Session 2017 Annual PGR Progress Review Form(See attached Guidelines for further information)
By returning this form to the Graduate School all parties confirm the outcome noted below has been agreed.
Section A: General Student Information(please check and advise the Graduate School of any changes to be made)
This section is downloaded directly from Student MyCampus record and completed by the Graduate School.
Student Details
Student name:
Student ID:
Academic Plan:
Mode of study:
Start Date:
End Date:
Year of Student:
Year of Course:
Supervisor Details
Principal Supervisor:
Second Supervisor:
Third Supervisor:
School/Subject (for supervisory/administrative purposes):
Thesis title:
(Please check and clearly update any changes below)
Expected Thesis Submission Date:
This date is the minimum period of full/part time study the student must complete and includes any period of suspension. It does not include a thesis pending year. Please do not change this date – contact the Graduate School if you have a query.
Section B: Review Panel Recommendation(please confirm details of review and the final outcome)
Date of Review:
Details of Review:
Please provide details of the format of the review meeting and membership of the review panel below.
Outcome(please indicate the outcome of the review by selecting one of the following)
Please note students in their final year will only be registered for the session until the current Expected Thesis Submission Date as stated above. / ☐
Please note the student will not be progressed to register until confirmation is received from the School that actions have been completed. / ☐
Date of further review:
Please note the student will not be progressed to register until confirmation is received from the School that actions have been completed. / ☐
Please note the student will not be permitted to move to thesis pending without attaching a Completion Plan / ☐
Please note the student will not be permitted to continue current status without attaching a Completion Plan / ☐
Review Panel Convener
Review Panel Member (If applicable)
Section C: Supervisor and Student Statement(please confirm and sign below)
Supervisor Statement
We the supervisors of the above-named student confirm the assessment of the student’s progress follows a review with the student of their performance over the past year.
Supervisor 1
Supervisor 2
Student statement
I confirm that I have met with my Supervisors to discuss the content of this Progress Report / ☐I confirm that the details concerning my personal, degree and expected submission date information as provided in Section A of this form is accurate and up to date. / ☐
I confirm that I accept the recommendations of the Review Panel provided in Section B / ☐
I confirm that I have received and read my Supervisors’ assessment of my progress and their recommendations as provided in Section D of this form. / ☐
I confirm I have completed and attached my annualTraining Needs Assessment and Training and Development Log. / ☐
I confirm I have attached a time bound Completion Plan(if applicable).
Completion Plan must be attached for all continuing 3rd year full-time/5th year part-time students and those moving to thesis pending. / ☐
Section D: Student Self Assessment
Are you in receipt of a funded studentship: Yes ☐No ☐
Name of Funder (if applicable):
A Reflection on this session
- Please provide a brief description of the work you have submitted for the progress review (e.g. literature review, draft chapter, oral presentation)
- Please provide a summary of your research progress since your last review:
- Please provide an update of training and development activity you have undertaken since your last review referring to the training needs identified at the beginning of the year. This should include GTA activities. Please complete the attachedTraining Needs Assessment and Training and Development Log.
- Are you in regular contact with your supervisor?Yes ☐No ☐
Please briefly summarise your supervisory arrangements and confirm that you are content with these.
- Have you and/or your supervisors identified any issues which are affecting your progress (e.g. skills gaps, facilities/equipment available, etc.). Yes ☐No ☐
If yes, please give details of the issues identified and how these will be resolved.
Going Forward
- Please provide a summary of the objectives you and your supervisory team have agreed for the coming session?
- Are there any training or development opportunities not currently provided that you would find useful? Yes ☐No ☐
If so, please specify.
- If you wish to make any other comments about your experience as a research student within the Graduate School, you may do so here – or separately, and confidentially, to the Graduate School office.
Section E: Supervisor Report
- Please note the approximate frequency, nature (e.g. email, face to face, telephone) and extent of your contact with the student
- What training and development activities have you recommended to facilitate the student’s progress this session
- Have you identified any issues affecting the student’s progress in the past session Yes ☐No ☐
If yes, please specify how these have been managed and give an assessment of the outcome
- Please rank the student’s progress by completing the following table
Excellent / Satisfactory / Concern / Unsatisfactory
Oral expression of ideas / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Written expression of ideas / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Development of research plan/thesis structure / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Capacity for original ideas / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Ability to organise own time and tasks / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Acquisition/Exercise of appropriate skills / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Understanding of relevant literature / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Quality of submitted work / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Other / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Overall assessment
5Please use the space below to provide more detail of your assessment. If you assess the progress to be unsatisfactory a reason must be given. For final year students (year 3 Full-time, year 5 Part-time) please include an assessment of the student’s ability to submit according to their submission schedule.
PGR Training Need assessment and Development Plan
Name and Student ID:
Over the course of your PhD, you are expected to develop knowledge and skills that equip you to undertake independent research at the frontier of your field or to take up employment in policy or practice communities that exploit such knowledge. To achieve this goal, the PhD program offers a range of training opportunities in three broad domains: (1) subject specific training, (2) research method and philosophy training, (3) researcher development skills. You are expected to undertake formal and practical training in all three domains throughout your PhD.
Within CoSS we provide both Research Methods broader Researcher Development Programme training
We offer a range of subject specific courses and advanced research methods options (see Subject Pages for details). Students can also access external training, for example, courses provided by ESRC pathways ( or National Centre for Research Methods ( .
You should discuss your researcher development needs and plans with your Supervisor(s) on a regular basis, to ensure that your skills development is appropriate to your current needs and future career aspirations.
The two professional development tables below –Training Need Assessment and Development Plan (A) and Training and Development Log (B) - should be completed as part of your Annual Progress Review.
