AP-Chapter 21
America and the Great War
*You may type your work, but remember you will receive a “0” and will not get a redo if your work is plagiarized. *
Vocabulary/Key Terms/Key People
1. Roosevelt Corollary
2. Dollar Diplomacy
3. Pancho Villa
4. Triple Alliance
5. Triple Entente
6. Central Powers
7. Lusitania
8. Zimmerman Telegram
9. Gen. John J. Pershing
10. Trench Warfare
11. Ludlow
12. Great Migration
13. Allies
14. League of Nations
15. Treaty of Versailles
16. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge
17. Marcus Garvey
18. Red Scare
19. United Negro Improvement Association
20. Nicolo Sacco & BartolomeoVanzetti
21. Palmer Raids
22. 19th Ammendment
1. Explain Roosevelt’s distinction between “civilized” and “uncivilized” nations.
2. Explain the relationship between the United States and Japan during Roosevelt’s presidency.
3. What pattern did the Roosevelt Corollary establish in Latin America?
4. How was the United States able to acquire rights to construct the Panama Canal and why were they criticized for their actions?
5. What were the causes/effects of Wilson’s actions in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Nicaragua?
6. Compare and Contrast the foreign and domestic policies of T. Roosevelt, H. Taft, and W. Wilson.
7. What were the causes of WWI?
8. Create a map showing which nations were a part of the Allies and which were a part of the Central Powers.
9. What effect did Wilson’s actions have on the 1916 election?
10. Why and when did the United States enter WWI?
11. What impact did the political turmoil in Russia have on America’s entrance into the war?
12. Create a graph/chart explaining the new technologies used during WWI (make sure to explain how they changed the nature of warfare.)
13. Describe how “war boards” were organized and explain their specific role/function. (i.e. War Industries Board, National War Labor Board, Committee on Public Information, etc.)
14. Explain the use of the Alien and Sedition Acts. Who suffered the most?
15. Briefly summarize Wilson’s 14 Points and explain why European leaders rejected them.
16. What were to categories of opponents to American entry into the League of Nations?
17. Describe the labor unrest of 1919 and how did the public react to the wave of strikes?
18. What led to the race riots during and shortly after WWI?
19. Explain the cause and effect of the first Red Scare (1919-1920)
20. What did the results of the election of 1920 indicate about the mood of the American people?