& Associates Pty Ltd
Training and Development Consultants
Association of Tourist and Heritage
Railways Australia
Development of ATHRA Generic TrainingPlans and Associated Materials for:
1.Railcar Driver,
2.Station Master/Train Controller,
3.Track Inspector/Work Supervisor, and
4.Track patrolmen
David Rumsey and Associates Pty Ltd
September, 2012
Over the past six years, theAssociation of Tourist Railways(ATHRA) has been actively involved in the development of the generic training plans and associated materials for a range of heritage rail occupations sponsored by ATHRA (Association of Tourist and HeritageRailways Australia).
The ATHRA materials have been developed to ensure a nationally consistent approach to the training and assessment of personnel in the Tourist and HeritageRailways sector, while still allowing the customisation of the training strategies and materials to meet the operational contexts of local individual heritage and tourist rail operators.
Tourist Railway Operators have also been developing Safety Management Systems (SMSs) and associated Safety Management Plans (SMPs) to meet the current requirements of rail safety regulators. It is important that each rail operator is able to suitably customise the ATHRA generic training and assessment materials to meet their own context and circumstances. This has then enabled each of them to ensure that their personnel have the competence necessary to contribute to the implementation of the safety management system and plan for the railway concerned.
To date, eight sets of resources have been developed in the following topic areas:
1 Steam Locomotive Driver
2.Diesel Locomotive Driver
4.Second Person
5.Train Guard
6.Tram Driver
7.Safeworking and General Safety
8.Train Examination Addendum
Each set of resources includes a template for learner’s lesson plans and associated knowledge and performance checklists and mentor’s Q&A booklets -- one for each topic area (Note that the ‘Training Examination Addendum’ set of resources is intended for use with all persons who may have a responsibility for train examination, including train drivers and guards and other authorised personnel where applicable). In addition, a mapping has been developed of each of the lesson plans to the relevant national competency standards in the Transport and Logistics Industry Training Package.Templates have also been developed for (1) an overall mentor’s guide and (2) overall customisation guidelines.
It is in this context, it is understood that the ATHRA wishes to conduct a project aimed at developing sets of draft resources for a further four topic areas namely:
Railcar Driver,
Station Master / Train Controller,
Track Inspector / Work Supervisor, and
Track Patrolman
The proposed project is to have the following elements:
Clarification of the functions and related skills and knowledge for the four occupational areas (through a review of existing information and a combination of telephone and face-to-face interviews with persons with in-depth knowledge of these functions
Development of draft sets of resources for the four topic areas i.e. ….
Railcar DriverLesson Plan / Railcar Driver Knowledge Checklist / Railcar Driver Performance Checklist / Railcar Driver Mentor’s Q&A Booklet / Railcar Driver Mapping Matrix
Station Master /
Train Controller
Lesson Plan / Station Master /
Train Controller
Knowledge Checklist / Station Master /
Train Controller
Performance Checklist / Station Master /
Train Controller
Mentor’s Q&A Booklet / Station Master /
Train Controller
Mapping Matrix
Track Inspector /
Work Supervisor Lesson Plan / Track Inspector /
Work Supervisor Knowledge Checklist / Track Inspector /
Work Supervisor Performance Checklist / Track Inspector /
Work Supervisor Mentor’s Q&A Booklet / Track Inspector /
Work Supervisor Mapping Matrix
Track Patrolman
Lesson Plan / Track Patrolman
Knowledge Checklist / Track Patrolman
Performance Checklist / Track Patrolman
Mentor’s Q&A Booklet / Track Patrolman
Mapping Matrix
Review and editing of the drafts with a small panel of experts
This expression of interest outlines a methodology to assist ATHRA in the conduct of the proposed project. In order to minimise consulting costs the following assumptions and strategies have been adopted:
- Existing information and drafts will be made available in electronic form and/or hard copy to the consultant,
- ATHRA will identify expert persons in the Brisbane area who the consultant can meet or have telephone discussions to clarify the functions and related skills and knowledge for the four occupational areas,
- ATHRA will also identify expert persons in other States who can examine draft materials and provide feedback for editing,
- The consultant will base the new materials on the format and template of the existing ATHRA resources.
