'bringing gardeners together'
If ever there were a spring day so perfect,
so uplifted by a warm intermittent breeze
that it made you want to throw
open all the windows in the house
and unlatch the door to the canary’s cage,
indeed, rip the little door from its jamb,
a day when the cool brick paths
and the garden bursting with peonies
seemed so etched in sunlight
that you felt like taking
a hammer to the glass paperweight
on the living room end table,
releasing the inhabitants
from their snow-covered cottage
so they could walk out,
holding hands and squinting
into this larger dome of blue and white,
well, today is just that kind of day.
Hello Everyone,
Apologies that due to extra demands on my time this month – and not just the weeding - the newsletter is short and sweet and a bit late!
Well, the May flowers are now out and we can finally shrug off our winter woollies. We’ve had some wonderful days recently haven’t we? The sentiments in Billy Collins poem just seemed to fit. However, only a couple of weeks ago, the frost did a lot of damage to many gardeners’ prize plants. We ourselves had a Hydrangea completely stripped of its new leaves and a pieris, grown close to the house that has had all of its new crimson foliage turned to rust. Spare a thought for those who are getting ready to open their gardens next month and hope the damage has not been too great.
Our Plant Extravaganza is on Saturday, 10-4pm. If you do have any plants to contribute please pop them into Jane’s garden on Friday. If you are able to spare an hour or so to help sell please let me know. If not do come along anyway, bring your friends and family and grab a bargain. SPREAD THE WORD!
Can those booked into the Highclere coach trip please have the money in at the next meeting or soon after as numbers have to be confirmed. Cheques made out to KDHS can be sent to me at Yew Tree Cottage, Gibraltar, Kinver, DY7 6NE. (£28 each) We can still squeeze in one or two extras so get in touch if you’d like to join us on the 13thJuly.
Happy Gardening,
Chairman - Mrs Geraldine Wooddisse. Treasurer - Mrs Rosemary Pope.
Secretary - Mrs Carole Lacy email Tel 01384 873321
Charity No. 701258
Last meeting:-While our speakerDerek Walker potted up hanging baskets and pots with a myriad of gorgeous plants, he entertained us with constant chatter and anecdotes. These included his working life as a horticulturalist of many years experience, much of that spent in the council, talk about where the plants come from these days – mainly cuttings from as far away as Ethiopia and Kenya which are then grown on in Holland - as well as useful tips for how to get the best from our pots and baskets. He advised using a multi purpose compost that has been enriched with Osmocote or Miracle Grow as well as moisture retentive gel. He suggests feeding once a week once they have got going with half strength Tomorite, and keep dead-heading!There was a mad scramble at the end of the evening as members were keen to purchase plants and baskets at rock bottom prices.
Competition winners this month.
The Flower of the Month 1.Jean Taylor 2. Ingrid Caras-Altas 3. Sally Brookes
/ Thursday 25th May
7.30 pm
St Peter's Church Hall
Vicarage Drive
We’re in for something completely different when we welcomeWade Muggletonwho will be telling us all about
Wade has developed his own permaculture garden over the last 13 years. Over time he has learnt which crops best suit his garden, and those that don't. Formerly a college lecturer, Wade is now a countryside officer for Worcester County Council. His garden is a Permaculture Association demonstration site.
The monthly competition for May1 Photograph of garden wildlife. 2. Any garden flower of the month.
Please note the 'Garden Flower of the Month' should be a single stem only.
Invitation from Wollaston Gardeners Guild
Liz Hathaway, Secretary writes -
We have Bob Brown of Cotswold Garden Flowers coming to give a talk on Monday 19th June 7.30 for 8pm at Stourbridge Institute. He is a renowned plantsman, speaker & writer as I am sure you will all know.
We would be very happy to welcome any of your members; tickets are £4 & we are hoping he will be bringing some plants to buy. Tickets will be available from our Treasurer, June Baker, from late May on 01384 378454.