Infectious Diseases of Epidemiology: Theory and Practice
Kenrad E. Nelson, MD and Carolyn Masters Williams, PhD
ISBN: 978-1-4496-8379-5; 963 pages
Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Transition Guide
What’s New in the Third Edition?
All Chapters were revised and updated to include current concepts and recently reported research findings. Several chapters underwent major revision, especially the chapters covering HIV, Hepatitis, Emerging Infections, Infectious Disease Modeling and Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Specific Chapter Updates
Chapter 1: Early History of Infectious Diseases
- Updated data
- Expanded discussion of contributions of Koch, and Paul Ehrlich
Chapter 2: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: General Principles
- Updated
Chapter 3: Study Design
- Updated
- Revised with new authors
- Includes a more detailed description of the design and analysis of various types of Epidemiologic studies
Chapter 4: Prevention of Infectious Diseases
- This is a new chapter in the 3rd Edition which includes a detailed analysis of the prevention of the transmission of infectious diseases
Chapter 5: Outbreak Epidemiology
- Updated data
- Currently reported the infectious diseases
- Steps in investigating an outbreak and intervention described
Chapter 6: Infectious Disease Dynamics
- Chapter updated and expanded considerably with new authors
- Includes description of dynamic compartmental models; host and agent effects on infectious disease dynamics in a population
- Includes mathematical models to analyze infectious diseases and intervention effectiveness in epidemics with differing transmission dynamics
Chapter 7: Geographic Information Systems
- Illustrates use of GIS methods to describe the epidemiology of infectious disease to develop prevention programs
Chapter 8: Microbiology Tools for the Epidemiologist
- Updated with a description of all known pathogenic microorganisms
- Includes a description of the methods to diagnose an infection and evaluate an immune response
Chapter 9: Molecular Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
- An updated description of the molecular methods to detect and genotype a pathogen
Chapter 10: The Immune System and Host Defense Against Infections
- This chapter presents a broad comprehensive overview of the human immune system, its components and interactions in detecting and controlling an infectious disease.
Chapter 11: Vaccines: Past, Present, and Future
- This updated chapter reviews all of the licensed and commonly used vaccines and their scheduled uses for the prevention of infectious diseases in humans.
Chapter 12: Nutrition and Infection
- This chapter describes the role of human nutrition, including specific micronutrients, on the risks and natural history of infectious diseases.
Chapter 13: Emerging and New Infectious Diseases
- This chapter has been rewritten since the 2nd edition to describe several newly recognized emerging infections
- Included are: E. coli 0104:H4 outbreak in Germany in 2011.
- Severe fever and thrombocytopenia Syndrome (SFTS) from a novel Bunyavirus in China
- The Epidemiology of Monkey pox, Ebola, SARS, Norovirus, Nipahvirus and other emerging infections are described
Chapter 14: Healthcare – Associated Infections
- This chapter describes the important pathogens and procedures associated with the transmission of infections in health care settings, thesis surveillance and the methods for their prevention
- The chapter has an extensive bibliography, with 1150 references
Chapter 15: Epidemiology and Prevention of Influenza
- This chapter describes the complex epidemiology of influenza, genetics of influenza viruses, the zoonotic reservoir and methods for predicting outbreaks and preventing infections, with vaccines, anti-viral drugs and other strategies.
Chapter 16: Measles
- This chapter describes the epidemiology and control of measles
- It includes material on the campaign for Global Elimination-Eradication of Measles
Chapter 17: Global Epidemiology of Meningococcal Infections
- This chapter describes the Global epidemiology of Meningococcal Infections
- The various public health related approaches to prevent Meningococcal Infections and epidemics in several countries is reviewed
- Data from the Meningococcal Vaccine Project (MVP) funded by the Gates Foundation to PATH to prevent the recurrent Meningococcal type A epidemics in the African Meningitis belt are presented.
Chapter 18: Tuberculosis
- Updated Chapter
- Global Incidence and Prevalence of TB
- HIV-TB co-infection, diabetes, smoking ,nutrition and other host risk factors for clinical TB
Chapter 19: Acute Respiratory Infections:
- Updated chapter
- Current discussion of risk factors for API, global epidemiology and vaccine efficiency and utilization
Chapter 20: Diarrheal Diseases
- Updated Chapter
- Relative Contribution of various enteric pathogens ; global distribution of mortality and morbidity from diarrheal diseases
Chapter 21: Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
- A new chapter in the 3rd Edition
- A discussion of the epidemiology of Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease, Kuru, Mad-Cow Diseases (new variant CJD Disease)
- The risk factors and epidemiology of dietary exposure, growth hormone and dural grafts and transfusion transmitted CJD are discussed.
Chapter 22: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and AIDS
- This is the most comprehensive and extensively updated chapter in the 3rd Edition of the book
- HIV virology, natural history of HIV, global epidemiology, clinical features, common opportunistic infections, effect of treatment on natural history, immune reconstitution syndrome and recent clinical prevention trials are presented and discussed
- Studies of behavioral interventions are presented and discussed
- Treatment as prevention, PREP and PEP studies and other prevention methods are discussed
Chapter 23: Viral Hepatitis
- This chapter is extensively revised and updated
- Recent data on host and viral factors in Hepatitis C virus natural history and treatment responses are included
- Recent advances in better understanding the epidemiology , natural history, treatment and prevention of HAV, HBV and HEV are presented and discussed
Chapter 24: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- This chapter has been extensively revised and updated with a new author for the 3rd Edition
- Includes data on the Epidemiology and control of the major STDs at the individual and population level
Chapter 25: Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases
- Updated chapter
- Recent epidemiology of Dengue, West Nile Virus, Chikungunya, JE, SLE, WEE, EEE and other vector borne diseases are discussed.
Chapter 26: Lyme Disease
- Updated chapter
- The chapter includes a detailed presentation of the history, epidemiology and prevention of Lyme disease, a major vector-borne disease in the United States
Chapter 27: Malaria
- Updated chapter
- The epidemiology and global distribution, prevention and control of Malaria are discussed
Chapter 28: Epidemiology of Helminth Infections
- Updated Chapter
- Epidemiology of hookworm, schistosomiasis, filariasis, and geohelminths with direct and indirect life cycles are discussed
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