Table A to be completed at the beginning of the academic session - identify the areas below where you would like to develop your skills through training or practical experience, over the coming academic year. You should then discuss with your Supervisors how you can meet these needs, whether through attending courses or practical experience. Gaps in the provision provided will be identified and filled where possible.
Table B to be completed throughout the session and submitted as part of your Annual Progress Review - please record training/practical experience completed during the session (April-April).
TABLE A: Training Need Assessment and Development Plan
Session 2017 / Training/Professional ActivityYou are expected to undertake formal training and practical skill development activities in three domains: (1) subject specific knowledge; (2) research methods/philosophy training and (2) researcher development training throughout your studies. We would normally expect that students complete at least one course/practical activity in each domain per year.
Training Needs
Consider the requirements of your PhD vis a vis your existing skills and knowledge and identify your key training priorities for the forthcoming session. / Training Need 1 (subject specific training or practical skill):
Training Need 2 (research methods/philosophy training):
(Research Integrity Training – compulsory for year 1 students
Training Need 3 (broader researcher development):
Training Plan
We would normally expect a minimum of three course/activities per academic session. Students in year 1 or 2 are advised to significantly exceed this limit particularly with regard to the research methods training. / Course 1: What? Where? When? How much?
Course 2:
Course 3:
Practical skill development activity 1:
Practical skill development activity 2:
Practical skill development activity 3:
TABLE B: Training and Development Log
Year / Training/Professional Development Activity CompletedPrior training and practical experience / Please use this space to list all methods courses, philosophy training and broader research skills training undertaken prior to your PhD. Provide a short description of courses indicating topic, the length of training and training provider.
Year 1
Use this space to record any formal training and practical skill development during the first year of your study. /
- Subject Specific Training
Practical Skill development: what/where
- Research Methods/ Philosophy Training:
Practical Skill development: what/where
- Researcher Development Framework (personal effectiveness, research governance and organization, engagement, influence and impact)
Research Integrity Training - Compulsory for year 1
Practical skill development (e.g. Research Assistance)
Year 2
Use this space to record any formal training and practical skill development during the second year of your study. / Subject Specific Training
Formal Courses: what/where
Practical Skill development:
Research Methods/ Philosophy Training:
Formal Courses: what/where
Practical Skill development:
Researcher Development Framework (personal effectiveness, research governance and organization, engagement, influence and impact)
Formal Courses:
Practical skill development (e.g. Research Assistance)
Year 3 / Subject Specific Training
Formal Courses: what/where
Practical Skill development:
Research Methods/ Philosophy Training:
Formal Courses: what/where
Practical Skill development:
Researcher Development Framework (personal effectiveness, research governance and organization, engagement, influence and impact)
Formal Courses:
Practical skill development (e.g. Research Assistance)
2017 PGR Progress Review Guidance Notes
Purpose of the Review
All fully registered PGR students are required to attend a progress review to confirm their ability to progress to the following session. Students registered as Thesis Pending will be required to submit a Thesis Pending Review Form to confirm their submission.
The purpose of the review is to:
- Provide the student with an opportunity to present, to a panel, aspects of their work and achievements for the period of the review.
- Highlight any problems experienced by either student or supervisor during the review period.
- Provide written and verbal feedback to the student on his or her progress throughout the review period and facilitate the completion of the progress review form.
- Carry out a training needs assessment and agree research training needs for the next session.
- Confirm, or otherwise the student’s ability to progress to the next year of study.
- Gauge the ability of the student to complete within the timescale.
(see University Code of practice for Research Degrees and the College Supplement for further details
- For student coming to the end of their minimum period of study (full-time year 3/part-time year 5) who require additional time to complete their thesis a decision should be made about the amount of supervision required during year 4 full-time/year 6 part-time. A time bound thesis Completion Plan is required for all students to allow progression to thesis pending status. If a student is changing to thesis pending part way through a session please indicate the date of the change on the form.
Format of the Review
Schools are responsible for organising the reviews for their students within the following parameters:
•The supervisor(s), the student and at least one other member of staff not directly involved with the student should form the review panel and the convenor should not be one on the supervisors. The principal supervisor is expected to attend
•Reviews are compulsory for all registered students including those on Research Furth with the exception for those currently registered as thesis pending.
•Students on Suspension of Studies during the progress period will be expected to undergo a progress review upon their return.
•In exceptional circumstances, approval may be granted for the review to be conducted remotely – this will not be allowed to happen on 2 or more consecutive years
•The student should submit work at an appropriate level for consideration by the review panel (e.g. research design in year 1; methodology chapter or field work report in year 2; full chapter in year 3)
•During, or immediately following the review, the review panel recommendation should be completed and signed by all members of the review panel and the student
Outcome of the Review
- Annual progress reviews should be rigorous and present an honest assessment of a student’s ability to progress to the next session
- The decision of the review panel should be clearly stated on the form
- If there is uncertainty interim reviews can be arranged
- There is an option for partial thesis pending e.g. student is required to register as full/part-time for a period of say 3 months and, subject to review, move to thesis pending for the remainder of the session.
By returning the completed form to the Graduate School all parties confirm the outcome noted has been agreed.
Review Timescale
By 2nd March:Review forms for all PGR students will be sent to Schools by the Graduate School.
During March - May: Schools carry out reviews and return completed forms to the School PGR Director.
By 1stJune: Report of progress with all review forms to be returned to the Graduate School.
12th June: Report from the PGR Director indicating which students, if any, require their progress to be discussed by the College PGR Committee.
22nd June: Progress considered by the PGR Committee Meeting.
Students who have a start date in January or later will attend a progress review in September in the first year of study.All progress reviews to be returned to the Graduate School by 28 September 2018.
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