Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Degree Requirement Worksheet

for Anthropology Majors, 2016-2017

Note: This is a worksheet only. Content has not been verified by the registrar.

Name: Class of ‘

Optional Additional Major(s): Optional Minor(s):

Part I: General WCAS Requirements

A. First-Year Seminars (2 courses total). Grade must be D or higher. No P/N.

Course Number & Title

B. Distribution Requirements (12 courses total). Includes approved AP credits (max = 2, each in a different area), transfer credits, and courses taken at Northwestern in which a grade of D or higher was earned. No P/N courses allowed.

Course Number & Title
I. Natural Sciences / 1.
II. Formal Studies / 1.
III. Social Sciences / 1
IV. Historical Studies / 1.
V. Ethics and Values / 1.
VI. Literature & Art / 1.

C. Writing Proficiency Requirement Fulfilled? Y / N

If no, plans for completion:

D. Foreign Language Requirement Fulfilled? Y / N

If no, plans for completion:

E. Total number of units earned, assuming successful completion of current enrollment (a minimum of 45 units is required):

Part II: Requirements for the Major in Anthropology (15 courses total)

·  Minimum grade of C-

·  Courses in Table B (distribution requirements) may be double-counted here.

·  Students must choose a concentration from: 1) Archaeology, 2) Biological Anthropology, 3) Cultural Anthropology, 4) Linguistic Anthropology 5) Human Biology, or 6) an approved area spanning these subfields. See a department adviser for details.

Course Number and Title / Taken?
4 core courses / 1. ANTH 211, Culture and Society
2. ANTH 213, Human Origins
3. ANTH 214, Culture Origins
4. ANTH 215, The Study of Culture Through Language
5 300-level courses in an area of concentration selected with an adviser from concentration;
see the Catalog or department for details / 5.
2 required courses / 10. ANTH 370, Anthro in Historical Perspective
11. ANTH 398, Senior Seminar
4 related courses from other disciplines as approved by a department adviser and related to student’s independent research **
2 300-level related courses / 12.
2 additional related courses, including 1 formal/statistical methods / 14

** Human biology concentrators have special related courses requirements: BIOL Sci 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, and 308 strongly recommended; CHEM 101/121, 102/122, 103/123 or 171/181, 172/182; CHEM 210-1,2, 3/136-1,2,3 or 135-1,2,3/136-1,2,3; MATH 220, 224 or equivalent; PHYSICS 130-1,2,3/136-1,2,3 or 135-1,2,3/136-1,2,3; 4 additional related courses, including STAT 202 and 3 300-level courses subject to approval of department adviser.

Part III: Notes

Use this section to note any exceptions to the normal requirements that have been approved by the department or dean’s office, for example, course substitutions or study abroad credits authorized towards the major or distribution requirements.