The annual progress report templates can be downloaded from the program website at

If you have any questions or concerns downloading the template from the website, or completing the forms, please contact the department on 1800 607 115 or via email at

Please email your completed annual progress reports to

Alternatively, completed reports can be posted to:

The Director

[Your state – NSW or QLD] State Team

Biodiversity Conservation Division

Department of the Environment

GPO Box 787


Please note that if the information you provide in your reports is incomplete or unclear, we will contact you for clarification and this may delay your next milestone payment.



Part 1: Personal Details

Part 2: How to Report Against Your Previous Financial Payment

Part 3: Seasonal Conditions

Part 4: Management Actions and Expenditure Report

Part 5: Photo Record Sheet

Part 6: Declaration and Legal Authorisation

Part 6: Privacy


before submitting your completed annual progress report to the department, please check the following:

(If applicable) have you attached a completed (signed and witnessed) Statutory Declaration form?

(If applicable) have you attached a completed Financial Report certified by a Qualified Accountant?

Have you attached a completed Management Actions and Expenditure Report?

(If applicable) have you completed (and attached) an additional Management Actions and Expenditure Report/s if you are managing more than one zone under your funding agreement?

Have you provided a colour photo/s for each zone you are managing under your funding agreement, taken from the same point each year?

(if you are sending photo/s, please identify the site, date and time the photo was taken in writing with the photo).

Have you indicated your agreement to the Declaration and Legal Authorisation and Privacy Information (Part 6)?

Have you retained a personal copy of your completed annual report and any attachments?


PROJECT id: ...... L-001-08......

PART 1: Personal details

This is the person the Department will contact to discuss any parts of your annual progress report which require further information.

1.1Title: Mr Mrs Ms Other ......

1.2 First name / John
1.3 Last name / Smith
1.4 Phone (business hours) / 02 6834 6789
1.5 Mobile / 0432 234 567
1.6 Email /
1.7 Property Address / ‘Greenacres’
Wattle Road
1.8 Postal Address
(If different to Property Address) / PO Box 1234

1.9Has your ABN changed in the last 12 months (if applicable)?YesNo N/A

If Yes please provide new ABN

1.10Has your GST registration status changed in the last 12 months? Yes No

If Yes what is your current status

1.11 Your next payment will be made into your previously nominated bank account

If you would like to change your bank account, please contact the department



2.1Is the total amount you are receiving across all funding agreements under the Environmental Stewardship Programmeless than $750,000 (GST exclusive)?

Yes download the Statutory Declaration form at submit with your annual report. The amount you will need to include in the Statutory Declaration is the grant payment you received in the previous financial year.

2.2Isthe total amount you are receiving across all funding agreements under the Environmental Stewardship Programmemore than $750,000 (GST exclusive)?

Yes download the Financial Report at have it prepared and certified by a qualified accountant and submit with your annual report.

Financial expenses must be aligned with your agreed management actions in the Management Actions and Expenditure Report (Part 4).

The financial expenses component represents the costs incurred in undertaking your agreed management actions as listed in your funding agreement (e.g. labour, fuel, spraying, fencing etc). It does not include your opportunity cost/loss of foregone production.

*Note: a funding agreement relates to one project and one annual progress report. You will need to submit one annual progress report, including a Statutory Declaration or a Financial Report, for each funding agreement.


PART 3: SEASONAL CONDITIONS (overall snapshot)

3.1: Please provide a description of the seasonal conditions experienced over the previous 12months, and how the conditions have affected the project site:

(e.g. rainfall, temperatures, fires, drought, rapid vegetation growth, poor growth etc)
20aa-yy was another excellent season with above average rainfall (750 mm).
Rapid growth and good diversity of perennial grasses across the patch. We are monitoring and will manage these species as required.
Exotics, mainly St John’s Wort and Serrated Tussock have become a problem over the past two wet summers. We are monitoring and will manage these species as required.
Strong excellent eucalypt regeneration occurring in the patch with some understory species coming through.



Please provide a brief description of the activities you have undertaken against your agreed management actions since your last report - refer to your Management Plan, attached to your funding agreement for information about the activities you agreed to undertake.

