Minutes of project meeting
10-11 July 2012 /
Date 10-11 July 2012
Present: Fiona Riddoch – COGEN
Stefan Craenen – COGEN
Costas Theofylaktos – HACHP
Stane Merse – JSI
Alberto Pieri – FAST
Alessandro Fontana – FAST
Marieke Reijalt – FAST
Achim Neuheauser – BEA
Arjen de Jong – EM
Excuses: Jean-Pierre Lemmens – CVL
Summary and Actions
Fiona Riddoch gave a general introduction of the CODE2 project and its background. CODE outcomes have provided a good idea of current policies and the market situations. The big challenge for CODE2 is the awareness building and the mobilisation of stakeholders.
Contractual and financial topics
Timothée Noël is the CODE2 Project Officer. He provided a background of the IEE programme and focused on the contractual and financial topics. In his presentation he also included the expectations of the Commission.
Action: All partners to read the contract and to keep the Commission’s expectations in mind.
Roadmaps (WP2 and WP5)
Fiona Riddoch presented the background to the roadmaps and how to put together the roadmap
· Engaging best experts in the creation of the roadmap: CODE experience learned that it is important to start developing contacts with key individuals and organisations from the beginning of the project. One-to-one discussions/interviews with experts is the best way to find out about the awareness.
· The process for the development of the roadmaps is to gather information, establish contact with experts. Understand the position of cogeneration in industry. Do our assessments of regions (which are successful). Do the policy comparison = what is working and what is not. Bring it all together in our own assessment of the country
· Development of Roadmap and awareness template (COGEN with input from partners)
· Identification and development of contacts with national stakeholders (Regional Leaders).
· Key individuals and organisations to be added in the XL list (Regional Leaders)
· By 21 August to finalise the identification of the best practice country in the five regions (Regional Leaders)
· Production by end of July of a one-page project overview (COGEN)
· By 21 August all partners should have a clear idea on content and process of roadmaps (All)
“How-to” guides (WP3)
Stane Merse presented the work on the “How-to” guides and the best practices cases.
Discussion on the “How-to” guides:
· Adapt the guides to the national situations as the circumstances are not everywhere the same
· Think of the interest of the specific customer and speak the language of the sector
· Discussion on how to deliver the guides to the target sectors. Suggestion to offer the guides in a 2-4-10 minutes approach (different versions of the guides)
Discussion on the best practice cases:
· Each Regional Leader will have to identify 5 to 6 cases in his region
· Only have champions featured in the cases
· By end of September development of time schedule with task division (JSI)
· Search for existing guides (all partners)
Workshops (WP4)
Achim Neuhauser presented the background to the workshops.
Several ideas were suggested:
· Get the key persons who contributed to the draft roadmap at the workshop
· Prepare questions in advance for the experts
· Think of some interaction in advance with experts (e.g. informal dinner evening before with a core group)
· The workshop programme should introduce a wider input to the discussions, such as EED
· Give experts specific tasks at the workshops?
· Less presentations, but much more interaction with the audience in order to get information out of the experts
· Need to well-prepare the follow-up to the workshops
· If possible link workshops to other, bigger events
· The events need to be planned really early and the dates need to be communicated soon to the targeted experts
· The workshops should set the scene for the coalition
· The aim is to have a smaller group with experts (rather than events open to everybody)
· The idea was suggested to have two half-day workshops instead of one. This will make it possible to follow-up the outcomes of the first event and present /discuss these at the second workshop
· Do we ask people to come to the workshops with in mind that they will form a coalition?
These and other workshop-related issues will be discussed in more detail at a later stage.
· Dates for the pilot country workshops by 21 August (Regional Leaders)
Discussion on micro-CHP and bio-energy CHP (WP2)
In WP2 the potential of micro-CHP and bio-energy CHP in EU27 will be analysed. Arjen de Jong presented his view on how to address the micro-CHP analysis in EU27.
· There are different national definitions on micro-CHP. The Cogeneration Directive defines micro-CHP all units under 50 kW. The project team has to choose one definition. It was decided to at least differentiate between two market segments: 1 kW home market, and other large-size building
· CODE2 should address the technical potential of cogeneration
· A list of policy indicators that influence the market uptake (grid access, incentives, emission legislation, etc) should be produced, followed by a ranking (scoreboard).
