Medical History Forms: Please make sure that your child(ren)’s medical history form is complete. It is very important for the counselors to know if your child has any medical conditions or allergies. We will not be held responsible if this information is not reported on the medical history form. It is equally important to be sure that at least one of your child(ren)’s emergency contacts is available at ALL TIMES DURING CAMP HOURS. In the event of an emergency it is imperative that counselors are able to reach someone quickly in order to ensure proper care of your child(ren).
Pick up & Drop Off:For the safety of your child(ren), no early drop offs, the program begins at 9:00 a.m. for participants. We cannot be held accountable for children being dropped off early and left without supervision during the supervisor’s daily meeting with the counselors. Also, we ask for the courtesy of the counselors, please be prompt in picking up your child(ren). The Township is responsible for payment of additional wages not budgeted for the program. For this reason, if an authorized person arrives after 4:00 p.m. three (3) times cumulatively, the Township reserves the right to dismiss the child(ren) from the program for the remainder of the summer. Please make sure that the list of names authorized to pick your child(ren) up is complete and up to date as counselors will only release your child(ren) to individuals authorized by you on the medical history form. A driver’s license may be required should the counselors have any question as to the identity of the person your child(ren) is/are being released to. If a situation arises that your child(ren) will be picked up by someone whose name is not listed prior written notification is required. This will be strictly enforced in order to keep participants safe.
Sign-in/Sign-out: Your child MUST be signed in upon arrival and signed out upon departure. This is extremely important. We will not be held responsible for your child(ren) if you do not sign them in and out each day. It is the parent’s responsibility to do this, not the child’s.
Permission Slips: Permission slips MUST accompany cash payment for field trips/activities. Please put signed permission slip AND money into an ENVELOPE/BAGGIE or STAPLE/PAPERCLIP these two very important things together. We cannot take personal checks; cash is the only form of acceptable payment for field trips/activities. As a courtesy to the field trip venue we ask that you turn in all permission slips and payment on or before the deadline. This is to ensure that we can provide a proper headcount to allow the venue to prepare for our group in advance. With your cooperation in this matter we hope to get the most out of each field trip and activity!
Reimbursement:If you have paid for a field trip and your child(ren) can no longer attend you must ask for your reimbursement the day before, the day of, or the day after the field trip. There will be NO exceptions! Also, please be advised that some field trips are non-refundable; the counselors will do their best to inform you of these trips as their sign-up deadlines approach. (Please note some vendors have a NO REFUND POLICY.
Appropriate Attire: Please make sure your child(ren) is/are properly dressed for the activity that is planned for the day. Appropriate footwear is especially important. SHOES ARE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES WHEN IN THE PARK. We suggest that children wear flip-flops/watershoes only on days of water activities. The Township will provide one (1) Kingston Township logo t-shirt per child, it is requested that the child(ren) wear the t-shirt on all field trip days to make it easier for the counselors and chaperones to identify our participants on the field trips.
Personal Belongings:Our program is well equipped with games, toys, and sports and craft equipment. We insist that children do not bring his/her own toys especially electronic toys to the park. The Township WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for anything that is lost, stolen, or broken. Also, we suggest writing your child(ren)’s first and last name on anything brought to the park such as: towels, bags, jackets, etc.
Cell Phones: If you feel that it is necessary for your child(ren) to carry a cell phone, please be advised that he/she will only be able to use it after receiving permission from a counselor.
Lunches:Unless otherwise noted on the information sheet attached to the permission slip, participants MUST bring a bagged lunch. Due to supervision concerns the counselors WILL NOT take children to buy lunches while on field trips unless there is a specific food allergy which prevents them from eating the catered lunch provided on certain trips. Also, please make sure to pack plenty of drinks and ice packs to keep food cool.
Sunscreen: We will be in the sun for long periods of time. It is highly recommended to apply sunscreen, pack extra for reapplication throughout the day, and provide hats for your child(ren). PLEASE NOTE THAT DUE TO THE INCREASING NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS THAT IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARENT, NOT THE COUNSELORS, TO APPLY SUNSCREEN TO THE CHILDREN. We also suggest that if your child has fair skin and/or burns easily, to please pack a t-shirt for the child to swim in or to change into after swimming.
Inclement Weather:Our shelter is limited. If rain should occur, we will do everything possible to conduct camp. Please check the hotline regularly!In the event of a severe lightning/thunder storm while at the park, the children will be escorted to the Administration Building’s Supervisor’s Meeting Room located in the upper level. DO NOT PARK IN THE POLICE STATION LOT. Also, please DO NOT forget to sign your child(ren) out before leaving!
1.)The counselors will be the judges of any behavior they deem is unacceptable. Fighting, bullying, and teasing will not be tolerated. A parent/guardian will be notified of any instance in which his/her child is found to be causing intentional physical and/or emotional harm to another child. Proper disciplinary action will also be taken, which may include but is not limited to suspension and/or dismissal.
2.)Any child caught vandalizing township and/or bus equipment or property, or carrying a weapon of any kind will be dismissed immediately from the program.
3.)In order to protect the health of the other children, we are asking you to keep any child who is ill at home. Also, it is not the responsibility of the counselors to dispense medication.
4.)For your child(ren)’s safety, there will be NO bikes, skateboards, roller blades, or skates of any type allowed at the program. We are not equipped with space or personnel for these activities.
5.)No water guns are allowed at Center Street Park or at Frances Slocum State Park.
6.)Frances Slocum State Park does not allow the use of rafts and/or large water toys at the pool, please do not send such toys to camp with your child. Also, we ask that you indicate the level of swimmer that your child(ren) is in the space provided on the medical history form.
7.)Check the HAPPENINGS BOARD & HOTLINE regularly!