2018 candidate record form

A-level Music (2270)

Unit 3 - Performing - Interpreting Musical Ideas (MUSC3)

Please attach the form to your candidate’s work and keep it at the centre or send it to the moderator as required. The declarations should be completed by the candidate and teacher as indicated.

Centre number / Centre name
Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
Work submitted for assessment must be the candidate’s own. If candidates copy work, allow candidates to copy from them, or cheat in any other way, they may be disqualified.

Candidate declaration

Have you received help/information from anyone other than subject teacher(s) to produce this work?

No Yes (give details below or on a separate sheet if necessary).

Please list below any books, leaflets or other materials (eg DVDs, software packages, internet information) used to complete this work not acknowledged in the work itself. Presenting materials copied from other sources without acknowledgement is regarded as deliberate deception.

From time to time we use anonymous examples of candidates’ work (in paper form and electronically) within our guidance materials to illustrate particular points. If your work appears in AQA materials in this context and you object to this, please contact us and we will remove it on reasonable notice.

I have read and understood the above. I confirm I produced the attached work without assistance other than that which is acceptable under the scheme of assessment.

Candidate signature / Date

Teacher declaration

I confirm the candidate’s work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the specification. I have authenticated the candidate’s work and am satisfied (to the best of my knowledge) that the work produced is solely that of the candidate.

Teacher signature / Date
Candidate number / Candidate’s full name

To be completed by the candidate

Performance (please select/tick two)

a Solo performance on an instrument
b Solo performance on voice
c Solo performance on a second instrument
d Ensemble performance
e Technology-based performance* 1 - Sequencing
f Technology-based performance* 2 - Multi-track/close microphone recording

*For technology-based performances complete a and/or b below

a Technology-based performance 1

In addition to the final performance, you must enclose:

·  Details of the equipment used

·  Details of the facilities available within the hardware and software

·  A detailed guide showing how the facilities were used to create the final performance

·  A score or guide recording.

Please select/tick the appropriate boxes to confirm that you have enclosed the above details and to indicate whether you are enclosing a score or guide recording.

Details enclosed / Score OR / Guide recording

b Technology-based performance 2

In addition to the final mix, you must enclose:

·  Details of the equipment used

·  A detailed description of the recording process and the process of producing the final mix

·  The initial recording.

Please select/tick the boxes below to confirm that you have enclosed the above details and initial recording.

Details enclosed / Initial recording enclosed
Candidate number / Candidate’s full name

To be completed by the teacher

Marks must be awarded in accordance with the instructions and criteria in the specification. Please complete the two appropriate mark grids and the summary of marks awarded.

a Solo performance on an instrument / CD / Mini-disc track number(s):
Instrument to be assessed
Title(s) and composer(s) of music
Criteria for the
award of marks / Maximum mark / Mark awarded / Comments
1  Level of Demand / 4
2  Accuracy / 12
3  Communication / 12
4  Interpretation / 12
Subtotal* / 40

* Please remember to enter your total marks for both performances at the end of this form.

Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
b or c Solo performance on voice or second instrument / CD / Mini-disc track number(s):
Voice/instrument to be assessed
Title(s) and composer(s) of music
Criteria for the
award of marks / Maximum mark / Mark awarded / Comments
1  Level of Demand / 4
2  Accuracy / 12
3  Communication / 12
4  Interpretation / 12
Subtotal* / 40

* Please remember to enter your total marks for both performances at the end of this form.

Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
d Ensemble performance / CD / Mini-disc track number(s):
Instrument/voice/part to be assessed
Nature of ensemble
Title(s) and composer(s) of music
Criteria for the
award of marks / Maximum mark / Mark awarded / Comments
1  Level of Demand / 4
2  Sense of Ensemble / 9
3  Accuracy / 9
4  Communication / 9
5  Interpretation / 9
Subtotal* / 40

* Please remember to enter your total marks for both performances at the end of this form.

Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
e Technology-based performance 1 - Sequencing / CD / Mini-disc track number(s):
Title(s) of music
Criteria for the
award of marks / Maximum mark / Mark awarded / Comments
1  Accuracy of pitch and rhythm / 8
2  Use of timbres, balance and panning techniques / 8
3  Evidence of close attention to performing and expressive detail / 8
4  Awareness of style required / 8
5  Ability to use the facilities available within the software and hardware to produce a valid result / 8
Subtotal* / 40

A score or guide recording must be included.

* Please remember to enter your total marks for both performances at the end of this form.

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Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
f Technology-based performance 2 - Multi-track /
close microphone recording / CD / Mini-disc track number(s):
Title(s) of music
Criteria for the
award of marks / Maximum mark / Mark awarded / Comments
1  Balance / 8
2  Dynamic range, including use of compression / 8
3  Manipulation of mixing desk / 8
4  Use of effects such as reverb, delay, etc / 8
5  Quality of the recording across a wide range of frequencies / 8
Sub total / 40

The initial recording must be included as well as the final mix.

Summary of marks awarded

mark / Mark
Performance 1 / 40
Performance 2 / 40
Overall total for MUSC3 / 80

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