of presentation software in the marketplace?
On what concept is presentation software based?
Calendar, Organizer, and Contact Management Software / calendar software
organizer software
contact management software / What are some examples of calendar software?
What features are combined in organizer software?
What does contact management software do?
Who might use contact management software?
Graphics, Multimedia, and Web Pages / graphics software
desktop publishing (DTP) software
photo editing software
screen capture software
multimedia software
animation software
audio software
video software
web authoring software / What does graphics software do?
Who uses graphics software?
What are some examples of graphics software in the marketplace?
What categories of software are included in multimedia software?
How is multimedia software used?
Where might you see the results of multimedia software?
Entertainment and Personal Use / entertainment software / What types of software are produced for entertainment and personal use?
Software Gets Professional / What specific business needs are addressed by professional software?
Financial Applications / What are some examples of financial software programs?
What features do these programs have?
Business Processes / What types of software help with business processes?
What are some examples?
Industry-Specific Software / What types of industries have software specially designed for them?
Custom and Enterprise Software / What are some examples of enterprise software?
What software companies are in this market?
Who is likely to use enterprise or custom software?
Mobile Applications / What types of software are available as mobile applications?
Take the Next Step: Activity 5.2.1 / edutainment
web-based training / How can software help you learn?
5.3 Developing and Delivering Software / How has software development and delivery changed in recent years?
Developing Software / software development life cycle (SDLC)
alpha version
beta version
release to manufacturing (RTM) version
bug / What is the software development life cycle? What are the six phases identified in the text?
What versions are involved in software testing?
How Software Is Delivered to You / How was software delivered in the past?
Packaged and Downloaded Software / packaged software
software suite / How has the packaging of software changed over the years?
What is a software suite?
How is software purchased and delivered online?
Why was this impractical in the past?
Cloud Computing / web-based software
cloud computing
software as a service (SaaS) / What is cloud computing?
How does software as a service (SaaS) work?
Software Pricing / What are the different software pricing models?
Freeware and Shareware / freeware
shareware / What is the difference between freeware and shareware?
What "hidden costs" are sometimes associated with freeware?
Open Source Software / source code
open source software / What is the open source movement?
How does open source software work?
Getting a License / How do software licensing agreements work?
The Cost of Software in the Cloud / How does pricing work in a cloud computing model?
Take the Next Step: Activity 5.3.1 / software on demand
cloud storage / How do I access my software using cloud computing?
Take the Next Step: Activity 5.3.2 / GNU General Public License / How did the open source movement evolve?
Spotlight on the Future Podcast: Will Paying for Software Become a Thing of the Past? / Why aren't more people flocking to free and open source software (FOSS)?
How will the rise of mobile phones as computing devices affect FOSS?
What will the future of FOSS look like?
5.4 Software Working Together / How can content created in one application be used by another application?
Importing and Exporting / export
rich text format (RTF)
comma-separated-values (CSV) format / Why would you want to import and export data to and from applications?
What file formats are commonly used to exchange data?
How are these formats different from one another?
Converting Handwritten Notes and Speech to Text / handwriting recognition software
speech recognition software / What devices use handwriting recognition software?
How does speech recognition software work?
What are some drawbacks to handwriting and speech recognition packages?
Embedding and Linking Content / object linking and embedding (OLE)
embedded object / What is OLE?
Where is OLE used?
Using Shared Features / shared feature / What are some examples of shared features?
Take the Next Step: Activity 5.4.1 / How do I print from Word into PowerPoint and then from PowerPoint into Word?
Take the Next Step: Activity 5.4.2 / file extension / How do you identify the format that a file is saved in?
Our Digital World: Introduction to ComputingChapter 5 Study Notes
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