Subject: English / Class: 9Hf / Unit: Film Study / Topic: Million Dollar Arm; analysis of movie poster.Text (title, type, source)
Million Dollar Arm
Achievement Objective(s)
Students will show an increasing understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
What should the students learn?
The visual and verbal techniques used by the producers of a text to;
-appeal to an audience
-communicate ideas and information
-position and influence the reader / Assessment and/or Success Criteria
How do we know what we have learnt?
Students will be able to identify visual and verbal techniques used in the movie poster.
Students will be able to discuss the purpose of visual and verbal techniques used in the movie poster.
Students will begin to analyse the effect of visual and verbal techniques used in the movie poster – the “So What?”
Four Resources:
☐ Code Breaking
Semiotic System☐ Audio ☐ Gestural ☐ Linguistic ☐ Spatial ☐ Visual
☐ Meaning Making
☐Text User
☐Text Analyst / How does this lesson support students to develop one or more of the Four Resources?
Through discussion and analysis of the linguistic, spatial and visual componants of the text;
Students will ‘gain meaning from texts and illustrations’
Students will draw on their own experiences with movie posters
Students will compare their own experiences with similar texts (movie posters)
Students will then go on to think about how the text represents certain views, voices and interests and silence others.
Students will begin to understand how texts are crafted to the interests and ideologies of the writer.
Students will begin to understand that texts influence people’s ideas.
Key Competency Focus: Using language, symbols and texts
How is this key competency developed in this lesson?
Students will investigate how language and symbols are used in texts to create meaning, communicate and represent information.
Time / Student Learning Activities / Teacher Activities/Actions
(Including Focus Questions)
Engaging students’ interest
Students have being looking at movie posters in previous lessons and this opening task will get them to draw on that prior knowledge and apply it to this poster.
Finding out existing knowledge and skills
Through discussion and students’ written answers, students will demonstrate their prior knowledge by analysing the film poster.
Based on earlier lessons where students participated in the meaning of texts (film posters), ask students to identify specific techniques (visual, spatial and lingusitic) in this poster. They will write this in their books in a table with the three semiotic systems along the top.
In pairs, discussion first then feedback to class. Ask students to try and identify the genre of the movie based on the poster. Get them to justify their ideas.
Participate in verbal discussion.
Making it relevant
Create a concept drawing for a film to be made about an American man who comes over to NZ to teach Maori how to play Grid Iron (or Baseball?).
What visual, spactial, linguistic elements would you use?
In groups of four;
Show your poster to your group.
Group members are to ask the creator why they chose specific elements (visual, linguistic, spatial) to use in their poster.
Conclusion (wrap up)
Go back to initial poster….write down one question you would ask the creator of this text. / Place copy of the poster onto board through data projector.
Write three semiotic systems on the board reminder about what these each mean, examples of each. Metalanguage.
Feedback; Teacher writes range of responces on white board over image (annotation).
What does the poster tell us about the man in the foreground?
What semiotic systems give you this idea?
What is the aim of a movie poster?
Does this poster succeed in this?
Who do you think created this poster?
How would this poster be different if it was made by someone who came from India?
Why do you think that?
So, whose ‘interests’ are being served here? Who benefits from this poster?
Is there anyone perspective missing? What/Whose?
Ensure all students have a copy of critical questions pertaining to “Textual Purposes”, “Textual Features and features”, “Gaps and Silences”, Power and Interest”.
Ask students to use these specific questions when investigating texts of their peers.
If time, ask students to read out their questions.
Data projector
Copy of poster for Million Dollar Arm
Critical reflection
Student achievement – Where to next?
Teacher practice – What have I learnt in terms of curriculum literacies?
What will I change?
“Developing a future-focussed literacy programme”