You must complete this form for each funding agreement you have.

If you have more than one zone, please download and complete additional management actions and expenditure report templates at complete and submit with your annual report.

If you have not carried out arequired activity, please provide a reason/s why.

In the expenditure column, please provide a breakdown of the expenses you have incurred over the last 12 months relevant to the agreed management actions. Please only include expenditure against management actions you have agreed to in your funding agreement.

Patch: _____1______Zone number:______1______

Part 4A.1

Management Actions (as per your Management Plan) / Field Measurements / Description of actions taken over last 12 months / Expenditure (GST excl)
Strategic livestock grazing/grazing exclusion / [ 50 %] cover of native plants
[ 5 %] unknown / Is grazing exclusion a management action in your funding agreement?
Yes No / (e.g. fencing, labour $?)
Fencing $400
Is strategic grazing a management action in your funding agreement?
Yes No
If strategic grazing, please describe how you have grazed the patch (e.g. timing) and the number of stock grazed. Describe the percentage groundcover within the patch.
How successful has this been in controlling biomass and/or herbaceous exotic plants?
Patch grazed with 200 wethers for 1 week in April 20aa. Groundcover retained at 100%. Replaced small section of stock proof fencing in patch in March 20yy. 30 cattle introduced to patch for 3 days in October to reduce biomass.
The wethers grazing has reduced the biomass and exotic plants well with less flowering occurring this year due to the exotic plants being grazed.
Monitor and manage exotic plants / [ 30 %] cover of exotic plants
[ 10 %] unknown / Please describe the activities you have undertaken to monitor and manage exotic plants. Please identify the species managed, methods used and comment about the effectiveness of your actions.
Spraying undertaken to control St John’s Wort & Serrated Tussock.
St John’s Wort proving very difficult to control. Will continue to monitor and manage as required. / (e.g. spraying $?)
spraying $300
contractor labour $300
Monitor and manage regeneration / [No. 20 ] of young eucalypts / Please describe the activities you have undertaken to encourage and protect regeneration in the patch and comment about the effectiveness of these actions.
Using tree guards to protect regeneration as much as possible from grazing pest species. / (e.g.tree guards $?)
tree guards $250
Monitor and manage total grazing pressure / [Y] evidence of kangaroos, rabbits or hares / Please describe the activities you have undertaken, the species you managed (other than domestic livestock), any licences that were obtained, and the effectiveness of your actions?
High numbers of rabbits and kangaroos were observed in the patch this year - fumigation undertaken to control rabbits and this has been quite effective in reducing rabbit numbers.
Permit obtained from NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and professional shooter employed to shoot up to 50 kangaroos. / (e.g. rabbit fumigation, fox baiting$?)
rabbit fumigation $150
kangaroo control $250
Biomass control / [ 50 %]
native plants
[ 10 %] unknown / Is biomass control a management action in your funding agreement?
Yes No
If Yes, please describe the activities you have undertaken to manage biomass accumulation (e.g. slashing etc) and the effectiveness of your actions.
Strong spring growth of perennial grasses. Strategic grazing for 3 days in October has helped to manage perennial grasses in the patch in addition to slashing. / (e.g. slashing $?)
slashing - fuel & labour $300
Nutrient management / [ 40 %] cover of exotic plants / Is nutrient management a management action in your funding agreement?
Yes No
If Yes, please describe how you have managed nutrient flows into the patch and comment on the effectiveness of your actions? / (e.g. labour, contractor costs $?)
Thinning / no field monitoring is required / Is thinning a management action in your funding agreement?
Yes No
If Yes, please describe thinning methods used (if required), what (if any) state approvals were obtained?
Please comment on the effectiveness of your actions.
Obtained approval through South East LLS to thin native eucalypt regrowth in the patch. Approximately 30 saplings were cut close to the base and painted with herbicide.
Success rate is about 75% and follow up action is occurring following the current wet spell. / (e.g. labour, contractor costs, permit costs $?)
labour & herbicide $350
Planting/direct seeding / no field monitoring is required / Is planting/direct seeding a management action in your funding agreement?
Yes No
If Yes, please describe any site preparation activities you have undertaken, native species planted/sown, have they survived?
Site preparation completed last year. Purchased and planted 200 Eucalyptus melliodora (yellow-box) seedlings. Good establishment rate. / (e.g. seed, planting tube stock $?)
planting tube stock $350
tree guards
labour $150
Retain fallen timber / no field monitoring is required / Is retaining fallen timber a management action in your funding agreement?
Yes No
If Yes, please describe the activities you have undertaken.
All fallen timber in the patch was retained. Old untreated fence posts brought into the patch from neighbouring paddock. / (e.g. labour, fuel $?)
labour, fuel $50

