
April 18, 2006

Final Project for the Witness of the Gospels

I offer here some comments in an attempt to clarify this project.

  • This is a One Act Play that could stand alone if the actors and audience have a working knowledge of the Old Testament related passages as outlined in my exegetical project and a Christological understanding.
  • I see this aspart of a larger curriculum. Following are possible courses of studies in which this play could be a creative component:
  • The Story of Jesus
  • A study of the Gospel of Luke
  • A study of the Synoptic Gospels or all four Gospels
  • The Old Testament prophesies of Jesus
  • A Study on Biblical Annunciations, similar to our exegetical work
  • This could be used a dramatic presentation of the annunciation for March 25, especially as part of a sermon on the subject, but again it would have to accompany some explanation during the sermon or before in a congregational study.

At the end of the play, I have included some questions that would help with the play's understanding. These could be used to explore the message(s) being presented. The last question explores the other annunciation events in Matthew and Luke opening other avenues for discussion.




A One Act Play

based on Luke 1:26-38

Written by PattiJabre

May 1, 2006

This is loosely based on the author's translation of the event from the Nestle-Alan Greek New Testament, 27th Edition.

PURPOSE: This play can be used as a stand alone performance or as part of other curriculum to highlight the Enunciation to Mary. Consider using it as a special event on Annunciation Day, March 25th.

AGE: This curriculum is appropriate for middle elementary through high school.

SYNOPSIS: The play takes place in Nazareth, in the region of Galilee in approximately 4 BCE. The Hebrew people have been under the rule of various empirical rulers for many years, the latest being the Roman Empire. The God of the Hebrews has decided the time is right to visit earth in the form of a human. He has chosen a young, engaged girl to become the mother of this human incarnation and sends a messenger to tell her of this plan. It explores the events of this annunciation and the reactions of the young girl.

It is divided into two scenes:

1. Heaven and the sending of the AngelGabriel by God

2. The home of Mariam

Materials Needed: No sets, lighting, sound, costumes or props are needed, but at the director's discretion, the sets, lighting, sound, costumes and props can be as simple or elaborate as desired.




Archangel Gabriel

Mariam, the mother of Jesus

Scene One – Heaven

[Setting: Heaven at the throne of God]

Narrator: [God is looking at a plan lying on the table] God has seen that the situation on earth has become critical and has chosen this time to visit earth in the form of a human. After formulating a plan, God calls the Archangel Gabriel. [God moves to sit at the throne as Gabriel comes in and approaches the throne and they begin to talk intently} After God tells Gabriel the plan, Gabriel leaves to go to earth.

Scene Two – Nazareth

[Setting: a small home of a poor family in the Hebrew town of Nazareth. A young maiden is going about her chores.]

Narrator: Mariam is a young girl engaged to a local man named Joseph, a descendent of the House of David. She is still living in her parent's house dreaming of the day she will be married and moved to her husband's home.

Angel: [Makes himself visible in the small room] Hail, you who have found favor with the Lord.

Narrator [Mariam turns in surprise] Mariam is troubled at this salutation, wondering what sort of greeting this might be.

Angel: Fear not Miriam, for you have found favor with God. You will conceive in your womb and will give birth to a son and will call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest and God will give him the throne of his father David.

Narrator: Now David had been the King of the Hebrewsabout 1000years before and was considered among the Jews as a great King. God had promised that he would raise a son of David, who was of the house of Jacob that would rule over the Hebrews forever. As Miriam listens to the message of Gabriel, she is reminded of the ancient promises.

Angel: He will be king over the house of Jacob into the ages and His kingdom will not end.

Narrator: One of the promises was that the chosen mother of the Messiah would be a virgin and Mariam is very concerned about what the angel has told her. She is engaged to a local man named Joseph which means the two families have come to an agreement of the dowry and bridewealth according to the laws of the Hebrews. She knows that she is an honorable woman and has not had relations with Joseph or any other man. To have done so would have been against the religious laws and could have resulted in her death, as well as shame for her family.

Mariam: How will this be since I have not known a man?

Angel: The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the highest will overshadow you. Therefore, also, the one being born will be holy and will be called the Son of God.

Narrator: To be sure that Mariam understands what he is saying to her, the angel gives her information about a cousin, old in age that will confirm his information.

Angel: Look, Elisabet, your relative, the one who has been called barren, has also conceived a son in her old age and this is her sixth month: because nothing is impossible with God.

Narrator: Realizing that the angel has been truthful with her and that as a child of God she is at the mercy of God, Mariam resigns herself to her future.

Mariam: Look at the servant of the Lord; may it come to me according to your word.

Narrator: The angel assured that Mariam understands his message, departs from her. Mariam prepares to visit her cousin Elisabet and see for herself what she was told by the angel.



1. What was going on in 4 BCE or before that might have prompted God to send His Messiah? (This question may or may not be appropriate for your group depending on the amount of study done prior to this presentation)

2. Did Mariam seem concerned about the arrival of an angel? Why or why not?

3. What was Mariam's main concern as she heard the angel's news? Why would this have been a concern for her?

4. Why do you think Mariam would go to see Elisabet?

5. Read Luke 1: 5-25 and Luke 1:39-56

a. What do these passages have to do with our story?

b. How are verses 5-25 similar to our story? How do they differ?

c. Do verses 39-56 confirm the angel's message?