Signal and System I (ECE 16.362)

Fall, 2014

Instructor: Prof. Xuejun Lu

Office: Ball 413


Course Website:

Office Hours: MWF 12-1 pm, BL 413

Text Book: Signals & Systems (2nd edition)

Authors: Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, S. Nawab Nawab, Syed Hamid Nawab

Format: Hardcover, 957 pages

Publisher: Prentice Hall

ISBN: 0138147574

Reference: Signals and Systems Using MATLAB 2nd EDITION

Author: Luis Chaparro

ISBN: 978-0-12-394812-0

TA: Ambika Bhattia and Barbara Deschamp

TA’s office hours: TBA

Course contents:

·  Ch.1 through Ch. 10

Grading Policy:

·  One midterm: 30%

·  Final: 40%

·  Homework 15%

·  Matlab Project 15%

Course Policy:

·  Cheating in any exam will not be tolerated!

·  You must attend all exams. Failure to attend will result in a grade of “F”. If you have a “valid” reason for not coming to an exam, you must let the instructor know in advance!

·  Make sure to check the class website for updates!

·  It is the student’s responsibility to check the homework solutions posted on the class website and understand the solutions.