The objectives are to:
1Review existing information and consult with nominated experts to clarify the functions and related skills and knowledge for railcar drivers, station masters/train controllers, track inspectors/work supervisors, and track patrolmen in the heritage rail sector
2Develop and edit in consultation withnominated experts the fifteen draft files
(in Word 2003 format) covering the sets of resources for
Railcar Driver,
Station Master / Train Controller,
Track Inspector / Work Supervisor, and
Track Patrolman
The deliverables will be submitted to the ATHRA project manager in both hardcopy and electronic format (in Microsoft Word 2003).
The proposed project methodology is summarised in the table below:
ACTIVITY / DESCRIPTIONClarify functions and related skills and knowledge / The consultant will obtain from the ATHRA project manager contact details of nominated experts in Queensland and other States.
The consultant will also obtain from the ATHRA project manager relevant information and any existing drafts of resources.
The consultant will review the information provided and consult with the nominated experts to clarify and confirm the functions and related skills and knowledge for railcar drivers, station masters/train controllers, track inspectors/work supervisors, and track patrolmen
Develop initial drafts / The Consultant will prepare initial draft of the fifteen resources based on the review of information and his consultations with the nominated experts. The drafts will follow format and template of the existing ATHRA resources.
Editdrafts based on feedback / The Consultant will circulate the drafts to the nominated experts through the ATHRA project manager for their consideration and any suggested changes. The feed back,
in the form of marked up hard copies of the resources concerned, will be provided back to the consultant via the ATHRA project manager.
The consultant will maintain an issues register and edit the draft resources accordingly. Any issues arising will be resolved in conjunction with the ATHRA project manager.
Submit edited draft resources / The Consultant will submit the final edited drafts of the fifteen resources on a memory stick and in hard copy to the ATHRA project manager.
Dependent upon the starting date for the project, and the availability of the required information and nominated experts, it is anticipated that the project could be completed within three months.
ACTIVITY / Est DaysClarify functions and related skills and knowledge / 1
Develop initial drafts / 5
Edit drafts based on feedback / 2
Submit edited draft resources / 0
CONSULTING FEES 8days @ $1000 $8,000
plus GST$800
NOTE:Should there be the need for any travel and incidental expenses or project variations, they will be as agreed and approved by the ATHRA Project Manager.
Initial Payment
(On commencement [50%])$4,400.00
Final Payment
On completion [50%])$4,400.00
OVERALL TOTAL (including GST) ………………..…….……..……$8,800.00
NOTES: 1Any travel and incidental expenses (if required) will be as agreed in writing with the ATHRA Project Manager and will be progressively billed separately at cost in accordance with travel arrangements. Any agreed car travel will be billed at the ATO tax rate of 68c per km (incl. GST)
2Should the project activities reveal the need (agreed by the ATHRA Project Manager) for any additional work beyond that assumed in this expression of interest, a suitable contract variation will be negotiated and agreed between the Consultant and ATHRA
Dr David Rumsey BSc(Tech) Dip Ed MA PhD CEng MIET FACE AM
Managing Director and Principal Consultant
David Rumsey and Associates Pty Ltd
ABN 31 056 324 880ACN 056 324 880
CONTACT DETAILS: •Managing Director, Dr David Rumsey AM
102 Pine St, Wynnum, Queensland 4178
•Tel 61 73396 4230 Mob 0411 229 537
EDUCATION: •B.Sc. (Technology) (Electrical Engineering), UNSW
•M.A. (Vocational and Technical Education), MacquarieUniversity
•Dip. Ed, SydneyCollege of Advanced Education
PhD (DeakinUniversity) on the topic “Learning to Deal With Change in the Workplace”
AFFILIATIONS: •Member of the Order of Australia (Queen’s Birthday Honours 2006) for service to education and training as a consultant through contributions to industry development and to the technical and further education sector
- Life Member and Fellow of the AustralianCollege of Educators (since 1988)
•Chartered Engineer and Member of the Institute of Engineers and Technologists
•Member of the NSWState Conservatorium of Music Association
EXPERIENCE:•11 years Electronics Engineering
•6 years Technical Teaching
•6 years Training Development Consultant within NSW TAFE
•6 years Policy Analysis/Corporate Planning Consultancy
•8 years Senior Executive Administration (TAFE)
•22 years Training / Management Consultancy
David is the Managing Director and Principal Consultant of David Rumsey & Associates Pty Ltd. David Rumsey and Associates was incorporated in June, 1992 and has been providing a wide range of consultancy services to companies, industry training advisory bodies, training institutions and Commonwealth and State/Territory departments and agencies since that date. The principal consultant is Dr David Rumsey AM.
