Minutes of Meeting

March 21, 2000

Attendees:Charlie Thompson, Ace Mailing

Mark Gundersen, Advo

Pamela Sanborn, Advo

Bob Brinkmann, NAA

Jim Dietz, Chicago Tribune

Heywood Girion, Americomm

Jeff Hahn, USPS Quality

Grayson Poats, USPS Law

Steven Goishi, USPS Address Management

Becky Dunn, USPS Address Management

Dewitt Crawford, USPS Address Management

The first work group meeting was held at the National Postal Forum in Nashville, TN on March 21, 2000. It was unanimous by all present that this change is needed in the industry as well as within the Postal Service. It was also stated that when the work group has developed all the criteria necessary to make this change, an official request for program development and support funds would be submitted to Postal Management for approval.

The main issue discussed was security of processing customer files. It was agreed that the Postal Service would develop a seed process to prevent unauthorized requests from being processed. The current plan is to create one seed per ZIP Code per customer. Further discussion suggested that more than one might be needed. The NCSC has since developed a seed list of approximately one billion addresses and will be prepared to discussed a new proposal for multiple seeding in our next meeting

There was discussion on eliminating all manual services. In order to assist in making this decision a survey form will be created by DeWitt Crawford and sent to all Address Management offices across the country. The purpose of the survey is to gather information on the number of requests that have been received over the past year for the services provided by DMM A920, 1.0 A & B, the number of requests for service for individual or partial routes within the ZIP Code, and the number of requests received from local mailers. The results will be provided at the next scheduled meeting.

In order to have an understanding of how many small CDS customers are currently being served DeWitt Crawford will run a report to identify how many ZIP Code customers are qualified for. The report will only provide how many customers are receiving how many ZIP Codes. No names will be provided.

There was discussion on whether the USPS can act as an agent to notify customers that an address list has been submitted for electronic qualification with one of their seeded addresses. Another option or solution was suggested that the USPS provide a web site to list all customers that request electronic qualification. Such a web site would allow list owners to monitor illegal submissions. Grayson Poats has taken action on this issue and will report at our next meeting.

There was discussion on the quality of address list submitted for electronic qualification. It is the desire of the USPS that all list be ran through CASS certified software prior to submission. It was felt that not all customers would have CASS software or have access to the software. Therefore the USPS will look into the possibility of providing this as part of the electronic qualification process and will report at the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held in Washington, DC on April 25, 2000 from 1:00PM through 2:30PM in room 7801.