171 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202

Business Meeting Minutes – June 8, 2016

Council Members Present – Jolene Bennett; Carolyn Galante; Paul F. Getz; Jason Helfrich;

Dan Lenz; Kevin Yurkovich

Council Member Absent – Brian J. Fashian

Others Present – Dorothy H. Quinn, Mayor; Robert L. McTiernan, Esq., Borough Solicitor;

Cathy Jones, Borough Secretary

Council President Kevin Yurkovich called the June 8, 2016, business meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

After the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call, Pres. Yurkovich requested Minutes approval from the

May 11, 2016, business meeting.


MOTION by Ms. Bennett, second by Mr. Helfrich, to approve the May 11, 2016, Business Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.


Ralph Stroyne, property owner of 500 Huntington, had a request and several handouts for council:

1) A request for a sign “Except Local Deliveries” to be installed under the 9 ton weight limit

sign on Huntington;

2) Code violation notices issued from Building Inspection Underwriters;

3) Harassment by the zoning officer from Building Inspection Underwriters;

4) Hunting/Shooting on Stroyne property in Kilbuck Twp.; Emsworth resident complained about shooting at his Kilbuck Twp. property.

Pres. Yurkovich informed Mr. Stroyne council would read the information provided; no action was taken.


Public Safety: OTPD – 128 calls; EVFC – 13 calls

Public mischief reported on the Center Avenue Bridge – Port Authority cones and barriers were moved

to make the traffic one lane, which had the potential to cause an accident.

Center Avenue Bridge – Port Authority will schedule a public hearing in July or August relative to the closing of the bridge for repairs.

Camp Horne Road – Allegheny County is awaiting a DEP permit before the work on Camp Horne Road will begin.

BOROUGH SOLICITOR –Robert L. McTiernan, Esq., Borough Solicitor

Ord. 994 - Engine Brake Retarder Ordinance No. 994 has been distributed to council for their review and consideration to advertise. MOTION by Mr. Getz, second by Mr. Lenz to advertise proposed Ord. 994, engine brake retarders within Emsworth Borough on SR 65. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

Allegheny Avenue – Certified letter mailed to West View Authority putting them on notice for any more breaks on Allegheny Avenue.

Norfolk-Southern – borough solicitor has been included in discussion with N-S and borough engineer for a resolution to this issue.

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June 8, 2016 Page Two

BOROUGH ENGINEER – The Gateway Engineers

Feasibility Study – Emsworth has adopted the Interim Consent Order. Tasks to be performed include flow monitoring and isolation in order to identify potential areas for source reduction. Gateway recommends flow monitoring at six specific locations to identify areas for source reduction.

Operation & Maintenance Plan

2015 SHACOG CCTV Year 5 – Roto Rooter has completed this CCTV inspection and light cleaning of 4543 lf of sanitary sewer lines and heavy cleaning of 283 lf of sanitary sewer lines. Gateway recommends payment of No. 2 and Final to Roto Rooter in the amount of $2943.85.

MOTION by Mr. Lenz, second by Mr. Helfrich to approve payment No. 2 and Final to Roto Rooter in the amount of $2943.85. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

2016 SHACOG CCTV – RedZone Robotics has completed this work; Borough’s share is $11,297.50.

Gateway is awaiting data submission to review the completed work.

2016 SHACOG Preventative Maintenance – Bids are to be opened June 8 at SHACOG for proposed segments to be included in the preventive maintenance project.

2016 SHACOG Lining Year 10 – Contract A, Spot Lining; 25 LF of CIPP; Robinson Pipe Cleaning low bidder $86,027.50; Borough’s share is $10,300. Pre-construction meeting will be scheduled in June.

Contract B, Manhole to Manhole Lining, 450 LF of MH-MH; Jet Jack Inc. low bidder $217,365; Borough’s share is $17,200. Pre-construction meeting will be scheduled in June.

2016 O&M Repairs, Year 5 – 8 LF of pipe repair, 1 sanitary manhole, multiple manhole raises; Roto Rooter low bidder $357,903; borough’s share is $23,460. Pre-construction meeting will be scheduled.

2016 Mapping & Database – Gateway has reviewed and updated the database based on work being performed and new data received to clear up any discrepancies that may arise between GIS mapping

and any new CCTV inspections. Hydrant locations are being added to the database.

2016 Manhole Inspections – Manhole inspections have been completed for 2016 and data is being reviewed. Emsworth is interested to participate in the SHACOG Manhole Rehab Project. SHACOG

will determine if enough interest was received to justify a contract and advise.

2015 O&M Reporting – Gateway prepared and submitted the required updates to the ACHD in March regarding the progress of the O&M Plan. Emsworth must continue to perform yearly O&M updates to show that the plan is being performed adequately.

