Town of Ridge Spring
P.O. Box 444
Ridge Spring, SC 29129
Council Meeting
Monday, August 7, 2017
6:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor Asbill, Councilman Asbill, Councilman Christie, Councilwoman Harris, Councilman Lybrand.
I. Call to Order
Mayor Asbill called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Invocation
Councilwoman Harris gave the invocation
III. Approval of Minutes – Monday, July 10, 2017, Monday, July 17, 2017
Mayor Asbill asked council if they had any additions or corrections to the minutes of July 10, 2017 regular council meeting, and July 17, 2017 retreat goal setting workshop. There were none. Councilman Christie made the motion to accept the minutes as written; Councilman Asbill seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
VI. Approval of Financial Reports for June 2017
Mayor Asbill asked council if they had any additions or corrections to the financial reports of June, 2017. Councilman Christie made the motion to accept the financial reports as written, Councilman Christie seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
V. Announcements by Mayor
1) Mayor Asbill reminded Council that the election is August 8, and council members need to fill out a financial disclosure.
2) Mayor Asbill said that the Swearing in of Council will be Monday, September 11, 2017 and Regular Council Meeting to follow.
3) Mayor Asbill said a committee and she met with South State Bank last week and they are very interested in the Town of Ridge of Spring. Mayor Asbill said she has a second meeting with them this week.
4) Mayor Asbill said she met the President, Vice President and Director with Independent Bankers Association at Senator Nicki Setzler Office and they are very interested in Ridge Spring and they would know banks looking for expansion.
5) Mayor Asbill said she has a meeting with Security Federal Bank on August 21, 2017.
6) Mayor Asbill said she has been speaking with James Bennett from First Citizens Bank and has asked him what First Citizens plans to do with the building. He said they have not made a decision yet. Mayor Asbill said at first he said six months then he said nine months before another financial institution would be able to occupy the building. Mayor Asbill said David Sawyer is writing a letter to First Citizens to ask them to give the building to the Town. Mayor Asbill said that the FDIC does not like to see a town without a financial institution, so she may have to get the FDIC involved to get around the six to nine month clause.
7) Mayor Asbill said the one air conditioner at the Civic Center had to be replaced and the other air conditioner had to be repaired.
VI. Old Business
a) Nuisance Order – Second Reading of Nuisance Ordinance 2017-03
Councilman Asbill made the motion to accept the ordinance as written; Councilman Lybrand seconded the motion. All in Favor. Nuisance Ordinance 2017-03second reading passes.
VII. New Business
None to report
VIII. Councilmember Reports
Councilman Asbill
Nothing to report.
Councilman Lybrand
Councilman Lybrand said that he has had several complaints about the dumpster stinking by Miguelito’s. Mayor Asbill advised that she had to move dumpster there because the old Town Hall has been sold and the dumpster could not stay behind it. Mayor Asbill also said she had to get permission from Comporium to move the dumpster to the curb. Mayor Asbill also advised that Powell’s Trash Service will be bringing a new dumpster because the tops are broken on the one that is there now and that is why the smell is so bad. Mayor Asbill said that Mike will be building a fence around the dumpster so it will not be visible to the public.
Councilman Christie
Councilman Christie said that Mayor Asbill, Administrator Leduc, and he, went to the Saluda County Water & Sewer Authority monthly meeting to present the sewer pass through agreement for Amick and Columbia Farms. Councilman Christie said Chairman Strawbridge took the proposal and did not ask any questions. Councilman Christie said they still have not heard anything from Saluda County Water & Sewer Authority on the proposal.
Councilwoman Harris
Councilwoman Harris asked what Aiken County Public Schools is going to do with old Ridge Spring Elementary School when they build the new one. Councilwoman Harris said they need to tear it down because it has mold on the outside walls. Councilwoman Harris said she seen two men walking around people’s houses during the day and they looked very suspicious.
IX. Departmental Reports
Water & Streets – as attached
Mike said Williams Street will be a mess for a while because of a water leak. Mike said they had to cut all the way across the road to fix the leak. Mike said they moved the flag pole from the old Town Hall to the New Town Hall. Mike said he installed cameras on the inside of Town Hall. Mike said he removed the car stop from the town parking lot so the trash truck can empty the trash can at Miguelito’s. Mike said they have one lawn mower broke down. Mike also said he had to have the modem replaced at the Valley Protein Station because it was destroyed by lighting. Councilman Lybrand asked Mike if he has received any more data for the infiltration. Mike advised that data is still coming in for the infiltration for the sewer system.
Police Dept. – as attached
Chief Greiner said The Nut House window was broken out and he has a good picture of the person but he is working on getting a name. Chief Greiner said that he ordered six cameras. Chief Greiner said he is still waiting on an answer from comporium about internet for the cameras around town. Chief Greiner said that Robert Steadman is programming his 800mhz radio for free of charge.
X. Adjournment
At 7:20p.m. Councilman Lybrand made a motion to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Councilman Asbill. All in favor; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Summer Brown, Clerk