GHHS PTSA Board Meeting

Monday November 6, 2017

GHHS Media Center

Call to Order at 7:00 PM by President Dee Deanhardt

Minutes: Approved October 2, 2017 meeting minutes by the board with one correction. The line about a robotics team grant was removed since we have not reviewed anything from robotics this year.

Treasurer’s Report, Christine Agius

·  Monthly treasurer’s report approved

·  Ticket sales for senior dance, spirit wear sales were up and membership – currently 697

·  PTA to file 990 by November 15

Teacher Reps, Mr. Colin Richardson and Ms. Caroline Moakley

·  Teacher grants and thanks for everything

Principal’s Report, Ms. Summers

·  Update – 4th largest school in state, Panther Creek Hight School has called back for all transfer students for second semester. Parents could decline for semester or permanently. We are losing 31 students going to Panther Creek

·  Band had a big recognition, fantastic school play, 3 state championship in athletics, womens cross country came in 2nd in state

·  Thursday is junior parent night – discussion about what should the parents should be doing with their son/daughter, lot of information going into the summer, parents highly encouraged to attend

·  Hang up and drive program for juniors – Nov 20th

Review and Approve changes to the list of board members and committee chairs

·  Need a nominating committee, added Tanesha Boldin and No-Fuss Fundraising is open again

VP/Committee Reports

·  FAB committee rep – remind parents to complete volunteer registration online

·  Mistletoe Market on Saturday, November 18th from 10-5pm, there is music, food, arts and crafts vendors…great event that benefits FAB scholarships

Digital Signs, David Dilts

·  Electronic sign website –

·  Local business – fairly good response, BBT offered $250 in Jan, Chick fil A – a spirit night, maybe ask to see if we could do a spirit lunch for seniors

·  Currently we have $450 on website, talk to your companies if they can contribute or match

Academic Recognition – Nayma Kose

·  Chocolate chip cookies, coupons, pins, certificate given during academic recognition. Comments for next year - maybe we can forgo the pins

·  1090 kids done in one day, gets hectic and disorganized, so planning as a two-day event next year

·  Do it before October 15th, may be useful for common app for seniors

·  Lot of leftover treats, ice cream and taco bell coupons – given to teachers to use as rewards was one idea

·  Asked for $3000, only used $2154.53 thanks to price breaks and donations from Goodberry’s and Taco Bell


·  Going to county level this weekend

·  Several recipients going to county level

President Report

·  695 members reported to NCPTA

·  Working on deposit for Falcon night

·  StreetSafe on March 10th , Prom/Falcon night on May 12th

·  Windbreaker order needed by Nov 20th for the holidays

Other business

·  None

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Next meeting will be on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the media center

Respectfully submitted by:

Nagu Keshava