PHONE: 336-423-9024
FAX: 336-993-0208
HiPerf, Inc. is a highly professional organization with an active cadre of consultants who have over 400 combined years of experience in management and leadership development, executive coaching, curriculum development, training, customer service, organizational change, interpersonal communication and team development.
Our vision is to help customers maximize their potential through innovative services and products that address individual and organizational needs. Our mission is to improve the life of organizations through the sharing of good practices and the application of practical experience. We believe that cultural enhancement and leadership developments are the cornerstones of organizational change. We believe that change is leadership based, management led, organizationally executed and results driven.
We have years of documented experience with the Federal Government. This experience has helped to ensure that our Federal customers are able to implement improvements and changes at the strategic, organizational and tactical levels. We make it our business to understand the unique needs of each customer and design the delivery of our services to meet the customer’s particular environment. Our practice to conduct a personalized assessment of an organizations strengths and disconnects prior to tailoring our approach to close gaps has proven to be the root of our success. Conducting a personal assessment is critical to ensure our mutual success prior to the implementation of specific training, leadership development and executive consultation.
We pledge our continued support to help senior executives, managers and team leaders develop a commonly shared direction for the organization; develop strategic plans with specific goals and objectives to implement a shared direction; to develop cross-functional partnerships to integrate business plans; to help develop flexibility within an organization to enable the adoption to changes in the business environment, and to put mechanisms in place to monitor and evaluate the organizations progress toward strategic goals and objectives.
SIN 874-1 Integrated Consulting Service
SIN 874-1RC Integrated Consulting Service
Consulting Services
HiPerf provides a full range of consultation services on-site or at locations designated by the customer. The following outlines our consulting services:
Executive and Management Coaching: Many organizations have strong internal resources and processes that define and support coaching of frontline through middle management. Executive coaching benefits upper management by helping them to become more open minded and objective. It also reminds executives of the significance of the actions that their subordinates are required to carry out on a daily basis. HiPerf provides coaching at all levels within an organization. The level of coaching, frequency and areas of focus will vary depending on the executive and the situation.
Organizational Assessments: It is important for organizations to have a solid baseline from which to measure the current state of the organization. HiPerf will assist organizations with assessments including design, facilitation and the evaluation of assessment results. The assessments can include operational (manufacturing, finance, purchasing) or human resource (cultural, climate, norms, etc.).
Futures and Breakthrough Thinking: Organizations often get in a rut concerning new business, new products or thinking differently about their operations. Futures and Breakthrough Thinking allows organizations to get out of their box and look at what they could become.
Leadership Systems: Leaders require diverse leadership skills to respond to a variety of work challenges as well as a highly diverse workforce. HiPerf provides coaching to leaders and managers to enable them to become flexible and adaptable in applying a wide range of leadership skills.
Strategic Planning: Organizations must have a clear sense of what business they are in and where they are going. HiPerf assists in the development of vision, mission, guiding principles, values, and strategic positioning to provide a framework for short-term, intermediate and long range operating plans. As a part of this activity, HiPerf engages the client in an environmental scan to stay abreast of the threats, demands and opportunities of the political environment, the marketplace and technology.
Organizational Transformation and Renewal: HiPerf provides a proven roadmap for organizations either embarking on change or desiring to renew a previously implemented change initiative. Consulting services include: assessing the organization readiness to change; determining where the change initiative has stalled; helping organization leaders design a change/renewal plan; helping to implement the plan; and finally, evaluating the impact/results of the change/renewal effort.
Business Planning: HiPerf will assist organizations with completing a business plan to meet financial (costs reduction, savings, profitability) and business growth (market share, new service). HiPerf will also assist in linking business goals with process re-engineering.
Action Planning: Action planning transfers key results and objectives into action. HiPerf assists organizations in developing actionable, “do-able” tasks to meet objectives. HiPerf provides tracking systems as well as responsibility and accountability matrices to ensure completion of tasks.