Part 4A.2

The following activities must not be undertaken in the patch:
  • cultivation
  • fertiliser application
  • removal of standing timber; and
  • removal or disturbance of bush rocks
  • planting of non-native species in the ecological community
  • intentional burning outside of a fire management plan
Please provide an explanation if these requirements have not been met in the last 12 months.
All of the above requirements have been met in the last 12 months.



Complete one photo record sheet and attach a colour photograph for each Zone in your Management Plan

(taken from the same place and wherever possible at the same month and time each year)

5A.1Zone Number: / 1
5A.2Zone State: / 2
5A.3Date photo taken: / 5 October 20yy
5A.4Time photo taken / 10am

Observations over the last 12 months:

(please provide a description of general vegetation health and regeneration, any observations of native and non-native flora and fauna, and any comments about how you think the management actions are working across the patch, including whether there has been a general improvement or deterioration in condition of the patch?)

Good regeneration of native grasses, including Danthonia and stipa species. Avena species (wild oats) are dominant.

Good eucalyptus regeneration (see attached photo).

Excellent groundcover across the patch.

Superb parrots observed in greater numbers over the last twelve months.

5A.5Attach Photo



In submitting this annual report, I/we confirm:

  • I/we are authorised to make this declaration on behalf of the entity/entities who have entered into the funding agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of the Environment (theDepartment) for the Environmental Stewardship Programme, and that all relevant persons have made a full disclosure of information.
  • The information provided in this form and all appended documents is complete and correct. I/we understand that giving false or misleading information in connection with this application is a serious offence and may result in the requirement to repay any payments received.
  • I/we understand that I/we may be requested to provide further clarification or documentation to verify the information supplied in this annual report. Any further information I/we provide or changes made to this annual report at the request of the Department do not amount to a new annual report but rather amend this annual report.
  • The Department is authorised to take the necessary steps to assess this annual report by checking the information provided on this form and by obtaining information from databases or agencies.
  • I agree that the Department may arrange for an assessment of the annual report including by an external service provider, adviser or consultant to the Department.
  • I/we understand that I/we will not own the intellectual property rights in the information, photographs or other material submitted in this annual report (the Material).
  • I/we understand that the Department will be entitled to, and may authorise third parties to, use, publish (including on the internet) and modify the Material for any purposes (including commercial purposes).
  • I/we understand that where Material has been licensed by the Department to third parties the Department is unlikely to be able to prevent third parties from continuing to use the Material even if I/we advise the Department that I no longer consent to the Department using my name or image; and
  • I/we release the Department from any infringement or violation of any personal or property rights of any sort arising from the use of the Material.


Please note that the Department is collecting the information in this form and any attachments for the purposes of assessing your compliance with the funding agreement, including the agreed management actions, and to assess your eligibility for your annual payment.

The Department may disclose some or all of this information to:

  • relevant Australian Government, state, territory and/or local government agencies such a Natural Resource Management Boards and Catchment Management Authorities
  • organisations and individuals involved in the review of annual reports, and auditing, compliance and monitoring of the program. This may include credit reference agencies, delivery agents and other contracted service providers, auditors, and monitoring and compliance personnel.

In addition, the Department may publish some or all of the information in this form and any attachments in media releases, general announcements and annual reports, on the Department’s website, or through other means determined by the Department.

Agreed(please indicate your agreement)

Signature:...... (print, sign and either scan and return by email or post to department)
Name of person completing:...... John Smith......

If you do not agree with any of the matters raised above, please contact the program on 1800 607 115.

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