
AP Language Strategy for Visual Text Analysis

As you analyze visual texts, including paintings, advertisements, maps, charts, or graphs, the O.P.T.I.C. strategy can help you construct meaning from visual text. Paying attention to the details is a habit necessary part of effective analysis. As you examine a visual text, respond to eat element:

Overview – Write a brief OVERVIEW of the photo: In one complete sentence, what is the image about?

Phrases to describe what you see:

  • This Image portrays…
  • The photograph shows…

  • This photographs emphasizes…
  • When looking at this Image, I see…

  • The photographer arranges…

Parts – Key in on all of the PARTS by noting any details that seem important.

  • Where is the photographer? Above, below or eye-level with the subject?
  • What is the focal point or what stands out the most?
  • Does the color, lighting, textures, patterns, shapes, size seem important?
  • Is there any contrast of the same elements listed above?
  • How are objects and/or people arranged in the photo? Why is this effective?

Title – Use the TITLE to clarify the subject of the image. Consider both literal and metaphoric meanings.

  • What does the title suggest?
  • Is there any text in the image (caption, or words in the image itself)? What might this suggest?

Interrelationships – Specify the INTERRELATIONSHIPS in the image. In other words, how the parts are related to one another and to the image as a whole. Consider how the parts come together to create a mood or convey an idea.

Phrases to describe attitude or tone:

  • The image creates a feeling of…
  • The image conveys the idea that…through the use of…
  • The photographer seems to suggest…

Conclusion – Write a CONLUSION paragraph about the image as a whole: Think about what the photographer might be trying to capture and convey, and what ideas, arguments, or implications this image presents.

  • Given what you see and what you know about the image, what do you think it means?
  • What message do you think the creator is trying to express?
  • What do you think the intended purpose of this image?
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • Does the image effectively achieve its purpose? Why?

How to turn your conclusion into an assertion:

  • The Photographer claims/asserts/suggests/conveys that…