Intensive Reading (11th and 12th grade)
Course Syllabus
Mrs. Gloria Bailey,Room 519
754 322-1100 – Voice Mail – X-5604
This course provides students with opportunities to develop reading skills/strategies at their individual instructional level. Students are assessed so that the content specially focuses on those reading benchmarks for which students need extra support and practice. Emphasis is placed on mastery of those benchmarks to be successful on the FCAT or the ACT. Reading skills/strategies will be taught within the context of a laboratory/classroom setting.
Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction in reading concepts and skills to enable students to prepare for the FCAT or the ACT and to improve overall reading ability. This course will include, but not limited to, the following:
Use comprehension skills and strategies to increase understanding of information in written material (e.g., reading for main idea and details, paraphrasing, self-questioning, using graphic clues, rereading, scanning).
Identify author’s purpose or point of view in written material.
Determine whether information presented in a text is accurate, valid, or reliable.
Select and apply student skills (e.g., note taking, visual imagery; organizing information, test-taking).
Vocabulary Workshop by Jerome Shostak
Financial Literacy by Chad Foster
Teenagers Preparing for the Real World by Chad Foster
Real-Life Reading Activities by James F. Silver
Various internet activities and readings
FCAT Explorer (Internet)
Read ON! (Software)
Sun-Sentinental “Teen Link”
The goals of this course are:
Increase student reading MOTIVATION
Increase TEST TAKING skills
Increase student VOCABULARY
Attend class on time each demonstrating a personal intent to work
Bring pen, pencil, highlighter and your Agenda to class daily
One binder with pockets (provided by teacher)
Bring a novel for daily reading
Turn in Reading Summary Sheets weekly
Complete all classwork, homework, and assignments
Student grades will be based on the following:
SSRW- participation and follow-up writing activity
Class assignments, homework and tests
Online activities using FCAT and Read ON!
Class Rules
Be honest and do your own work
Sit in your assigned seat
Push chairs in when leaving the room
Wait to be dismissed by me when the bell rings
Respect others – their feelings and their property
Be polite. Use please and thank you. Smile.
Abide by additional rules as determined by the class.
Remember rules in Broward Schools Code and Conduct Book
The more that you read
The more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
The more places you’ll go.
~Dr. Seuss~
General Information
Any student who arrives tardy to class will need to take a make-up test.
A “Z” means that students missed an assignment (test, class work, worksheet, etc…)
A student must do make up work in order to change the “Z” in Pinnacle. This “Z” will turn into a ZERO (0) if work is not made up.
An “X” in Pinnacle does not hurt your grade one way or another. An “X” means the student is exempt from the work.
FLHS ID Policy
ID badges must be worn and visible at all times. No ID Badge = Detention.
No ID 1st block = detention; No ID 2nd block=detention; No ID 3rd block=detention;
No ID 4th block=detention.
No ID for the rest of the day, either show your detention slip or receive another detention.
If you lose your ID = you must buy another.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words or ideas as your own. Academic consequences for plagiarism will be assigned by your teachers. The following are all examples of plagiarism:
Quoting or paraphrasing material without citing the source of that material. Sources can include Web sites, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, journals, TV and radio programs, movies and videos, photographs and drawings, charts and graphs; any information or ideas that are not your own.
Quoting a source without using quotation marks – even if you do cite it.
Buying a paper online or downloading a paper from a free website.
Copying or using work done be another student.
Citing sources you didn’t use.
Turning in the same paper for more than one class without the permission of both teachers.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______