Home FellowshipManual for the week ofSeptember 3rd,2017
(Based on Sermon by Deaconess Heidi Okonta)
Scripture Text: Leviticus 26:9
God will turn His eyes on us because our eyes are on Him. His divine favour will cause multiplication as He establishes His covenant with His people. Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord. Daniel out lived 5 Kings because the favour of God was upon him. Divine favour doesn’t just happen; the men and women who received God’s favour did so through the obedience and more.
Point of discussion
Different types of God’s covenants:
The covenant with Noah- this covenant required obedience on Noah’s part
The Abrahamic covenant-this covenant required sacrifice
The Mosaic covenant- this covenant required obedience to the law and blood
The covenant with David- this covenant was based on praise
The new covenant of Jesus our Lord- this is the ultimate covenant which is based on unmerited favour and grace
The covenant of eternity- this covenant is after this life, but what is done in this life determines where we spent eternity.
What are the keys to favour?
1)The presence of God - Psalm 119:57-58- favour comes from being in the presence of God, Esther sought God for her people and God heard her and delivered them. We can enter into His presence through worship, prayer and praise. When we enter into God’s presence, we need to enter in holiness.
2)Giving and sowing - whatever favour you sow, you will get back. When we lookout for the welfare of others, God will look out for our welfare. Sow good and overcome good with evil.
3)Favouring God’s house brings favour on us - God will honour those who honour and esteem Him
4)Personal appearance- dress how you want to be addressed, dress for where you are going not where you are.
What are the benefits of favour?
Financial increase and promotion - Genesis 39:21; Restoration of what we’ve lost Exodus3:21; produce honour in the midst of adversaries Exodus 11:3; greater victory in the midst adversity.
Things we need to know…
Favour attracts controversy and adversity
Favour comes with responsibility
With favour you do as you ought to, not what you like
God’s favour is upon us even if things are going wrong
Favour gives us preferential treatment. God’s favour causes us to receive what we don’t deserve. As our hearts are bent towards God, we will become more like Him. Consequently, His favour will flow into every aspect of our lives.