The End-to-End LIS for All Laboratories
Choose the entire LIS, or just the module you need! WindoPath is a highly advanced, full-featured Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology information system with a modular, customizable design. This design allows quick and easy adaptation to the specific needsof laboratories of all sizes and testing capabilities. WindoPath is used in hospitals, private pathology groups, physician office labs, and various specialty labs including cytology, Dermatopathology, urology, gastroenterology, molecular pathology, toxicology, and genetic testing, among others.It is a complete Laboratory InformationSystem,including CLIA compliance, and HIPAA-related securityand privacy provisions.
WindoPath’s Standard Features Include:
» Industry-leading quality control
» Easy, automatic image capture and automatic image annotation
» Simple workload filtering and viewing
» ICD9 and ICD10 supported
» CAP eCC Electronic Synoptic Reporting
» Default worklists by workflow type
» 2D/3D bar code compatibility for hands-free specimen and procedure tracking
» Interfaces to instruments, devices, labelers, stainers, and other informationsystems
» Full audit trail and regulatory compliance
» Automatic charge capture
» Multiple standard and preference-driven report formatting options
» Interactive voice for Pap cases
» Hosted software delivery model is available
» Clinical condition rules and advanced reflex testing
» Client Services Module for logging and tracking internal and external QA for your customers
» Case Document and Image attachment automatically by the batch
» Physician/client specific report distribution
» Physician/client specific ordering panels
WindoPath is available as a robust, standalone anatomic pathology system, or as part of a completelyintegrated laboratory suite. WindoPath’s revolutionary Clinical Information Module provides the pathologistwith a complete picture of the patient’s condition. It allows them to view all of the clinicaland anatomic pathology results associated with a particular case, whether that lab is usinganother LIS or is interfacing clinical instruments directly to WindoPath.
An ever-increasing number of clinicians are looking for more than just data and boring, staticresults reports. The ability to provide clinicians with additional information, customized resultsreports, and the capability to place orders online right from their office is fundamental to servicing,and keeping, them in this ever competitive environment.
Equipping the system manager with an integrated toolset that allows him to easily update andcustomize libraries, medical necessity rules, result interpretations, reference ranges, collectionrequirements, etc. to stay current with new and evolving tests, regulations and standards willincrease accuracy and reimbursement.
Customized Reporting
WindoPath features extremely flexible, intelligent report creationand formatting. _ e laboratory can generate an unlimited numberof report types and formats for each physician and/or physiciangroup it serves, as well as each pathologist working in the lab.Formatting reports is easy and automatic, controlled by preferencesset at either the lab level or by individual system users, and can quickly be modified in real-time to meet specific requests.
About Us
Psyche Systems Corporation is a private, profit-driven software company that has focused exclusivelyon delivering laboratory information software to hospitals, clinics, reference labs, and privatelabs since 1976. It is this unwavering focus on serving our core customer base that has enabledPsyche to maintain strong customer loyalty and deliver on our commitment to high qualityproducts and services. Psyche Systems’ laboratory information software are best-of-breed products designed to meet the specific needs of anatomic pathology, clinical, and molecular laboratories.We at Psyche work closely with our customer base during product development to ensurewe are delivering the highest quality products and services at a competitive price.
Psyche’s Products
» WindoPath Clinical LIS– WindoPath is now a single LIS for all types of labs and contains full Clinical LIS functionality for the non-hospital lab including all standard features. Clinical LIS solution for labs of all types and sizes, built on the functionality,database and utilizing the same core product of our award winning WindoPath AP LIS. This providesclinical labs with the proven and award winning, functionality and track record that our APLIS is known for. It also enables AP or clinical labs to have the ability to expand their test menus,while providing a completely seamless, full history and view of each patient and case, includingtruly combined report capabilities. Supports Molecular retesting and image attachments on the same specimen, and also provides patient links for full history of the patient and family so that familial genetic patterns can be identified.
