Millom & Haverigg Flood Information Bulletin
Flood Investigation Section 19 Reports – Frequently Asked Questions
What is a section 19 report?
This Flood Investigation Report is an investigation on the what, when, why, and how the flooding took place. It is a means of identifying potential recommendations for actions to minimise the risk or impact of future flooding. The Flood Investigation Report does not provide a complete description of what happens next.
Who is responsible for managing flood risk?
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is the Government policy lead for flood and coastal erosion risk management in England. National policies are then delivered by Risk Assessment Management Authorities (RMAs) which are.
Environment Agency
Lead Local Flood Authorities (Cumbria County Council)
District and Borough Councils
Coast protection authorities
Water and sewerage companies
Internal Drainage Boards
Highways authorities.
Who is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA)?
The LLFAs is Cumbria County Council. They lead in managing local flood risks (i.e. risks of flooding from surface water, ground water and ordinary (smaller) watercourses).
What is the role of water and sewerage companies?
Water and sewerage companies, like United Utilities play a major role in managing flood risks. They manage the risk of flooding to water supply and sewerage facilities and flood risks from the failure of their infrastructure. Water and sewerage companies maintain and manage their water supply and sewerage systems to manage the impact and reduce the risk of flooding and pollution to the environment. They have a duty under section 94 Water Industry Act 1991 to ensure that the area they serve is “effectually drained”. This includes drainage of surface water from the land around buildings as well as provision of foul sewers.
They provide advice to LLFAs on how water and sewerage company assets impact on local flood risk.
Who carries out the Section 19 Flood Investigation?
The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 requires Risk Management Authorities, in this case Cumbria County Council Lead Local Flood Authority, CCC Highways, United Utilities, Environment Agency and District Council to:-
· co-operate with each other
· act in a manner that is consistent with the National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England and the local flood risk management strategies developed by Lead Local Flood Authorities
· exchange information
Cumbria County Council will be acting as the main co-ordinator for the production of the Sec 19 for Millom and Haverigg.
Why are CCC undertaking this investigation and does this cause a conflict of interest ?
There is a legal requirement for LLFA to investigate flood incidents under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act (2010). The legislation states that LLFA’s responsibility for investigation only extends as far as establishing which of the risk management authorities has a flood risk management function and whether they have or will be, exercising that function.
Following a Section 19 investigation Cumbria County Council is required to produce a report and publish the results of the investigation and notify any relevant risk management authorities. Whilst Cumbria County Council has a duty to investigate flood incidents in its area, it may be the responsibility of LLFA or one of the other risk management authorities to take action.
When is the draft report expected?
The draft report is expected to be published on the 9th January 2018 to the CCC web site with local copies at the Millom Library. A public meeting will then be held at the local high school on the 16th January 2018 in the evening.
How will we inform residents?
We will leaflet drop residents affected by the flooding, and use social media and community groups to ensure everyone is informed of the meeting time and date.
What happens next?
We will be continuing to carry out:-
· collating data for the draft flood report
· carrying out survey work on drainage items in the Millom and Haverigg area.
· continue to co-ordinate our highway works across the different partners involved in the production of the report.
We will always give advance notice of any works we will be carrying out in the Millom and Haverigg areas
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