Date: April 19, 2017

  1. Call to Order 12:18pm
  2. Roll CallElijah Banaag, Connar Allen, Friederike Davis, Justin Bustos, Richard Torres, Jackie Lara, Micah Bachner, Saumya Thomas, Allen Graham, Giselle Guzman, Kristin Strittmatter, Elizabeth Carter, Advisors Dr. Lisa O. Perez and Dr. Albrecht were also present
  3. Islander Pledge
  4. Introduction of Guests, Christopher Rios
  5. Approval of Minutes - April 12, 2017>Approved
  6. President’s Report
  1. Guest Speaker: Margie Rose

-Revitalizing downtown, Road Construction, Exxon Mobil Plant coming to Corpus Christi

  1. Presidential Search Update

-Everything is still on track. Application is still open, will have a final poll of candidates around May 10th.

V. Vice President’s Report

VI. Treasurer’s Report

VII. Chief Justice’s Report

-Met on Aril 12. Had a total of 31 appeals. 17 approved, 8 denied, 6 reduced.

-Pick up graduation Chords from Dr. Perez, in UC 215. Stoles are being ordered.

VIII. Speaker’s Report

Reports are due for the month

IX. Secretary’s Report

X.Senator Reports

  1. College of Science and Engineering Senators
  2. College of Liberal Arts Senators
  3. College of Nursing & Health Sciences
  4. College of Education Senators
  5. College of Business Senators

-Online Bachelors Program will be starting in the Fall, new faculty hired everywhere except Finance.

- April 26, 2017, G. Russell Kirkland Distinguished Visiting Executive Lecture Series, featuring Weston Smith. Located in the Anchor Ballroom, at 7pm.

  1. College of Graduate Studies Senator
  2. Athletics Senator
  3. Disabilities Senator
  4. Freshmen Senators
  5. International Senator
  6. Housing Senator

XI. Committee Reports

  1. Legislative Studies ✔
  2. Constitution and Elections ✔

-Elections are open on Orgsync

  1. Special Events Funding & Catering Incentive Funding ✔
  2. Spirits and Traditions
  3. Public Relations
  4. Student Affairs
  5. Academic Affairs
  6. Environmental Affairs
  7. Food & Services

XII. Old Business

XIII.Advisor’s Report

-Currently have 118 ballots. If you haven’t already voted please vote and spread the word! Ballot closes April 20th at 11:59pm

XIV.Open Forum

-Sen. Strittmatter reported, 7th annual Parade of Nations, April 25th 5-6:30pm. UC Anchor Ballroom

- College of Science and Engineering Dean meeting April 19th 2017 at 2pm

-College of Nursing Dean meeting Friday April 21 at 9:30am, Midterm Act

-Sen. Thomas (Freshman) reported, Open forum on April 27th from 11am-2pm in Lonestar Ballroom.


  1. SGA Banquet - April 27, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

XVI.Roll Call Elijah Banaag, Connar Allen, Friederike Davis, Justin Bustos, Richard Torres, Jackie Lara, Micah Bachner, Saumya Thomas, Allen Graham, Giselle Guzman, Kristin Strittmatter, Elizabeth Carter, Advisors Dr. Lisa O. Perez and Dr. Albrecht were also present

XVII.Adjournment 12:48pm