» WPTox – An LIS purpose-built for drug and toxicology labs. WPTox simplifies and streamlines much of the toxicology and pain management sample collection process through its easy-to-use web based portal, which asks specific questions pertaining to the patient’s history, drug use and prescription medications. WPTox includes the ability to capture, properly classify and interpret the presence and/or absence of prescribed and non-prescribed drugs, as well as drugs of abuse. This intelligent LIS executes special logic to determine whether the metabolites detected, or not-detected, are consistent or inconsistent with the known information captured at the time of order. The software evaluates the expected pattern of results based on the presence or absence of multiple analytes, and provides a report that is designed specifically for this type of testing.
» e.Outreach– Now you can offer your customers the abilityto order a full range of clinical, pathology andmolecular tests. Simply. With the click of amouse—then give them the ability to routethe orders directly to the appropriate testinglocation and to receive the reports back,customized and in the manner they prefer.
The Order Entry screens provide patient andsample demographic information as well as amenu of lab tests and supplies that are availableto be ordered by each client or physician.Clients can search for specific patient reports,or can view a listing of all available reports bydate range and completion status. Reports can be viewed selectively and/or batch printedto local office printers, faxed, etc. based uponspecific customer requirements. In additionto viewing the patient’s current report, clientscan view a patient’s full result history. One ormore tests may be selected and displayedin a graph over time, to further enhance thediagnostic value of the results.
» MicroPath – MicroPath is a purpose-built, full-featured, easy to use and affordable microbiologyapplication. A powerful application specifically designed tosupport the unique workflows of a paperlessMicrobiology laboratory. Designed to employfull bar coding to store and retrieve patient andculture information, MicroPath automaticallyassociates the required culture media,and the required number of specimen andmedia labels. Culture-specific workup rules,templates, and batch result entry eliminatetime-consuming data entry and provide a fullyelectronic work card. MicroPath also easilyinterfaces with any instrument, and seamlesslysupports molecular testing, such as PCR, thatis typically performed in the Microbiology lab.MicroPath was built in conjunction with microbiologists to ensure that it meets thespecific needs and workflow for microbiologists. Microbiology processing no longer needs to be amanual or cumbersome process!
» EMR Interfacing– Psyche Systems has developed a new way toconnect all of your physician office EMR and
Practice Management systems to your lab,without the cost and complexity of traditionalinterfacing methods. This dynamic Internet-basedprocess exchanges demographic,billing, order, and result data from your clients’EMR systems with your Hospital or LaboratoryInformation System. Psyche’s intelligent patientmatching capabilities can dramatically reduceor eliminate the need for manual or duplicatedata entry for you and your clients. Thisimproves accuracy and turnaround time, andreduces errors. Information is exchangedusing standard industry file formats includingHL7, XML and PDF.
» e.AutoPrint–Provides the ability to print your laboratory’sresult report directly to the location yourclient prefers whether that is to a printer intheir office, on their desk, at the location theypractice at on Mondays and Wednesdays onthose days and the one they practice at theremaining days—the options are limitless.eAutoPrint is your lab’s solution to having tofax. You are no longer tied to dedicated phonelines, line and usage charges, low resolution,grainy and black and white reports. You willnow be able to support high resolution, fullcolor images on reports for a polished finishedproduct.
» LabTEN–The Laboratory Test Exchange Network(LabTEN) seamlessly routes various types oftesting from your laboratory to the appropriatetesting locations or reference laboratory based on specific parameters such as orderingprovider, insurance, and testing priority. TheLabTENhub integrates with any LIS with a single bi-directional interface, and exchangeselectronic orders and results to any number ofexternal testing locations for a more efficientand secure transaction. LabTEN providestracking and interface monitoring tools, as wellas a mechanism to view interface messagesfor easier support.
» e.Dashboard –This module provides a real-time laboratorymanagement dashboard with customproductivity and performance reports andstandard management reports. eDashboardallows managers to have a holistic view of thelaboratory’s ‘health’ at any point in time.