Isulan Community School, Inc.
Kalawag III, Isulan Sultan Kudarat
Anti Bullying Policy of Isulan Community School, Inc.
This policy is formulated to address the issue on bullying and its stand to uphold the vision-mission of the school.
Aims of this policy
This policy aims the following
- To promote a school campus conducive for learning
- To establish a strong Christian values among pupils-teachers and parents
- To bring awareness to the school community that bullying is dangerous
- To counter the effects of bullying on pupils
- To help pupils who are bullying and being bullied
Definition of Terms
Bullying occurs when one or more individuals (bullies) impose their power (physical, social, and/or intellectual)over one or more individuals (victims/targets) with the intent to gain control over, to embarrass, or to inflict harmor discomfort. Over time, bullies repeatedly pick on victims (Olweus, 1993).
Pupil with power (social and/or physical) who repeatedly picks onanother student or group of students with the intent to inflict harm ordiscomfort.
Pupil who is the target of bullying.
Pupil, teacher or a parent who observes bullying—may ignore bullying, encourage bullying,or take a stand against bullying.
Types of Bullying
Physical bullying
Hitting, pushing, kicking, slapping, pinching, biting, poking, choking, tripping,stealing or damaging property.
Verbal bullying
Name calling, using slurs, ridiculing, insulting, teasing, mocking, threatening,insulting, intimidating, manipulating, terrorizing; in person or via electronicmeans (cyber bullying)
Relational bullying
Excluding, rejecting, humiliating, and discounting peers; telling stories toruin reputations; spreading rumors; in person or via electronic means(cyber bullying)
Cyber bullying
A subtle form of doing harm towards another person using gadgets connected to the internet. Through social media or emails cyber bullies who hide their identity use to throw threats to their victims or make fun of them.
Impact on victims
- Fear and anxiety
- Depression
- Decreased self-esteem
- Frustration
- Anger
- Crying
- Withdrawal and school avoidance
- Aggressive behavior
- Lower academic achievement
- Difficulty making and keeping friends
Implementing the Policy
For proper implementation of this law to all in the campus, the school will make all possible measures to promote anti bullying.
The school
The school will make a clear stand against bullying
The administration will make an implementing rules and guidelines to help both bullies
and bullied pupils.
The advisers-teachers as managers together with the pupils will establish their own
policies and strategies to neutralize bullying
the school will collaborate with parents to help monitor thebehavior of their children.
The administration, teaching and non teaching staff and Student Body Organization
To develop policies and strategies to establish anti bullying drive
To create activities or curriculum that helps counter bullying behavior
To provide man powers in areas where bullying usually occur
Pupils who are being bullied
Make sure they are being heard
They know how and where to report the incidents
Make sure they will receive help
They know that the school is serious and able to address the issue
Pupil’s who are bullying
Make sure they will know that bullying is bad
Make sure that they know the school stands against any form of bullying and ready to
penalize suspect
They would learn to unlearn negative behavior
they know that the school can help them change
Make sure they know about the stand of the school about bullying
They know how to respond with the issue
They know their responsibilities as parents
They know what help can they offer to the school for their kids
Sanctions and disciplinary actions
To specifically address bullying, sanctions as well as disciplinary actions will be imposed to repel bullying and to seek solution to the issue. This is to ensure the school’s safe environment for learning.
As stated in our handbook giving
First offensewarning (verbal)
Second offenseviolation report
Third offenseconference with the parents
Fourth offensesuspension
Fifth offense dismissal
Reporting and recording incidents of bullying
Since some form of bullying is subtle and cannot easily be detected reporting and recording of incidents will be done using different methods. This is to safeguard the identity of pupils and other concerns to ensure confidentiality.
The following will be observed to encourage reporting
- Report through text, Emails/ social networking sites
- Report to teachers, Director, Guidance Coordinator or any trusted persons in the
- Campus
- Record and keeps evidence of bullying
- Keep records of meetings and produce copies to the guidance coordinator.
Prevention and intervention strategies
To ensure that this policy will be everybody’s concern and to sustain its drive againstbullying.
The school will use the following steps
- Provide more personnel in areas kids usually stay and play
- Enhance curriculum that would address bullying issue
- Quarterly reporting on pupils behavior inside the classrooms
- Establish a regular Spiritual Emphasis activity (convocation) which promote Biblical truths and values
- Promote godly slogans inside and outside the classrooms
- Conduct mini seminars regarding violence, conflict resolution and anger management.
To help both pupils who are bully and victims of bullying, the school will do counseling and other activities that would help them go back to normal life.
- Report to the Guidance coordinator for counseling
- Re orientation about bullying
- Monitoring on pupils under the restoration program
Submitted by:
School Director
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