Mr Gerard Ee

President, Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants

Mr Gerard Ee started his career as an accountant in 1974 and became a public accountant in 1978 until his retirement as a Partner of Ernst & Young in June 2005. He was recently appointed the President of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.

Mr Ee has a passion for community service and throughout his career he found time to serve on various committees in the social service sector. Mr Ee was formerly the President of the National Council of Social Services, President of the Automobile Association of Singapore, Chairman of the Public Transport Council and has chaired an extensive range of social service organisations and programmes which include juvenile rehabilitative centres, grassroots organisations, schools, and various programmes for the elderly and youth.

Currently he is the Chairman of the Eastern Health Alliance and Changi General Hospital. He is also currently the Chancellor and Chairman of SIM University.



(Effective from 20 June 2014)


1 Mr Michael Lim Choo San


Singapore Accountancy Commission


2 Mr Chan Hon Chew

Chief Financial Officer

Keppel Corporation Ltd

3 Mr Chng Lay Chew

Chief Financial Officer

Singapore Exchange

4 Mr Gerard Ee


Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants

5 Ms Rachel Eng

Joint Managing Partner

WongPartnership LLP

6 Dr Ernest Kan

Chief of Operations (Clients and Markets)

Deloitte Singapore

7 Mr Kon Yin Tong

Managing Partner

Foo Kon Tan Grant Thornton LLP

8 Mr Paul Lee

Managing Partner

RSM Chio Lim LLP

9 Ms Leong Wai Leng

Chief Financial Officer

Temasek Holdings

10 Mr Uantchern Loh

Chief Executive

Singapore Accountancy Commission

11 Mrs Deborah Ong

Assurance Partner, Risk and Quality Leader

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

12 Mr Quek Suan Kiat

Vice Chairman

Barclays Bank PLC Singapore

13 Mr Tham Sai Choy

Managing Partner, KPMG in Singapore

Chairman, KPMG Asia Pacific

14 Mr Kenneth Yap

Chief Executive

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority

15 Professor Gillian Yeo

Associate Dean

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University