Regular Meeting
July 14, 2014
Call to order
The meeting was called to order on Monday, July 14, 2014 by Mr. Aloe at 5:00pm.
Roll Call
Present: Absent:
Mr. Sal Aloe
Dr. Pamela Rossi-Keen
Mr. Robert Sacco
Mr. Jerry Fleeson
Mrs. Marta Karwoski
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to Adopt Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Sacco to adopt the agenda. Mr. Fleeson seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.
Approval and Signing of Minutes
Mr. Aloe motioned to approve the June 9, 2014 minutes and Mrs. Karwoski seconded the motion. It was passed with a unanimous decision.
CEO’s Report
Field day was a success. The Gnarra Family donated lunch for volunteers.
Caught being good prizes were given out and the kids were very happy.
We are catching up on fire drills this week because we missed some because of the snow.
Correspondence Mrs. Sangermano gave the NNDS June Services report.
Solicitor’s Report Mr. McKenna reported that the State budget was signed. It will negatively affect our PSER’s reimbursement.
Financial Report
A motion to approve a – e of the financial report was made by Mr. Sacco and Mr. Aloe seconded the motion. The decision was unanimously passed.
a. Recommend that the Board approve the attached unaudited financial statements as of June 30, 2014
b. Recommend the Board approve the list of invoices paid in June 2014 totaling $276,195.59 from the General Fund
c. Recommend the Board approve and sign checks for payment
d. Recommend the Board request an increase for the Line of Credit with First National Bank.
e. Recommend the Board approve opening a new checking account for the cafeteria with First National Bank.
Approval of services
Mr. Fleeson motioned that the Board approve a new contract with Grow A Generation for the 2014-2015 subject to legal review. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Karwoski and unanimously approved. Ms. Bensink stated that the new contract had more hours and breaks down the hours for us.
Mr. Fleeson motioned that the board approve the personnel report dated July 14, 2014. Mr. Aloe seconded the motion. The motion was passed with the remaining board members voting in favor.
Board Member Questions & Comments
Mr. Swartzmiller came to speak with board about an alternative plan for the 2015-2016 school year. We do not have a building for that school year. We found a local steel building manufacturer that can build what we need for $5,000,000.00 in 14 months vs. $13,000,000.00 proposed by Lami-Greb. We were very excited about this, but we met with Lami-Greb and the Sisters of St. Joseph’s and told them about the new bid and that we couldn’t afford their bid. Lami-Greb is going to re-work their numbers in order to get it to a price that we could afford. The Board is awaiting Lami-Greb’s new bid to decide how to proceed.
It was also discussed that the board needs to add members and we should begin search.
Dr. Pamela Rossi-Keen voted to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Mr. Fleeson and was approved by all.
Signed by:______
Dr. Pamela Rossi-Keen
Board Secretary