District #4183


May 17, 2011 6:00pm

Lionsgate Academy 3420 Nevada Avenue N. Crystal, MN 55427

Call to order: Steven Waisbren, called the meeting to order at 6:05pm

Board Members Present: Steven Waisbren, Ron Berger, Joan Steinmann, Jonathan Scharlau, Brandy Dougherty, Bob Radspinner, Jane Houlton, Joe Timmons

Absent: Meta Pautsch

Others present: Joe Falkner-Autism Specialist, Oscar Prill-Tech. Coord., Dave Reinke-Business Manager, Caroline Carritt- SPED Coord., Todd Schwartzberg, Marc Berris, Hemlal Kafle

School Mission Statement:

The mission of Lionsgate Academy is to provide a transition-oriented and personalized learning program focused on secondary high-functioning students on the autism spectrum that supports their full potential, participation, and self-determination within their school, family, and community.

To this end, Lionsgate Academy will create an educational environment that will model best instructional practice and research-based techniques so that the graduates will--to the fullest extent possible--live independently, be involved in further education or gainful employment and develop meaningful relationships with others.

Approval of the agenda: Motion to approve as amended- Jon, Ron 2nd - Unanimously approved.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes Motion to approve-Joan, Jon 2nd - Unanimously approved

GOAL 1: Develop effective communication (parent/school partnership)

1.  Approval of 2010-2011 School Calendar with Seniors last day and ½ day on June 17th.

2.  Approval of 2011-2012 School Calendar with Seniors last day and ½ day on June 14th.

Motion: Move to approve 2010-2011 School Calendar with Seniors last day and ½ day on June 17th and approval of 2011-2012 School Calendar with Seniors last day and ½ day on June 14th.
Made by: Brandy / Seconded by: Bob
Vote: / Yea: 8 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved Unanimously

3.  Adhoc Committee for Executive Director replacement update

a.  Bring an outline form to strategic planning for discussion

4.  Parent Survey update-Oscar

a.  Has been sent out and have been getting surveys returned and will be compiling the results for future planning

b.  Request for parent survey to be sent to those families, but concerns that these are not anonymous and would need their permission if used as separate data.

GOAL 2: Develop Community partners and Community Resources:

1.  Results of fund raiser—how much of the money pledged has come in?

  1. Approximately $30,000 for this year
  2. Pledge for Motorcycle ride is $5,000
  3. 2-year pledge ???? - Check with Dave
  4. Donations - copier

2.  501(c)3 update

  1. Nothing to report

3.  Update on SPED 10% hold back

  1. The Senate and House Conference Committee (Republican side); may come down to overall bill, has not become controversial

4.  ESY update

  1. Revised dates: 6 week period, student focused on goals/objectives and MCA practice
  2. Staffing is complete for 1st session
  3. 2nd Session has been more difficult to find staffing
  4. Looking at having student schedules ready to be mailed out by the end of this week
  5. About 20 students

GOAL 3: Develop and Define LGA learning model

1.  Transition Program –update

a.  Application process is moving forward and will be hearing hopefully this weekor next week, then the funding stream will be able to be organized.

b.  8 students attending, focused on students’ goals/objectives

c.  Looking into having two apartments, one for the 18-21 year old program and home living skills

d.  YMCA is open as an opportunity for students to use

e.  Looking at connecting with a consultant to help with creating and going over fine details with creating this component

f.  Crystal Business Association is meeting at LGA tomorrow morning and the Transition program will be presented

2.  Transportation assessments –update

a.  Making contact with other charter schools, Rose academy, Metro-Deaf and am finding that they have to train their own people for completing assessments. It is an organic process and will take time and there has not been found to be a group of people that are readily available for teaching transportation/Driver’s Ed.

b.  Vans – approval for replacement is in the budget.

3.  Strategic planning on July 9th, 2011 8AM-Noon-proposed areas of focus. Similar to last year’s. How have we done with our progress in these areas? What can the school board do to further these goals?

a.  How do we measure success of the LGA program—have we defined the LGA learning model? Is our program unique? How are we better/worse than traditional schools?

b.  Transition Program: 18-21 y/o program. How do the plans/programs we offer match the students’ needs? How do we determine this?

c.  How do we incorporate mental health needs into learning models

d.  Strategies for Executive Director search

e.  Developing and using Community Resources and Partnerships

i.  How do we reach out to groups, fundraising, advisory council? Make the connection and how to best utilize expertise

f.  Parent Outreach

g.  Philosophy of Foundation and what the Foundation Board does/purpose

4.  Domestic partner benefit update

  1. The state does not allow public schools to offer this.

5.  Governance Committee Update- see handout: “Governance Committee Report Notes/LGA Board of Directors Meeting 5/17/11”

  1. New chair needed
  2. Tabled until next meeting
  3. Evaluation of Executive Director
  4. Evaluation will be distributed among staff, recommended that the BOD complete the evaluation and submit them to Elaine with deadline TBD.

c.  Summary of successes and challenges with the election

i.  “Meet and Greet” have it videotaped for greater access

ii.  Look into electronic voting for next year – suggestion to look into Survey Monkey.

d.  A recommendation to the BOD to clarify "staff", "parent" and "community member" to review changes in the bylaws for next meeting.