Systems Alignment: Organizational Systems often become out of alignment as a result of a change initiative. HiPerf works with organizational leaders and managers to realign organizational support systems to complement an organizational change (e.g. cultural, control, and technical systems).
High Performance Work: Organizations desiring to redesign work to maximize performance may either choose to structure in teams, or redesign individual responsibilities, or both. HiPerf works with managers and employees to structure work to complement high performance and then to structure the organization to complement these high performing work systems. Often, intact or adhoc teams are chartered to design and implement these new work systems.
Performance Measures and Indicators: Organizations need to measure performance to maintain balance between internal efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. HiPerf will assist in the development and use of performance measures. We will align performance measures and indicators with customer requirements and key organizational strategies, goals, and objectives.
Processes and Productivity Improvements: HiPerf provides a full range of process re-engineering, process mapping and process improvement assistance. HiPerf also provides a comprehensive approach to increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, control, and adaptability of manufacturing (process based operations) as well as service (outcome based) organizations.
Facilitation Services
Group interaction through meetings can be a costly and inefficient process. Through effective facilitation organizations will realize efficient meetings and significant cost avoidance. The following outlines our facilitation services.
Problem Solving: HiPerf provides facilitation to individuals and to teams. We are also available to assist in-house facilitators with approaching any problem situation in a systematic and logical way. This includes preparation, analyzing the problem(s), generating alternatives, making a decision, action planning, evaluation and implementation.
Defining and Refining Agendas and Meeting Planning: HiPerf will provide meeting management support and facilitation service to effectively design and conduct successful meetings. Meeting design varies from small business meetings to large roll out events (400 – 1000 participants), including change management events. HiPerf will conduct the event or assist our customers with their internal management and implementation plans. This includes acting as the government’s agent to provide the full gamut of meeting support from advertising the event through delivery of the event. This includes, but is not limited to, the development of the theme, coordinating agendas, inviting guests, preparing name tags, determining seating, coordinating multimedia, conducting group exercises, preparing minutes of the meeting, providing facilitation services, etc.
Leading Large and Small Group Discussions: Groups and even successful teams sometimes lose focus and have a hard time meeting objectives. HiPerf assists large and small groups in determining the methods and resources necessary to meet the desired outcomes and will provide group facilitation to ensure the achievement of goals.
Resolving Disputes, Disagreements and Divergent Views: Disagreements within the organization can polarize individuals as well as groups causing the organization to be ineffective. HiPerf provides interventions at all levels of the organization (executive leadership, management and employees) as well as organizational elements (departments, union, customers, and suppliers).
Recording Discussion Content and Focusing: Groups often require the development of a “group memory” in order to supplement interactions as well as become the written record of the group. HiPerf records participant input while facilitating group interaction. HiPerf will provide drafts to support permanent records and will assist in the development of positions for final presentations.
Integrated Product Development Teams (IPD): The complexity of organizational structure often requires a cross-functional team to ensure systems integration. HiPerf facilitates the identification of appropriate team members and the chartering of an IPD team.
Surveying Services
Surveys are designed to increase information to improve decision-making. The overall survey process involves identifying the need for a survey, administering the survey, analyzing the survey results, preparing data feedback, and applying the results of the survey. HiPerf tailors the assessment technique to gather data based on the concerns of the customer. The information and data are provided as feedback to the organization in an organized format.
Survey Needs: A survey should only be conducted where there is a specific need. HiPerf will ensure careful and clear identification of the need for and objectives of the survey before proceeding. In understanding the need for a survey, the organization and manager must be aware of a poorly designed survey, the ethical and legal considerations of the survey and any specific organizational policies addressing the survey.
Survey Development: HiPerf will design the types of questions, frame the questions, determine the answer choices for the questions, and sequence the questions.
