MINUTESUmatilla County EOCCO Citizens Advisory CouncilFriday, April 10, 2015Pendleton

CALL TO ORDER: Rod calls meeting to order at 8:31

ATTENDANCE: CatieBrenaman/Good Shepherd Medical Center/Connexions, Kevin Campbell/GOBHI, Rick George/Lifeways, Rod Harwood/SAH/Chair, Aimee Herbert/Umatilla County Human Services, Carol Johnson/Lifeways, Maritza Madrigal/Good Shepherd Medical Center, Carolyn Mason/Umatilla County Human Services, Marci McMurphy/CAPECO, Susan Montgomery/GOBHI/EOHSC, Charity Murphy/Umatilla County Human Services, Blair Smith/Advantage Dental, Carol Speed/GOBHI, Angela Treadwell/Umatilla-Morrow Headstart/WIC, Darrin Umbarger/Clearview Mediation, Juan Valdez/Umatilla County Human Services, Jeff Williams/EOCIL, Chuck Wood/City Council, Mary Ann Wren/Advantage Dental, Scott Young/Columbia Care, Andrea Crane/Good Shepherd Medical Center/Connexions, Laura Aviles-Valdez/Umatilla County Human Services, Jeanne Bailey/Psychological Services of Pendleton,

1. Welcome and Introductions / Participants introduced themselves, mentioning their names along with the organization they represent. / ACTION: Rod Harwood asked that we stay away from using abbreviations or acronyms as much as possible.
2. Review of Minutes from
March, 2015. / Review of March minutes –
Chuck motion. Darrin second / ACTION: Minutes were approved.
Identified GAPS and Recommended Preventative Health Care Practices.
3. Community Members Feedback "what are you hearing from consumers"?
4. Around the Room-Preventative Care and other activities. / Without an Urgent Care facility open on Sundays in Hermiston or Pendleton, the only resource is the ER, ultimately hindering our goal to reduce ER visits.
When one CCO does not accept the other CCO’s insurance, it leaves the consumer confused about their coverage and questioning whether or not they should access care.
It would be helpful to be able to get more people into pain clinics and to start having them try alternative treatment for their chronic pain. The stigma that goes with chronic pain, that anyone with chronic pain are drug seekers, however they are receiving pain medications to cover the pain rather than addressing what is causing the pain.
Catie would like to know if it will be possible for the pain clinics to have access to EDIE reports to help with case coordination. Electronic communication between the agencies is important, just as face to face communication.
Chuck announced the demolition and release of particular buildings at the Blue Mountain Recovery Center to the City. The L-shaped building was however, not approved.
Chuck also announced the absence of the website listing on the EOCCO card for consumers. There are only phone numbers listed, no references to a website.
Rick reported 116 new assessments last month, 70 the month before, and 45 the month before that. Falling behind on being able to meet the needs of the members. There are three psychologists trying to get EOCCO to allow them to treat patients.
Cheryl Pearce with CHI St. Anthony Hospital spoke of electronic sharing and transitioning care for continuity. MAX MD is the vendor for providing information on what was done in hospital, last vitals, labs, etc.
Next Mental Health First Aid will be held at St. Anthony on May 4th.
Blair reported that Silver Flouride was just FDA approved and will be on the market in the next couple of months. / ACTION: St. Anthony Family Clinic will soon be onsite at the hospital which will expand coverage.
ACTION: Umatilla County and Lifeways are working towards the opening of pain clinics in Pendleton and in Hermiston. It is the intent to have these clinics up and running in a short time frame. They will be working with the same teams that were involved in getting the North Coast Pain Clinic up and running.
North Coast Pain Clinic in Astoria has been open since July with a 100% satisfaction rate and 95% say it is excellent.
ACTION: Kevin will connect with Shawn on getting the website listed on the card.
ACTION: Kevin will connect with Psychological Services of Pendleton and Lifeways to connect Medicare/Medicaid population. CAPCOE has programs that may be able to assist in lightening caseloads.
Always better to collaborate than be combative.
ACTION: If interested in getting set up with MAX MD, there is a signup sheet. Contact Cheryl Pearce at 541-278-2639
ACTION: Contact Carol Johnson at 541-567-2536 to register.
Community Health Improvement Plan:
5. Focus of Incentives Funds Update.
6. RCAC John Day
Incentive Measures Data
OHA Community Prevention Gap
B EL Hub EOCCO CHIP Summary / $3125.00 was mailed the first of this week.
GOBHI has two new hires, Jill Boyd as an auditor for primary care homes, and Troy Zollman as technical assistant to work with MODA. The addition of these two will help focus on the planning process.
Report out onEOCCO developmental screenings and PCP analysis.
Summary of how thevariousadvisory counselshave decided to expend their incentive funds. The incentive measures come from 2% of the risk pool.
EOCCO is the only CCO that distributed any money to the LCACs. Most CCOs have one LCAC, and EOCCO has 12 where monies were distributed.
Cadie reports that knowing how EDIE works has changed the way the community health workers are able to work cases. They are able to input information into EDIE, then other agencies can also see that information. Every emergency room in the state is connected so it helps keep the communication open. Because the report is ‘same time’, it is quite beneficial. / ACTION: Catie will begin working on the flyer.
ACTION: No Action / Reports were distributed.
Other Activities
7. Report out on Transformation Grant Activities / ACTION:
8.CAC Summit At Sunriver Resort June 3&4 / CAC Summit at Sunriver Resort June 3 – 4, 2015. Registration is due by the 20th of April to have hotel provided. Oregon Health Authority wants you to be there!!!! / ACTION: Register by April 20th.
9. Good of the Order, agenda
Items, and set a date for the
Next meeting. / Next meeting, Friday, May 8that Oregon Child Development Coalition in Milton Freewater.
Recorder: Charity Murphy / Adjourn-10:37 AM