  1. Policies needed: emergency, transportation, discipline, acceleration, parent curriculum review. Update on forming these policies.
  2. Crisis management policy
  3. Data privacy and contentious
  4. Recommended to prioritize policies list, and present them in order, spreading them out month by month to the board.
  5. Look at a staff member to serve as a person to organize policies.
  6. Update on policies for research of LGA students
  7. Recommended to start creating a process and look at this as a goal for getting a process for next year.

GOAL 4: Wellness promotion

  1. Mental Health update

a.  Have offered a contract for a Mental Health Professional and will look at having it signed tomorrow. Position begins July 1st.

b.  Moving forward with creating and outlining how the program will look and function. Currently in the beginning stages and will be working over the summer to be ready for the upcoming school year.

GOAL 5: Update on Finding an Authorizer

1.  Novation update (Dave Reinke)

a.  Received the contract and BOD will review the contract and voted/approved during June meeting.

b.  All comments by BOD to be emailed by Tuesday, June 14th. End of day to Dave. Do not reply all.

2.  Authorizer: Stan met with Jonathan Krown and June 1st is the deadline for LGA for approval and outlook is positive for getting approval.


1.  MDE meeting recap

  1. Went very well, asked for a small number of revisions, revisions have been made.
  2. Very pleased on how well we are running our budget
  3. Did not question many of the charges, and sent explanations back for the ones that were questioned
  4. Interest will be included with General Ed Appeal

2.  Lease details (Dave Reinke)

  1. We received what we asked for in our budget.

3.  Review and approve health plan change (change of carriers, change of funding levels)

Motion: Move to approve contract with Health Partners, MetLife, and Short-term Disability
Made by: Jonathan / Seconded by: Joan
Discussion: See handouts: Benefit Recommendations
Blue Cross Blue Shield came back with a counter bid, and then HealthPartners came again with another bid with a 9% cap for two years.
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved Unanimously

4.  April financials (Dave Reinke)

Motion: Move to approve April Financials
Made by: Jon / Seconded by: Jane
Discussion: See April Dashboard handout
We are now at our maximum with Non-profits Assistance Fund.
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved Unanimously

5.  Review and approve change to 2011/2012 budget in response to MDE comments and recommended changes to health plan.

a.  Letter from MDE about General Ed. Appeal and excess Lease Aid will be expected after we send our revised budget back to MDE and approved.

Motion: Move to accept revised 2011-2012 budget in response to MDE comments and recommended changes to health plan.
Made by: / Seconded by:
Discussion: Had a coding difference on an account and made that change, also included/updated the interest being included.
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved unanimously

6.  Projected enrollments (Caroline Carritt)

  1. Cap enrollment acceptance at 150 in anticipating attrition in the fall.
  2. About 44 7th/8th graders, about 100 9th- 12th graders, 8 students in 18-21 program

7.  Approve Auditors

  1. Audit will be in the first part of September 2011

Motion: Move to approve auditors - LarsonAllen
Made by: Jane / Seconded by: Joan
Discussion: See proposed contract
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved unanimously

8.  Approve Extension of SBS contract for 12 months

Motion: Move to approve contract of SBS contract for fiscal 2011-12 authorize Dave Reinke, Business Manger to sign.
Made by: Jonathan / Seconded by:
Discussion: Currently use Skyward for reporting and will be looking to partner with TIES in January and will need School Business Solutions to help with the transition. Looking at 3% increase or $900.
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved unanimously

9.  Election Results

Motion: Move to ratify 2011 School Board election results
Made by: Brandy / Seconded by: Bob
Discussion: None
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved unanimously
Motion: Move to remove current, un-re-elected board members and seat new board members effective June 28, 2011.
Made by: Joan / Seconded by: Bob
Discussion: None
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved unanimously

Comments from Community Members: None

Motion to Adjourn: Brandy, Joan 2nd by at 7:40 pm

Next Meeting: Tuesday, 6/28/2011 at 6pm