Survey Administration: HiPerf will administer or conduct the survey, select sample respondents, deliver the survey, and promote participation to ensure the maximum percentage of respondent returns of usable survey answer sheets. Sample size and administrative methods will depend on the targeted audience, the intent of the survey, and the time and resources available to conduct the survey.
Survey Analysis: HiPerf will complete the analysis and reduce data into a manageable format. Our analysis will include all necessary statistics and computing information to meet the needs of the survey. All information will be formatted so that managers can clearly understand the nature of the responses.
Survey Data Feedback: The organization should not be expected to devote time to interpreting raw response data. HiPerf will collect the data, interpret the data, provide the results, and provide presentations or briefings concerning the results. HiPerf will provide a complete analysis of the data to show the nature, significance and limitations of the data.
Survey Application: HiPerf will process survey results and identify answers to the questions that prompted the survey. To apply the survey information, HiPerf will identify themes, detect trends, determine implications, and recommend an action plan based on the data.
Survey Examples:
Team Effectiveness Surveys: What is the team’s opinion of its effectiveness? A team effectiveness survey identifies the areas of opportunity for the team and the competencies needed to improve. A team effectiveness survey can be designed to fit the needs of a particular team.
Customer Surveys: How do external or internal customers feel about your products and services? The customer survey is custom-designed from a pool of items in the categories you identify. Surveys are returned directly to HiPerf for scoring and statistical analysis.
Organizational Surveys: How effectively have the vision, mission, and principles of the organization been communicated to its associates? Our values-driven employee survey allows you to select items that represent your organization's culture and practices. Surveys are returned to HiPerf for scoring and analysis, guaranteeing anonymity, security, and efficiency.
SIN 874-4 Training Services: Instructor Led Training, Web Based Training and Education Courses, Course Development and Test Administration, Learning Management, Internships
SIN 874-4RC Training Services: Instructor Led Training, Web Based Training and Education Courses, Course Development and Test Administration, Learning Management, Internships
Training Services
HiPerf uses the experiential learning cycle as the primary training model. Major considerations for use of this model include: diverse learning styles of individuals, the selection of a method best suited for the transfer of work related content to the adult learner; and the explicit recognition of work related applications. Additionally, we use a unique blend of techniques both indoors and outdoors to supplement our training. Blending these techniques allows the integration of learning in all three learning modes: cognitive, emotional and physical.
We believe in training that transfers easily into a work setting and thoroughly processes each learning opportunity in terms of “What Happened?” “So What?” and “Now What?” These questions help our participants translate every aspect of each presentation and exercise into meaningful skills and changes in behavior when they return to work. HiPerf will provide (1) customized training, (2) off-the-shelf training, and (3) off-the-shelf customized training to meet the customer’s needs.
The following are developed workshops that may be custom designed to fit the organization’s needs:
Futures Workshop: The Futures Workshop is a methodology to engage a wide range of internal and external stakeholders in the examination of the organization’s direction and in setting its course for the future. It includes the entire system when practical (or a representative cross section if not the entire system) in the process. Management, employees at all levels, customers, suppliers, and those with an interest in the work organization (e.g., outside interest groups) are included. The workshop results in an operational vision for the organization’s future along with strategies to reach that vision. The Futures Workshop is highly participatory, requiring participants to be fully involved in the analytical and creative tasks of planning. The difference in the Futures Workshop compared to other visioning initiatives is simply the level of involvement in developing the operational vision, setting of the strategy and action planning.
Leading and Guiding Change: This training prepares internal change agents and guides to help leaders create, sustain and manage a major change effort using the principles of high performance and commitment. Leading and Guiding Change will prepare internal change agents and champions to sustain and manage a major change effort using a proven five-phase process for change. This comprehensive change model provides leaders and guides with a road map and the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to guide their transformation to success. The training will result in individuals having the fundamental knowledge and proven path to help guide the change effort from within the organization.
Reinventing the Organization: This course prepares participants who are considering reinvention of the entire organization.