Over the years, both in his previous executive capacities in the NSW Department of Technical and Further Education and since, in his consultant’s role, David has been actively involved in all aspects of training reform in Australia. In particular, over recent years, he has successfully completed a range of projects related to the coverage of OHS and licensing within Training Packages
David has had an outstanding career in vocational education and training. He was initially an electronics engineer in the manufacturing industry with AWA Ltd for eleven years before becoming a technical teacher. That commenced a thirty eight year involvement in vocational education and training as a teacher, course designer, policy analyst, senior TAFE administrator and training consultant.
In 1977, David was seconded as a visiting aid expert to assist in the conduct of a three-month training program for Country Directors of Technical Education at the then Colombo College for Technician Education in Singapore
From 1984 to 1990, David was Director of Studies in the NSW Department of TAFE with State responsibility for curriculum development, examinations and assessment.
In 1990, David delivered a key resource paper titled: ‘Philosophy, rationale and systems of Technical and Vocational Education and Training’ to the ADB -- World Bank Regional Seminar on Technical and Vocational Education and Training held in Manila, Philippines.
David has an in-depth practical knowledge of the training and industry reforms in Australia including the development of competency standards, Training Packages and assessment schemes. He is fully familiar with the developments that have occurred in training package, standards and assessment development in Australia.
David has played, and continues to play, an active role in most of the major national training developments in Australia as well as providing consultancy services overseas. He enjoys an extensive network of contacts across employer and union organisations and enterprises across Australian industry, as well as a wide ranging interstate and overseas network in all areas of education and training.
David has previously been a consultant to the Commonwealth Departments of Education and Training, National Training Board and Australian National Training Authority, as well as many State/Territory Departments of TAFE and State Training Authorities, Competency Standards Development Bodies and ITABs/Skills Councils across many industries. As such, he has a practical working knowledge both of the operations of TAFE systems, Industry Training Advisory Boards, Industry Skills Councils, ANTA, DEST and DEEWR and the design and endorsement of Training Packages, including development of competency standards, assessment frameworks, training materials and related developments across most industries.
David has successfully demonstrated his analytical, conceptual and liaison skills consistently over many years. In particular, he has extensive experience in conducting skills analyses, training needs analyses and the developing national competency standards, Training Packages, training programs and assessment schemes across a wide range of industries and enterprises.
David’s extensive involvement with employers, employer associations, unions, educational and training institutions and authorities and government agencies over a wide range of projects and industry areas ensures a deep understanding of the typical educational and industrial concerns likely to affect the successful outcome of the project. In particular, he has demonstrated a sensitivity to the positions of all stakeholders in the training reform process and an ability to work co-operatively with all to gather information and overcome any matters of concern or difference.
David has a demonstrated record of completing high level projects within agreed time schedules, deadlines and budgets, as well as to each client's satisfaction. He has a proven ability to work efficiently and cooperatively with project managers and project steering committees and to manage project activities in the face of operational contingencies in order to achieve agreed deadlines.
In particular, David has worked with ATHRA over the past six years on the initial development and refinement of the existing ATHRA generic training and assessment resources.
A full list of completed projects can be provided separately, on request.
David Rumsey and Associates