AGSA assumes no liability for accidents or injuries to participants, players, managers and Home team will provide official scorekeeper and visitor will provide a score board operator. Spectators either directly or indirectly related to the execution of any tournament.
Only ASA sanctioned teams will be accepted.
Division I and Open teams will not be allowed in Division II Tournament.
All tournament games will be played according to current ASA rules unless specified otherwise.
A coin flip by a member of the Tournament Committee will determine home or visitor, except for Championship Game. Home team will be in the 3rd base dugout unless otherwise agreed by the plate umpire.
The Tournament Committee or Representative will be final judge of any protests or disputes that arise during the course of tournament action. All protests will be settled at the point of the protest.
All grievances must be submitted by one of the playing team’s coaches and will be heard by at least one member of the Tournament Committee along with game officials on the field at the time of the protest. All decisions will be final.
The Tournament Committee may alter game schedule should tournament be suspended due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
A copy of the lineup must be submitted to the official Scorekeeper and the opposing coach at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to game time. All players must be listed on the lineup at the beginning of the game. All pickups must be designated as such on the lineup.
Teams shall have birth certificates, or proof of age, to be presented to the tournament committee at the time of request.
Forfeit time is the scheduled game time or after the last out of the preceding game if it ends after the next games scheduled start time.
PICKUPS: Only two (2) pickups will be allowed from the next lower league in that same association. If at the freshman level pickups from the next lower level shall not be younger than seven (7). Coach pitch 1 (6 & under) will be allowed to pickup from their own division. Pickups may start the game if the team has fewer than nine regular members present and able to play. Pickups may enter the game after the completion of third inning or one half (1/2) of the game. To prevent forfeiture of the game due to injury, ASA shorthanded rule will apply and beyond that, injury re-entry will be allowed.
PICKUPS MAY NOT PITCH OR CATCH. See Pickup rule specific to Pixies / Coach Pitchat the bottom of the rules.
No bat boy/girl will be permitted.
All games will be one hour and ten minutes with the exception of tie games. Innings started before time expires will be completed if necessary. All Coach Pitch and Freshman division games ending in tie will be settled using Modified International Tie Breaker. (ITB with two outs) All other divisions will be straight ITB. Championship games will be one hour and twenty minutes in all divisions except Coach Pitch, which will be one hour and ten minutes.
1.Sophomore and Junior Divisions – 6 innings or ten (10) runs after four (4) innings or twenty (20) runs after three (3) innings.
2.Freshman and Coach Pitch Divisions – 5 innings or seven (7) after four (4) innings or thirteen (13) runs after three (3) innings.
3.Games suspended due to rain will be resumed as soon as possible at the point of interruption. If at least three (3) innings have been played, the win will be awarded to the team that was ahead at the completion of the last full inning played.
4.Infield warm-up will not be allowed. No hitting of balls into the playing field fences during warm-up.
5.A completed team roster must be turned in prior to first tournament game if unavailable at time of application. Travel permit is required for teams outside of District #27.
6.All players will wear shoes and socks. No steel cleats allowed.
7.If, in the umpire’s judgment, a player is seriously injured, he may immediately call time out to allow aid for the injured player. He will then advance any runner to the base she could have, in the umpire’s opinion, safely achieved had time not been called.
8.All uniforms shall be numbered.
9.No cursing or swearing will be tolerated.
Rules specific to Freshman:
a.Infield fly rule is in effect.
b.½ inning = 3 outs or 6 runs (no continuation)
c.11 inch ball will be used
d.35’ pitching distance
e.Stealing allowed at all bases, except home.
f.No dropped third strike rule.
Rules specific to Coach Pitch/Pixie:
a.All games will be 55 minutes or 5 innings unless run rule ends the game earlier.
b.Any team playing Angleton Girl Softball Association, or any outside association playing within Angleton League whose team roster is less than (10) ten players may start a game with (9) nine players. All teams whose roster is (10) ten or more players must start a game with (10) ten players. Teams may start with (8), but will take a OUT where the (9th) batter would have been.
c.Pickups will be allowed from within the same age group for 6 & under. 8 & under must pickup from the next lower league.
d.All pickups must be from your own home association.
e.Pickup players are not allowed to play pitcher or first base.
f.No games shall end in a tie. International Tie Breaker rules will go into effect. If after the ITB inning, the game is still tied, then the Modified International Tie Breaker will be used. Last out is placed at second with two outs.
g.A dead ball will be called if the ball hits the fence on the first play that is intended to get a runner or batter runner out at any base. The runner or batter runner will be awarded the base in which they were going to when the ball was released.