· The team is aware of the national circumstances and differences that will influence the work.
· For bio-energy CHP there will be info available: the 27 National RES Plans (new plans expected at the end of 2012), existing potential studies, work around renewables by individual companies, etc. For micro-CHP the situation is different as there is little info available and this needs to be brought together.
· Micro-CHP and bio-energy CHP should also feature in the “How-to” guides and best practice cases (WP3)
· There is the issue of the development of different micro-CHP technologies – perhaps Delta-ee can help?
· How to integrate the analyses of micro-CHP and bio-energy into the roadmaps?
· By the end of August the production of a first draft of the principles for the roadmap, technical potential, and how to approach heating and cooling in different aspects (EM)
Communication and dissemination (WP6)
Stefan Craenen presented the communication activities
· To the list of target groups, energy agencies will be added
· The current CODE logo will be kept and slightly modernised
· The Communication Plan will include the different target groups and how to approach them. Also an outreach to the coalition will be added
· For practical reasons the current CODE website will be kept until we get to a stage where there is enough CODE2 materials. Then a new website will be developed.
· The delivery dates of the two high-profile events will be revised and where appropriate these events will be linked to other events
· All Regional Leaders will identify 1-2 thought leaders (current or future cogeneration champions) in their region who’s main task will be to communicate on cogeneration and energy efficiency
· By 21 August a first draft of the Communication Plan (COGEN)
· A press release will be issued highlighting the start of CODE2 to the wider audience (COGEN)
Management (WP1)
Stefan Craenen presented the management WP and the working method for the Project Coordinator, WP leaders and all partners. There will be 5 project meetings and – depending on the urgency – bi-weekly or monthly conference calls/webinars.
· The role, meetings and composition of the Advisory Committee (AC) were briefly discussed. For practical reasons it was suggested that a meeting of the AC would be convened around the COGEN Europe Annual Conference.
Discussion on WP2-WP5, next steps and timeplan review:
· The exact role of trigeneration
· Cogeneration experts: All five Regional Leaders should as soon as possible start to identify and to approach the experts in their region. The one page project summary can be used and the dates of the workshops need to be communicated to the experts.
· In Milan we can have a brainstorm session on what we would like ideally the result be and what would be needed (messages) to reach this.
· Discussion on the draft Roadmap structure as produced by Fiona Riddoch
· All background documents will be stored in the members area of the CODE website
· Contact to national policy makers by September (Regional Leaders). Before the second project meeting in Milan, all five Regional Leaders will have to have engaged their experts in the project
· To finalise by February-March 2013 the analysis micro-CHP and bio-energy CHP for the 7 pilot Member States (EM and BEA)
· By 21 August to add interim-milestones in a detailed gant chart (COGEN)
· Partners to feedback on the draft Roadmap structure by end of July (all)
· Impact Assessment of EED and the two documents making up the impact assessment of the Energy Roadmap 2050 to be sent to partners (COGEN)
· Roadmaps should include useful practical info and interpretations for the policy-makers and permanent representations that they can use as next steps.
· On national coalitions: It is not necessary to set up a new group. Get existing groups to take cogeneration on their agenda. We are just looking for a group prepared to take cogeneration forward
· A press release will be developed to announce the start of the project and raise awareness among stakeholders (COGEN)
The following schedule was decided:
When / What / Where4-5 December 2012 / Second project meeting / Milan
18-19 April 2013 / First high-profile meeting (D6.3) in conjunction with the COGEN Europe Conference / Brussels
13-14 May 2013 / One-day training seminar (task 2.2) / Berlin
August-December 2013 / Series of WP4 Workshops (D4.2) / 7 pilot Member States
20-21 January 2014 / Third project meeting / Athens
June 2014 / Fourth project meeting / Brussels
Autumn 2014 / Second high-profile meeting (D6.3) / Brussels
November 2014 / Fifth project meeting / Brussels
November 2014 / Final Dissemination Workshop (D6.4) / Brussels
In addition, the project team decided to have every second Tuesday of the month at 11.00 o’clock (we aim for one hour) a conference call/webinar.
First webinar will be Tuesday 21 august at 16.00 o’clock