Storm Water Phase 2 - Gateway distributes educational material monthly as part of the MS4. Gateway will evaluate the Minimum Control Measures and review storm sewer mapping to meet mapping requirements. The outfall screening program will continue this year with a focus on priority outfalls based on 2015 screenings. Gateway will schedule a meeting with the Borough to evaluate 2016 tasks

to be performed.

Traffic Sign Retro-Reflectivity – Gateway recommends the Borough review the plan as provided by Gateway and adjust to meet its priorities. Gateway has sent the Borough a list of signs associated with

the regulations surrounding warning and regulatory signs.

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June 8, 2016 Page Three

S.R. 65 Storm Sewer Issue – Norfolk-Southern informs Gateway that the insurance company for the contractor involved has denied coverage. Norfolk Southern is prepared to resolve the issue with the borough directly. N-S requests a finalized agreement for the storm pipe plus an itemized statement

for the costs the Borough is claiming were incurred. Gateway will work with the borough solicitor on providing this information.

Pavement Management Program – Gateway prepared a proposed five-year pavement management program and has corresponded with utility companies regarding proposed projects to be held in the near future to factor into a pavement management plan. Allegheny Avenue emergency replacement became

a priority item in 2016.

Huntington Avenue Storm Water Runoff – Allegheny County Conservation District reports requirements are being enacted between the property owner and Wal-Mart property. Property owner has yet to comply with NPDES permit as required by the ACCD with respect to the illicit storm water infrastructure. A letter was sent to the property owner on behalf of Emsworth Borough which places liability of any damages resulting from the run-off on the property owner.

Allegheny Avenue Water Main Break – March 10 meeting with Emsworth and utility companies, Columbia Gas and West View Authority, regarding reimbursement for the emergency repairs on Allegheny Avenue. Both utility companies stated they would not take financial responsibility for the restoration portions of Allegheny Avenue outside of the portion being reconstructed. Tentative schedule

is to begin work in May with two months to complete.

At the April 13 council meeting, Council motioned to wait until 2017 to complete Allegheny Avenue paving on the basis that West View Authority would replace the entire section of line on upper Allegheny Avenue. West View Authority has 2016 projects bid and was not willing to replace this entire section.

Gateway recommends a letter to West View Authority for WVA to acknowledge if a water line breaks, they will be liable for damages. MOTION by Mr. Lenz, second by Ms. Galante to move forward with the utility company work on Allegheny Avenue and send a letter to West View Authority putting them on notice. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

SR 65 Force Main Replacement – Survey, design and permitting completed. Gateway has submitted the WQM Part II permit and HOP permit in April; approval expected in July. CITF grant application has been submitted; grant status expected by July.

SR 65 Pump Station – An overflow event occurred June 3 due to significant rainfall; necessary reporting was performed and submitted to ACHD.



No Report this evening.


No Report this evening.

QVCOG – Jolene Bennett

Refuse Contract currently in works for a new five year contract term; COG Board will meet on June 15.

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June 8, 2016 Page Four


MS4 /Allegheny County Conservation District – MOTION by Mr. Lenz, second by Ms. Bennett to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the ACCD and Emsworth Borough for the District to review erosion and sediment plans and provide inspection of construction activities as required by MCM #4 and file with the borough’sMS4 files. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

CCTV Year 5 - MOTION by Mr. Lenz, second by Ms. Bennett to approve Application for Payment No. 2 and Final to Roto Rooter in the amount of $2943.85 for CCTV Year 5 Inspection and Cleaning. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

Bulk Rock Contract - MOTION by Mr. Lenz, second by Ms. Bennett to approve the SHACOG Bulk Rock Contract Amendment for a six month time extension to December 31, 2016, as provided by Cargill through SHACOG. Motion unanimously carried by roll.

Alley Paving – Mr. Lenz will explore costs associated with paving alleys throughout the borough for this construction season and report at the July meeting.

FINANCE – Carolyn Galante

Bill List – MOTION by Ms. Galante, second by Ms. Bennett to approve the Bill List as distributed with the following additions: SWIF $653; Carmel Construction $2950; PennDOT $16,029.38; T. Manz $160; Duquesne Light $2825.09; Ohio Township $59,165.25; PA One Call $16.62; West View Water $3681.15; Verizon $102.43. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.


Ms. Bennett emailed County Council District 1representative Tom Baker regarding the pot holes on Camp Horne Road; Mayor Quinn added she met on site with county representatives about the pot holes. Allegheny County DPW did patching of some areas on Camp Horne Road as a result.


Ms. Galante announced the Avonworth Community Park free summer concert series will begin June 15 and run Wednesday evenings through August 3.


Mr. Stroyne questioned who was responsible for zoning on council and public safety? Mr. Helfrich replied he and Ms. Bennett are on the zoning committee; Pres. Yurkovich stated he and Mayor Quinn

are public safety.


Pres. Yurkovich adjourned the June 8, 2016, business meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Borough Secretary