Arts Infused Discipline:
/Visual Arts/Science
Shared processes: observation; Shared concepts: form, detailsGrade Level: / 1st /
/ Papier Maché PenguinsAuthor:
/Eleanor Mutter and Meredith Essex at Stafford Elementary
Enduring Understanding: / Different species of an animal can have different three dimensional forms and details.Examples: / /
Target Learnings and Assessment Criteria
Target: / Observes and draws three different pictures of species of penguins.
Criteria: / Creates 2-D drawings that have distinct sizes, markings, and relative shapes of the observed penguins.
Target: / Chooses materials to combine, and creates a specific species of penguin form in 3-D.
Criteria: / Combines glue, tape, tag board, tongue depressors, paper and bottles to create specific features of chosen penguin species.
Target: / Applies papier maché to entire form.
Criteria: / Covers all of penguin form with strips of white paper and white glue.
Target: / Adds color and details to approximate penguin species.
Criteria: / Applies black paint and colored craft paper to form to create markings specific penguin species.
Instructional Strategies
Session I1. Shows images of different species of penguins. Students observe and identify similarities and differences in the different species of penguins pictured. Prompt: How are these penguins different? What do you notice about their sizes? Are their beaks the same? What other markings are different, the same?
2. Introduces how an artist can depict a bird in two dimensions by showing Bird, a print by Robert Helm. Prompt: How does the shape tell us what type of bird this is? What details does the artist use to show us what kind of bird it is?
3. Guides students to draw three different species of penguins showing the birds’ relative size, form and different types of markings. Prompt: When you draw notice the different kinds of markings of each species of penguins, add these details in your drawing so we can tell what species of penguin it is. Teacher: prepare area with plastic label with Sharpee pen.
Session II
4. Introduces materials to students for creating a 3-D form of a penguin. Prompt: Now we are going to make a penguin in three dimensions. Demonstrates the application of materials to use for the body, feet, beak, tail and crests. Students identifies species of penguin, chooses materials and explain how materials matches the penguin form and markings.
Embedded assessment: Teacher checklist.
Session III
5. Introduces the application of the papier maché material. Encourages students to cover the entire form with papier maché. Prompt: Make sure you cover all the penguin. Be sure to “pet” the penguin until it is smooth.
Session IV
6. Introduces students to the acrylic paints to use for painting the details of their penguin form. Invites students to notice how each penguin has specific coloring and features. Encourages students to paint their penguin like the species they have chosen. Demonstrates painting by showing how much paint to get on the brush, by using strokes that are in the same directions as the feathers of their penguin species and to paint feature like the crest.
Embedded assessment: Criteria-based checklist.
Session V
7. Invites students to choose a finished penguin form and name the species of penguin as a way to reflect on how artists show the attributes of a chosen species.
Embedded assessment: Peer-assessment
Visual Arts and Science Vocabulary / Resources:
Historical Art or Performance / Classroom, Visual Arts or Performing Arts Materials / WA Essential Learnings
Arts Infused Vocabulary
· features/details/mark-ings
· shape, form
· three dimension
· two dimension,
Visual Arts Vocabulary
· papier mache’
Science Vocabulary
· species / · Bird by Robert Helm, Tacoma Art Museum / · Shampoo bottles,
· Tongue depressors
· tag board,
· various lids
· construction paper
· masking tape
· white glue and water (half and half mixture) / AEL 1.1 concepts:
· Shape, Form
· Details
Scheduled Study Visit:
Eric Carle exhibit, Tacoma Art Museum, December 2006 / AEL 1.2 skills and techniques:
· Papier Mache
Science GLE
· 1.1.6 Understands characteristics of living organisms.
Arts Discipline:
/Visual Arts/Science
Grade Level: / 1st /Title:
/ Papier Mache’ PenguinsAuthor:
/Eleanor Mutter and Meredith Essex
Students / VISUAL ART & SCIENCEobservation / VISUAL ART
3-D form / VISUAL ART
technique / VISUAL ART & SCIENCE
observation / Total Points
Creates 2-D drawings that have distinct sizes, markings, and relative shapes of observed penguins. / Combines glue, tape, tag board, tongue depressors, paper and bottles to create form of chosen penguin species. / Covers all of penguin form with strips of white paper and white glue. / Applies black paint and colored craft paper to form to create markings of a specific penguin species.
Teacher Comments
Were there any students especially challenged by concepts in the lesson; what instructional strategies helped these students?
Were there lesson dynamics that helped or hindered learning?
What classroom management techniques supported student learning?
Other comments:
Family Communication: / Observing the different species of penguins, and creating a chosen species in three dimensional form.