26November 2015


2 members of the trade

Cllr N Smith (Chair)

Lee Mansfield (Environmental Health Manager)

Stephen Eyre (Licensing Team Leader)

Andy Cooper (Licensing Enforcement Officer)

1 / Welcome
No apologies received.
2 / Matter arising from the May forum
The minutes from the last meeting were agreed.
Dual Badges
There was a discussion on the merits of moving to a dual badge set up. The trade thought it would give flexibility to drivers who would be free to drive HC or PH as circumstances dictate. For current drivers, due to the difference in knowledge tests, it would be easier to give HC drivers a PH badge than vice versa. PH drivers would have to pass a HC knowledge test to get a HC driver’s licence.
Agreed Action: A text would go out to drivers askinga single question – would they be interested in having a dual licence. A yes or no answer would be the reply.
3 / Agenda Items
Ultra Low Emission Vehicles
There was an update on the bid by Leicester and Leicestershire councils for a pot of money that can be used for grants to purchase ULEV vehicles. The bid will be submitted at the end of December/beginning of January and if its successful some of the grant will be used to install charging points. Some of the ULEV cars will be rolling off the production in 2017. Provisional charging point in NWL have been identified at the Council Offices, Hood Park leisure centre, Ashby and East Midlands Airport.
Agreed Action: For anyone interested to express their interest by emailing
Licence Fees 2016-17
There will a 1-2% increase on fees for the next financial year. However, there will be NO increase in driver and operator fees. The taxi MOT will increase from £12.50 to £16 – the first increase.
3-year driver’s licences and 5-year operator licences
There was discussion on the provision of 3-year badges and 5-year operators licences. There was also an explanation of how fees are calculated – into admin costs and compliance. Under the new system an operator will save £260 over 5 years.
Changes to Fit and Proper Person Policy
There was an update on the policy and the changes made due to the DVLA withdrawal of the counterpart licence and introduction of the Share Code. The policy also sets out the circumstances where drivers can either request a 12 months badge or have a shorter period imposed. The Council does encourage drivers to seek a 3-year badge. The application form does ask applicants to select a time period.
Ashby Rank Update
The Market Street, Ashby taxi rank pilot is coming to an end.The trade expressed their concern. Main issues relate to public vehicles populating the rank and poor signage of the rank. The trade would also like more enforcement carried out. As part of the enforcement effort letters have been sent to 15 licensed drivers showing a lack of discipline in the way they manoeuvre their vehicle on the road. Street scene enforcement have issued 36 warning tickets to private drivers using the rank illegally with 32 full fixed penalty notices also being issued. Mr Shakil offered to provide some money for a taxi marshal if other money could be found.
Agreed Action: That the Chair of the Licensing Committee would write to Leicestershire County Council Highways department supporting the continuation of the rank and improved signage. The police and Ashby Town Council would be asked for their support.
Law update – Who can drive a hackney carriage and where
After recent issues with unlicensed drivers there was a brief reminder on the law. As a general principle only NWL taxi drivers can drive NWL taxis. The same applies to the private hire regime. A driver with another area badge cannot drive NWL licensed vehicles. However, as an example a South Derbyshire taxi driven by a South Derbyshire licensed taxi driver can operate in NWL. The would be forbidden from using a rank and would not be able to be hailed. They would only be able to accept pre booked work.
Latest news from Licensing Office
a)A member of the licensing committee raised an issued at their last meeting about drivers sounding their horn on arrival to collect a fare. This shouldn’t be done and any complaints of this nature will be investigated and dealt with appropriately.
b)A recent letter in the Coalville Times was highlighted and drivers should be aware that people, especially young people, should not be made to walk home if they have run out of money. Coalville Times has been asked to contact the correspondent and if they come forward the matter will be investigated. It should be borne in mind that the driver may not be a NWL driver. The council has had a Driver Code of Conduct since 2010 and this would cover the situation raised in the Coalville Times.
c)The number of vehicles passing the depot test, first time, has fallen to 64% and according to the licensing team leader this needs to improve. There was a discussion on why certain defect aren’t found but the LTL was of the opinion that if vehicles were checked more regularly defects would be found and rectified earlier. Those drivers who purchase good cars and subject them to regular checks should not be allowed to subsidise drivers who purchase poor examples and fail to care for them properly.
d)It is the Council’s intention to instigate a safeguarding course for all drivers. This is an attempt to enable drivers to identify instances of vulnerability. Mike Ward gave an example of where he came across an elderly woman, during his work, who had no access to heat in her home. The incident was reported to NWL as a safeguarding matter and the lady is now receiving the support she needs.
e)If the trade has any ideas that would improve NWL’s service to the trade they will be greatly received.
f)The rank on Market Street, Coalville has been the cause for concern as the licensing team has received several reports of private hire drivers allegedly plying for hire in the vicinity. Licensing officers have made several visits to the area but not found any PHVs.
g)Within the last few days Marlborough Square Church has asked if the rank could be temporarily left clear for funerals. The general feeling is that there would be no objection if the trade were notified in good time.
h)There was an update on the taxi enforcement that took place on 21/11/15. The results weren’t good with only 2 out of 15 vehicles checked passing without defect and one vehicle so bad that its plate was suspended. The resultsappear to be consistent with the reduction in depot pass rates and indicatesaconcerning lack of care by some licence holders. Standards have to improve. The licensing team will consider various initiatives / policy changes to bring about an improvement.
i)The licensing office have been sending texts to licence holders as well as emails and letters. This new method of communication was welcomed by the trade as it was seen as being more effective.
AOB - None
4 / Date of Next Meeting
Next meeting to be held inMay 2016 – after County Council elections.
  • Send text to drivers getting answer to whether dual licences would be supported
  • Letter from Licensing Committee Chair to LCC regarding support for Ashby taxi rank
  • As above but letters to Ashby Town Council and police requesting their support for the rank
  • Simple feasibility study regarding taxi marshals and costs – Mr Shakil’s offer to provide partial funding.